"The earth is now the target of public criticism."

The Bull Demon King said dejectedly that in order to reach the earth, he had secretly communicated with the ancestors of the Jin family for countless years, and only got a chance to cross the gate of time and space with the cosmic bag as a lure.

Unexpectedly, this spaceship actually came from the gate of time and space on the sun. This is the rhythm of moving a strong man from a world.

"Lao Niu, the Qiankun bag of the ancestor of the Zhou family is connected to the gate of time and space of Mars. Do you know the origin of the universe bag?"

Feng Hao didn't pay much attention to the spaceship, but set his eyes on the Bull Demon King.

"I don't know. I just sensed the imprint of the Qiankun bag on the gate of time and space in the heavens, ten thousand realms, and demon realms."

The Bull Demon King shook his head, but then he was not too sure: "It is possible that the gate of time and space on Mars was laid by the strong on the earth, and then...he reached the heavens and worlds..."

Thinking of this, the bull devil's hairs stood on end.

The strong man of the earth built a gate of time and space to connect the heavens and worlds, and went to his world?

If this is true, how powerful is that guy?

It was already so powerful thousands of years ago, but its current cultivation level...is probably even more difficult to fathom.

"By the way, Brother Feng, we have a legend that Emperor Yun was able to become the Lord of the World thanks to the help of a mysterious person. I heard that the mysterious person allowed Emperor Yun to live two lives..."

The Bull Demon King thought of the legend about the heavens and worlds, and felt a little trembling in his heart.

If the legend is true, how powerful would that mysterious person be if he could bring Emperor Yun back to life twice? I'm afraid...beyond the world ruler.


Thinking of this, the Bull Demon King turned pale.

The more powerful an existence is, the more difficult it is to understand the road of cultivation. I thought that the next level would be the end, but after I really practiced up, I realized that maybe... this is just the beginning.

"Is what you said true?"

In the depths of Feng Hao's eyes, there is also a deep shock, who can bring the Lord of the World back to life, what is the identity of that mysterious person?

at least,

Feng Hao thinks that even in the Great Thousand World, he controls the laws and creates all things, but... if he wants to bring the strong back to life, it is very difficult for him to do such a big job.

Feng Hao thought for a moment, then said softly: "Is it possible that the gate of time and space came from this mysterious person, and he...may come from the earth?"

The Bull Demon King swallowed his saliva, nodded and said: "If the legend is true, there is a possibility... In this way, the earth can be said to be a special place in the universe."

On the side, Xia Shilan and the girls felt dizzy. They didn't understand these things, so they sounded confused.

But from what Feng Hao and the Bull Demon King said, they could still hear the shocking meaning.

Xiao Qiuqiu and Xiao Hei also stared wide-eyed, and there was a strong sense of curiosity in their eyes. Like Feng Hao, they both wanted to know the identity of the mysterious person and their relationship with the earth.

Including...why the opportunity of the main god appeared on the earth.

"Brother Feng, you see that there is a gate of time and space in this world. If you come from the world, don't you come from the gate of time and space?"

The Bull Demon King looked at Feng Hao suspiciously.

After all, Feng Hao didn't seem to know the existence of the gate of time and space just now.

Feng Hao shook his head: "We came from the teleportation array."

"Teleportation array?"

The Bull Demon King's eyes widened, and he lost his voice: "Why is the teleportation array so awesome? It can actually span two worlds."

Feng Hao was silent.

Before, he didn't have any idea about the teleportation array of the Jidong clan.

Only now do I know that this family from the far east of the earth cannot be underestimated. The great world they reached from the earth to the other side is a legend in itself.

"If you don't say it, then don't say it..." Seeing that Feng Hao didn't speak, the Bull Demon King thought that he had offended Feng Hao, and his heart pounded violently.

Feng Hao looked at the Bull Demon King, and asked, "Is there any extreme eastern clan in the heavens and myriad worlds?"

"No..." The Bull Demon King had no impression of this family.

"After this incident, I will go to the heavens and worlds with you."

After saying this, Feng Hao stopped discussing this topic. After all, there were too many things involved, and it was very inconvenient for many outsiders to be here.

The Bull Demon King blinked his eyes, revealing a hint of joy.

If Feng Hao goes to the heavens and worlds, his old cow's good life will really come...

Think about it, there is a real world master standing behind him, those scumbags in God's Domain, why don't they kneel and lick?


Thinking of this, the old cow's saliva flowed out, causing the women to cast contemptuous looks.

At the same time, when the eyes of the whole world were on the huge spaceship in the sky, the officials of various countries also took measures.

Sitting still is not the policy of these national alliances.

They first dispatched the advance troops and drove the fighter plane close, but the fighter plane just broke through the clouds, was blocked by the transparent light curtain, and then exploded directly.

Fragments of the fighter plane fell, and the pilot parachuted, but within a moment, a streamer flew out from the light curtain, and the pilot was taken in, and his life and death were uncertain.

Afterwards, the guns were launched in unison, and the sound shook the sky.

However, there is a light curtain on the outside of this spaceship, and even the nuclear warhead can't make any ripples, and the officials of various countries are helpless.

This is no longer an existence they can contend with.

They even said that they had nothing to do with this catastrophe.

The only way... is to rely on that world-shaking Feng Hao, and I can only place hope on him.

As a result, officials from all over the world communicated with the high-level officials of Huaxia through their embassies to make friends with Huaxia. Even the president of country m directly talked to the person in Huaxia on the phone in the tone of a younger brother.

Today, the whole world is announcing the establishment of diplomatic relations with China, hoping to be blessed by China.

They are not stupid. All these creatures from outside the region came to China. Obviously... China has been a mysterious country since ancient times.

If you don't pay well, you will lose your qualifications in the future.

Afterwards, another text message came from Feng Hao's mobile phone, which was from that organization. The content said that the official countries announced the establishment of diplomatic relations with China and promoted China as the leader of the alliance.

In addition, at the end of the newsletter is a request from that organization, hoping that Sombra can contact Feng Hao, because on a website opened by this organization, there is a post asking for a fight.

The content is to ask Feng Hao to play.

But now, the invitation to fight posts has reached 800 million people.

This shows that there are 80,000 ordinary people all over the world. On the website of this organization, they ask Feng Hao to fight for them and protect the earth.

Feng Hao looked at this text message with a wry smile on his face.

This organization knew about his shadow, but didn't know that he was actually Feng Hao.

"I am Feng Hao, you have contacted me, please pass me the address of Battle.net."

Feng Hao typed out a few codes, and the text message was sent directly to that organization regardless of the communication frequency band.

At the same time, a dilapidated factory building in a small city in Huaxia Kingdom was filled with computers, wires and cables, and various digital signal lights flickered.

At this moment, the server received a text message from a special code.

The content is very simple: I am Fenghao, please contact me...

In an instant, the entire workshop fell into dead silence.

Dozens of people looked at each other, their eyes full of disbelief...

"The black shadow...is Fenghao...oh my God."

"No wonder Sombra is so powerful. There are dozens of us who are no match for him alone. He broke through our defense system. It turns out...he is Feng Hao."

"Boss, hurry up, please send the link of Battle.net to Sombra..."

Afterwards, everyone in the factory got busy again, constantly expanding the capacity of Battle.com, and at the same time sending the link to Fenghao's mobile phone far away in the ancestral home of the Jin family in Huashan...

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