Martial Inverse

Chapter 80 The Gate of Time and Space

"Why is it dark?"

"What happened? The sky was still sunny just now, but it was actually dark."

People were surprised to find that the sun disappeared, and the originally clear sky was still dark and gray at this moment.

But then, a huge roar came from the sky, and an ice-blue light shone in the clouds, and the outline of a huge object could be vaguely seen.


People's hearts were shaken, the ice-blue light was in the form of a ring, occupying half of the sky, especially the roaring sound, making people guess that it might be a spaceship.

But such a huge spaceship is impossible to build with the current technological level of the earth. Obviously, people who have been in contact with alien civilizations have more or less guessed that this may be an alien spaceship.

"Is it time for the earth to be full of disasters?"

"Could this be the catastrophe of our human beings? Earth, what on earth attracted them, first were powerful monsters, and now it is the arrival of this technological alien civilization."

People are very depressed and full of confusion about the future.

During this period of time, the earth seemed to have completely changed, and it had broken away from the world they knew before, and various bizarre phenomena occurred.

Just when people were frightened and panicked, Feng Hao and others who were far away in the ancestral land of the Jin family in Huashan Huaxia also witnessed this scene.

And Feng Hao, who knows the earth very well, also knows that this huge spaceship comes from other planets in the universe.

"Which planet is this creature?"

Feng Hao's expression was very dignified. The big monster who came before came across the void, every time it was a big monster, but this time it was obviously different.

Surprisingly, such a huge spaceship came and hovered in space, blocking the sun.

Such a spaceship can accommodate big monsters from outside the territory, which cannot be measured by one head and two ends.

"Too ruthless, is this going to destroy the earth?"

The Bull Demon King was speechless secretly, feeling a great pressure.

If the alien spaceship was filled with the previous big monster kings, it would be difficult for Feng Hao to fight with them all.

"It is impossible to destroy the earth.


Feng Hao knows the background of the planet Earth, and even the big monsters from outside the territory covet the holy tree of extreme demons, and the earth where the holy tree of extreme demons is born, will it be simple?

Obviously impossible.

"They are undoubtedly here for the fruit of the Extreme Demon Sacred Tree." Feng Hao said calmly.

If it were in the Great Thousand World, with the strength of his main god, this spaceship would be reduced to powder in a single thought, but even in this universe world, he has never been afraid.

He has fought almost all his life, and this time is not lacking.

"Damn it, come and grab the sacred fruit with my old cow, come and kill one, one or two kills one pair."

Hearing Feng Hao's words, the Bull Demon King's eyes turned red.

With Feng Hao, Xiao Hei, Xiao Qiuqiu and Sun Houzi, he probably only has one left, and if the last one is to be snatched away, he will go crazy.

The Bull Demon King's eyes were bloodshot, and he was determined to fight to the end.

Feng Hao rolled his eyes at the Bull Demon King. If the big monsters descending on this spaceship were all at the level of the Giant Gorilla King, the Bull Demon King would probably be caught without a fight.

"That's fine. If there is a big monster coming later, I will leave it to you." Feng Hao said seriously.

The Bull Demon King was stunned, and laughed dryly, with a hint of helplessness appearing in the depths of his eyes, he really didn't dare to have any temper towards Feng Hao.

The Lord of the Thousand Worlds, even in the heavens and worlds, Emperor Yun will treat each other with courtesy.

He is just a little king in the demon world, and it is a great honor to be able to make friends with him.

At the same time, the huge roar between the sky and the ground stopped, and the spacecraft was also staying outside the atmosphere. From the International Space Station, it looked like it was wearing a hat above the earth.

This spaceship is too huge.

The video sent back from the International Space Station was subsequently deciphered by international hackers, and, immediately, the video data was passed to the king of hackers, Sombra.

And 'Black Shadow' is Feng Hao.

drop ~ drop ~

There was a vibrating sound from Feng Hao's mobile phone, and his brows were slightly frowned immediately. He had specially set it on his mobile phone, and only when special people or organizations came to him would there be such a vibrating sound.

He took out his phone, unlocked it, and there was a mysterious person's head in his eyes, and a text message followed by a video.

There is no phone number, no call notification, as if it appeared from the mobile phone out of thin air, the method is amazing.

The content of the newsletter is: Ying, please see!

"It's them……"

Feng Hao knows that in the dark world of the Internet, the only one who calls him "Shadow" is the leader of the organization known as the world's strongest defense system that he has cracked.

Feng Hao clicked on the video, and it was the image of the spaceship coming from outside the domain, and he was a little surprised in his heart.

This spaceship actually flies directly from the sun, and it can withstand the scorching high temperature, which is simply amazing.

Moreover, after a closer look, Feng Hao discovered a suspicious point. The moment the spaceship appeared, the surface of the sun seemed to be torn open.

Inside the opening, there was no flame spurting, but instead there was a faint light, like the entrance to hell.

"Feng Hao, what are you looking at?"

Seeing the change in Feng Hao's expression, the girls asked curiously.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu also stretched their heads and stared at Feng Hao, while the Bull Demon King sneaked a glance, and he was the boss with the eyes of the bull.

"The gate of time and space?" Bull Demon King exclaimed.


Feng Hao frowned, looked at the Bull Demon King, and said, "Tell me about the origin of this thing."

In a vague way, Feng Hao felt that the Bull Demon King knew a lot of things in the universe, but he didn't know where he got them from.

But Feng Hao doesn't care about these, what he wants is the result.

"This is the gate of time and space. I also learned from the letters left by the ancestors of the demon world from the heavens and the world."

The Bull Demon King said seriously: "Our ancestors from the demon world once came to the earth, and they came from the gate of time and space."

"However, the gate of time and space in our demon world is not in this huge fireball, but inside Yinghuoxing. When I came here, I also connected to Yinghuoxing with the Qiankun bag of the ancestor of the Zhou family, so I succeeded. coming."

The Bull Demon King said without any concealment, now, he needs to make a good impression in Feng Hao's heart, so that he can follow the soup.

"Ying Huo Xing is Mars." Feng Hao nodded.

He has read a lot of information on the earth. The Yinghuo star has indeed left many legends. The Yinghuo star is the God of War star, and its trajectory changes, which is full of confusion.

So the ancients may call it Yinghuoxing.

It turned out that it was actually a gate of time and space. Connecting the heavens and the world.

And Feng Hao also learned a terrible fact from the words of the Bull Demon King, the small earth, known, actually has two space-time gates connected.

Obviously, this has been arranged long ago. It is very possible that a certain powerful existence played a game of chess long ago.

And now, the game of chess begins.

Feng Hao couldn't help guessing that there might be more than these two space-time gates in the entire galaxy, otherwise, this game of chess would be too boring.

"It seems that the Chinese legend did not come out of thin air. Perhaps in the distant past, the characters in those myths really existed, and this extreme demon sacred tree has something to do with the chance of the main god, or maybe they have something to do with them."

At this moment, Feng Hao is also in awe of the myth of the earth.

He is Pangu God, and there is also a Pangu God on the earth... He suspects that there may be a connection between the two.

"Could it be my previous life?"

Feng Hao's expression changed slightly, and his heart was moved. The Huaxia of the earth is like a woman covered with a veil, and people can't help but want to find out.

"As long as you go on, everything will come to light..."

Feng Hao's eyes became firmer, and he also looked at the spaceship outside the domain. He firmly believed that all the secrets would come to the surface.

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