Martial Inverse

Chapter 83 Cutting (Part 2)


A sound of 'sword coming' resounded across the ancestral land of the Jin family like Hong Zhong Da Lu, and at the same time, the green leaves of the branches and leaves of the extreme demon holy tree danced crazily like catkins fluttering.

Afterwards, the main branch of the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree exuded a rhythmic light like breathing, flashing and flashing.

Then, an astonishing sharpness burst out from the holy tree of the extreme demon, and in an instant, the entire Huashan area was full of chilling aura.

Just when everyone was suspicious, there was a sound of 'Kara', the main branch of the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree split open, and a beam of light shot straight into the sky.

People saw that in the beam of light, a simple and simple sword was slowly rising, and there were countless chains made of golden talisman culture around it, trapping it.

The ancient sword struggled, and the rune chain became tighter, as if to prevent it from getting out of trouble.

But the desire to break free from Gu Jian's whole body was so strong that the void was trembling.

At the same time, Feng Hao also flew over the ancient sword at this moment, he made a false move with his right hand, and shouted: "Cut!"


The blade of the ancient sword buzzed, as if it had been spattered with chicken blood, and it rushed upwards suddenly, the wind and clouds in the sky and the earth suddenly wrinkled, and the sound of howling ghosts and wolves spread throughout the mountains and fields.

And the golden rune chain also shattered at this moment.

call out!

The ancient sword pierced the sky and went straight to Feng Hao.


Feng Hao's right hand suddenly grasped this ancient sword, the sword body was densely covered with lines that seemed to be carved by heaven and earth, exuding a palpitating aura of antiquity.

At the same time, the moment Feng Hao held the hilt of the sword, the entire ancient sword was full of joyful emotions, and the ancient sword, which was originally full of ancient atmosphere, suddenly shed the rust on the body surface, showing The fiery red sword body resembles the wings of Suzaku.

The whole body seems to be the color of blood pouring.

It was between the shanks to kill.

"Huh? You, how dare you seize the magic sword of this demon god, kill!"

In the beam of light projected by the spaceship,

The demon god Chilong stared at Feng Hao, with a cold killing intent in his eyes.

He swooped down and came into the world with supreme magic power and killing intent, as if he wanted to kill Feng Hao with one blow.

"How dare the light of rice grains compete with the bright moon?"

Feng Hao also had the intent of killing in his eyes. Holding the ancient sword in his hand, he rushed towards Chi You who swooped down. Under the blessing of the main god's body, the ancient sword seemed to be controlled by the way of heaven.

Chi You patted it down with his big hand, Feng Hao swung his sword and slashed away.

At this moment, the world was overshadowed.

People looked up at the sky, full of curiosity about the result of the first confrontation between Feng Hao and the demon god Chi You, which was a battle of life and death for people.

Everyone's heart was in their throats.


Suddenly, in the sword light, there was a scalp-numbing howl.


A huge arm fell from the sky, weighing a thousand jun, and the earth trembled.


Everyone in the ancestral home of the Jin family gasped again and again, and their eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

One arm of the Demon God Chi You was cut off by Feng Hao.

"Who are you?"

Where the demon god Chi You's right arm was severed, blood spurted wildly, like blood rain fell from the sky, but these blood rains were full of spirituality.

At this moment, many ordinary human beings were infected by blood, and their bodies changed directly, becoming infinitely powerful, as if they had inexhaustible vitality.

"Ah, what a powerful sense of power, I feel like I'm going to explode!"

"Blood, I want to see blood!"

Those people who were infected by Chi You's blood had red eyes and became bloodthirsty and brutal.

But... Feng Hao and everyone in the Jin family didn't know about this scene, because the place where Chi You's blood was spilled was not in Mount Hua.

At this moment, Feng Hao looked at the demon god Chi You who had lost one arm, and there was a cruel killing intent in his cold eyes.

"You don't care who I am, today, I will kill you."

Chi You, the demon god, is not a good stubble. Its return came with endless hatred. Feng Hao promised to fight for the earth, so he would never break his promise.

"Ignorant boy, the Yellow Emperor couldn't kill me back then, where would it be your turn, I can regenerate with just one arm."

Chi You sneered, and then the broken arm suddenly had granulation, and within a moment, a new arm was born.

Rebirth with a broken arm!

Feng Hao frowned slightly, but there was not much surprise in his eyes.

If the Demon God Chi You only had this ability, then it would not be worth him summoning the ancient sword of the Extreme Demon Sacred Tree.

"See if you regenerate faster, or I kill faster!"

With Fenghao Suzaku's wings and Qinglong's speed, his figure is no longer visible to the naked eye, only the afterimage of an ancient sword can be seen, slashing at Chiyou Demon God.

The ancient sword is a blunt sword, but it has the sharpest side in the world.

In less than a moment, Chi You's body was dismembered by Feng Haoda, leaving only a head hanging in the air.

However, people all over the world who saw this scene through various means felt chills in their backs. A life, lost its body, and only relying on a head, did not die.

How terrible is this?

"good, very good."

With a ferocious smile on Chi You's face, his body grew again, and within a few seconds, it was a new body.

"You can't kill me. This demon god has already reached the realm of immortality. Unless the world master kills me with laws, no one can kill me."

Chi You laughed wildly. He stared at the sword in Feng Hao's hand, with deep meaning in his eyes, and said in a low voice: "It is the only one among all races in the universe today that can hurt me like should have belong to me."

As Chi You's words fell, he stared at Feng Hao, exuding endless magic power from his whole body, and roared: "Give me back my sword!"

"The tiger's soul shines brightly, the heaven and the earth become the emperor!"

call out!

In Chi You's right hand, a weapon suddenly appeared. It was the legendary Tiger Soul, which was full of violent aura, exactly the same as Chi You.

Then, Chi You held the Tiger Soul exuding violence all over his body, descended from the sky, and slashed at Feng Hao's head.

But the moment Tiger Soul appeared, Feng Hao could clearly feel the disdain coming from Gu Jian, and Gu Jian swept across, intersecting with Tiger Soul.


The sky and the earth resounded with thunder, and the next moment, the body of the Tiger Soul Saber was broken inch by inch, and it collapsed directly under the blow of the ancient sword.

In this scene, even Chi You's expression changed drastically, and his expression was full of horror.

"Who the hell are you? You, you..."

Chi You was trembling in his heart at this moment, no matter how strong the ancient sword is, it is impossible to break his tiger soul, unless... the owner of the ancient sword is a transcender.

The so-called transcendent refers to the existence that is second only to the master of the world in terms of cultivation and realm, and it is the existence that surpasses all strong ones.

It is only half a step away from the main god.

Holding the ancient sword in his hand, Feng Hao smashed his soul into pieces, which is something only a transcendent can do.

And as a transcendent second only to the world's main god, he has the ability to kill him who is immortal.

"You don't need who I am, you just need to know that today you will die on Earth!"

Feng Hao, as the main god of the Great Thousand World, is truly immortal, and only the ruler of the world can achieve it, while other so-called immortals are not really immortal.

"Arrogance, this demon god wants to see if you really have the ability to kill me. If I don't die, all creatures on the earth will die!"

Chi You was furious, and he manifested a hundred-foot-long demonic body, surrounded by demonic energy, like a devil walking out of hell, with a blue face and fangs.

Every step he took, the ground would be rolled with hot magma. Wherever he walked, the vegetation withered and everything rotted.

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