Martial Inverse

Chapter 82 Cutting (Part 1)


Feng Hao's cell phone rang again, he entered a few codes skillfully, and entered the black screen, and then a link to a website appeared.

Click to open.

The five-pointed star coat of arms, the logo of the organization, appeared on the homepage, and below it was a post asking for a fight. Today, the number of visits to the website has exceeded one billion.

Only open for one day.

"Feng Hao, please, defend our homeland."

"Aliens are invading, and at the time of life and death, I, the Minister of Defense of Country X, ask Feng Hao to fight for mankind."

"Our technology cannot cause any damage to this spaceship. Human beings have tried their best. You, Feng Hao, the god who fights against the big monsters from outside the world, please help us defend the earth."


A series of posts, all starting with a challenge, came into Feng Hao's eyes.

At this moment, even he who had gone through thousands of calamities, his eyes were reddish and he was deeply touched.

On the earth, people from all over the world are posting messages here, asking him to fight, and are willing to give everything.

In fact, all the countries on Earth are at the end of the road, and their weapons have not caused any substantial damage to this spaceship.

A light curtain shield will defeat the cutting-edge technology of various countries.

So, everyone thought of that, and successively suppressed several big monsters from outside the territory, Feng Hao who was like a god.

"Feng Hao, what are you looking at?"

Xia Shilan, Liu Xiaofei and the others approached Fenghao out of curiosity, and saw the website on Fenghao's phone.

In an instant, the faces of the girls were all moved.

The entire screen is filled with the word 'Fenghao', and there are countless scrolling.

And, there are new posts born.

Moreover, the number of reappearances in the lower right corner made them dizzy. The string of numbers was too long, at least over one billion.

After a long time, Feng Hao took a deep breath.

He hesitated for a moment,

But then he held the phone with both hands and skillfully posted, using the ID of Sombra.

"I, Fenghao, fight!"

With four short words, Feng Hao directly clicked to post.

This time, it is fighting for the human beings on earth. If the existence in this spaceship intends to harm human beings, Feng Hao will kill them without mercy.

At the same time, this post was captured by that organization as soon as it was sent out, and it was immediately pinned to the top.

As a result, all the people in the world who asked to fight saw the post on the top of the website, don't mark it in big red.

"My God, Feng Hao agreed to fight for the earth and for the people of the world."

"Thank you. I am a sculptor. My ancestors participated in the construction of the Statue of Liberty. From now on, I will erect a statue for you throughout my life and stand tall in the magic capital of China."

Countless people follow the post, and it is difficult to express their emotions.

Even some people on the Forbes Rich List directly uploaded small videos with red eyes, thanking Feng Hao for his willingness to fight, and said that after the catastrophe was over, they would join public welfare undertakings.

After posting, Feng Hao turned off the phone directly.

At this moment, his mood was very calm. Originally, as the main god of the universe, he could not care about the safety of the people on earth.

Just need to protect the opportunity of the earth.

But... the content of the invitation post, the demands of billions of people on Earth, moved him, and at the same time, he had a touch of appreciation.

Appreciate this unity of humanity.

Therefore, he is willing to make a move for this group of united and loving people.

Take it as the main god, blessing the world.

At the same time, the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree seemed to have sensed the change in Feng Hao's mood, its branches stretched out, and the green leaves shone brightly, emitting bursts of divine light.

Right at this moment, the summoning intent coming from inside the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree became stronger at this moment, and it already had the meaning of can't wait.

"You have won the hearts of the world, so, for this sword, master."

Intermittent voices sounded in Feng Hao's mind out of thin air, and then, an inexplicable connection extended from the inside of the Demon Sacred Tree, like a bond, directly establishing a connection with him.

In an instant, countless fragmentary pictures came, all of which were scenes of ancient mythological battles, scenes of immortals and demons dancing wildly, the world was like purgatory, and then a sword appeared out of nowhere to slay the demons.

This sword seems to have been conceived by heaven and earth, full of divinity, and also mixed with countless thoughts, killing, joy, anger, sorrow, joy... and other thoughts.

When the evil spirits were punished and the world became clear, the sword escaped into the earth and disappeared without a trace.

But Feng Hao, through these fragmentary pictures, knew that the sword was now inside the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree, and he had already sensed it.

It was an indescribable feeling, as if a sliver of flesh and blood separated from oneself produced spirituality and turned into a divine sword.

But at this moment, the spaceship on the sky, after a short period of silence, finally made a movement, and a beam of light hung down directly from the sky.

It directly shined on the center of the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree.

It seems... also looking for the trace of the sword.

"Humble human being, I, the ancient demon god Chi You, have returned!"

In the beam of light of the spaceship, a figure descended from the sky and landed slowly. Its appearance was actually the same as that of Chi You in myths and legends.

With its appearance, dark red clouds appeared between the dark sky and the earth, filling every corner of the sky.

The whole earth is like a scene of purgatory on earth.

"Isn't this the guy from the movie God of War, Chi You?"

"My God, do you mean that all the characters in the ancient god battle will appear? Will the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan also appear? Is he Zhengxie?"

The people of Huaxia are panicking. The reappearance of characters in mythology, especially a demon god, is an extremely bad omen.

It is enough to show that there is nothing good about the existence of this spaceship.

"Feng Hao, what is the origin of this guy? Judging from your appearance, you seem to know each other?"

The Bull Demon King stared at Chi You, who descended from the sky, his eyes were full of jealousy. It was too pretentious for this guy to come down, and he was accompanied by a halo.

But then, he found that not only Feng Hao, but also the expressions of the other women were particularly weird.

"You guys know each other too? This is a big monster from outside the territory. One finger can destroy the existence of mountains and rivers." Bull Demon King's eyes widened, and his expression was full of disbelief.

"I have a small clip here, take a look."

Zhang Yi took out his mobile phone from his bag, opened a short video, and handed it to the Bull Demon King.

When the latter saw it, his eyes widened.

The video clip that Zhang Yi showed to the Bull Demon King was a short section of Feng Hao beheading Chi You in the ancient God of War movie. This section was very exciting and domineering, so Zhang Yi specially edited it and saved it in his mobile phone.

"Chi You was killed, why did he come back?" The bull devil's head was about to explode.

Through the video just now, he clearly concluded that Chi You must die.

But now, who is this guy who fell from the sky?

"In the myths and legends of the earth, Chi You was beheaded by Huangdi Xuanyuan, but now... he has returned, so it is basically certain that the myth of the earth is real, and Chi You is not dead."

Feng Hao said calmly.

In the eyes, there is also a high fighting spirit.

The existence in the earth myth is already qualified enough to be worth his shot.

"Today, I, Feng Hao, will kill Chi You!"

Feng Hao spread the Vermilion Bird's wings directly behind him, and then his body was like a streamer, and he swept past Chi You.

At the same time, he did not use the unicorn arm, but said loudly: "Come with the sword!"

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