Martial Inverse

Chapter 79 Earth Cataclysm

"Brother Monkey..."

The Bull Demon King was stunned in place, feeling a little lost in his heart.

Sun Wukong is a legend in the heavens and all worlds. Although he was born in the demon world like him, he is the only demon god who has set foot in the God Realm, and he also has a very high right to speak in the God Realm.

The Bull Demon King originally wanted to get closer to Sun Wukong, so that he would be able to brag in the world in the future.

However, Monkey King did not give it this chance.

"Brother Feng, wait for me..."

The Bull Demon King changed direction and chased after Feng Hao again. While roaring, his face was slightly hot.

"Feng Hao, that monkey is very powerful."

Seeing Feng Hao and others coming, Xiao Qiuqiu hurriedly called Xiao Hei to transform, and the two little guys turned into fleshy pets again, and jumped into the arms of Xia Shilan and Liu Xiaofei.

Rubbing gently on their chests.

Feng Hao felt dizzy when he saw the behavior of the two little guys, but Xia Shilan and Liu Xiaofei seemed to enjoy it very much. While blushing slightly, they also smiled shyly.

They already knew the identities of Xiao Qiuqiu and Xiao Hei, so they were no strangers to talking about Xiao Qiuqiu.


Feng Hao nodded.

Sun Wukong is indeed very powerful. Through contact, he feels that the other party is not an enemy, and he has made a promise that after the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree bears fruit, he will leave a fruit for him.

The reason for doing this is also Feng Hao's recognition of Sun Houzi.

Xiao Qiuqiu wanted to ask Feng Hao why he made such a decision. Not only did he exchange the golden cudgel for the other party, he even agreed to give him the holy fruit, which is incredible.

But seeing that Feng Hao didn't seem to want to say more, he stopped asking.

After that, Feng Hao took Xia Shilan and others, together with Xiao Qiuqiu and Xiao Hei, to the manor where the Jin family stayed.

That was the only place in the ancestral land of the Jin family that was not affected by the sacred tree, and the members of the Jin family and Jin Jing also stayed there.

"Brother Feng,

Wait, old cow, hoo! "

At this moment, the Bull Demon King chased after him, sweating profusely, as if he had collapsed.

But Feng Hao knew that this guy was the best at acting. As a demon king, he was out of breath and sweating profusely after running for a few steps.

Apparently, the Bull Demon King was faking it.

"I'm so exhausted, Brother Feng, you're walking too fast." The Bull Demon King wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Because his clothes were rotten and his sunglasses were rotten, his hair was wet at the moment, and he was very embarrassed.

Feng Hao rolled his eyes at the Bull Demon King, and said, "Aren't you going to follow that Monkey King? Why did you come back suddenly?"


The Bull Demon King was stunned, he didn't expect Feng Hao to be so direct, he said with a dry smile: "My big brother... no, the grandson monkey said that he is used to being alone... By the way, let me come over to thank you."


Feng Hao was a little surprised, and then the corner of his mouth raised a curve. He really saw Sun Houzi correctly, a strong man with a good heart.

Afterwards, Feng Hao squinted, and said softly: "Stop bragging in front of me in the future, I really thought you had a good relationship with Monkey King, but I didn't expect that you just came out of the demon world together, but I am friendly with people and never look at each other Cultivation is strong or weak, because, anyway, not as strong as me."

Feng Hao is very direct and domineering.

But the Bull Demon King was stunned, with a look of admiration on his face, he almost knelt down and sang Conquer.

Crazy, so crazy.

He actually said that no matter how strong the opponent is, he is not as strong as him anyway... This kind of confidence is really not something that ordinary strong people can have.

Only the Lord of the Great Thousand Worlds dares to boast like this.

In the dark, Xiao Qiuqiu and Xiao Hei Hei extended their thumbs to Feng Hao.

At the same time, everyone in the Jin family's manor saw Feng Hao and his group strolling in. Everyone's hairs started to stand up and their backs felt cold.

"My God, Feng Hao is here again."

"Is this going to be exterminated? The ancestor is dead, and the holy son of the Qianyu God Clan has also been exiled. Why don't you let us go?"

"Whoo, mom!"

The Jin family was about to cry, and everyone was on the verge of collapse.

Feng Hao's series of scenes of suppressing the big monsters outside the territory are really shocking, especially in the end that even the legendary Monkey King came out.

It seems that he is not Feng Hao's opponent.

At this moment, the hearts of the Jin family members were at a loss.

"Jin Jing, please, you came back with that cow, and that cow has a very close relationship with Feng Hao, please help to talk."

An elder of the Jin family begged Jin Jing with a mournful face.

"The matter of the Jin family has nothing to do with me. Back then you chose my brother to be the carrier of the holy son of the Qianyu God Clan. I did not hesitate to sentence the Jin family. You are still determined to go your own way. It is impossible to ask me to help now."

Jin Jing resolutely refused, with hatred in her expression.

The elder's face was stiff, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He obviously didn't expect Jin Jing to be so unkind. He said with a serious expression: "Don't forget, you are also from the Jin family. Your parents have lived so well these years. If it weren't for us , with their aptitude, it is impossible to stay in the core of the Jin family for a long time."

"They? Hehe"

There was a faint pain in Jin Jing's eyes, but it disappeared in a flash. She stared at the elder Jin's parents coldly, and sneered: "The parents who almost sold our siblings back then, do you think I will recognize them?"


The elder was short of breath, blew his beard and stared, but he couldn't do anything to Jin Jing, under the rage, he fell to the ground, his limbs twitched slightly.

It's like having epilepsy.


This scene caused an uproar among the other Jin family members, and their expressions became even weirder.

The other elders of the Jin family also surrounded them.

But when they were about to accuse Jin Jing, Feng Hao and others had already arrived outside the manor.


The Bull Demon King is very powerful. He kicked the door of the Jin family to pieces. When he saw Jin Jing surrounded by several old men, he glared and scolded: "What a shameless bunch of old people. They bully you in broad daylight. Good girl."

"What did you say?"

The faces of the elders turned red, looking at the Bull Demon King who looked like a beggar, they wished they could cut him into pieces.

"Brother Feng, what do you think, do these people want me to help the old cow?" The Bull Demon King looked at Feng Hao.

Now he intends to 'make amends', knowing that he must please Feng Hao, after all, because of Sun Houzi's incident, his impression in Feng Hao's heart has been greatly reduced.

"How do you think these people got her?" Feng Hao asked back.


The Bull Demon King shuddered. Thinking of the previous battle with Jin Jing, he knew that Jin Jing was definitely one of the most powerful men on earth.

This talent is already extremely outstanding in the doomed age of the earth.

When the elders of Jin's family heard Feng Hao's words, they showed doubts. Obviously, they didn't know Jin Jing's strength.

Just when Feng Hao's words just fell, Jin Jing suddenly raised an alarm, the cold breath surged in her body, and she shouted coldly: "Get out!"


Following Jin Jing's cold shout, as the spiritual power surged and exploded, the clothes of several elders burst directly, and their bodies even flew upside down.

When he fell to the ground, he opened his mouth and spit out a few mouthfuls of old blood.



An elder said in horror, and then the entire manor was in an uproar. Everyone looked at each other and saw the horror in their eyes.

A Nascent Soul cultivator at such a young age?

"what happened?"

But suddenly, someone frowned and said.

At this moment, everyone clearly felt that the temperature of the earth seemed to have changed slightly, and the sky became darker visible to the naked eye.

The sun is covered.

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