Martial Inverse

Chapter 84 Cut (Part 2)

Above the sky, in that huge spaceship, on an empty platform, stood rows of strong outsiders.

Each of them is a big monster with weird appearance, human-like but not human, exuding a powerful aura.

The people in the front row seemed to be leaders, sitting around a huge round table, but at this moment, a seat on the round table was empty.

Obviously, this position belongs to that demon god Chi You.

"Chi You has already descended, which one should be next?"

In the north of the round table, sat a silver-skinned middle-aged man, exuding a holy aura.

He is the king of the Silver Wing Clan in the universe, the fastest race powerhouse in the world, and he is also the provider of this spaceship.

Therefore, he was pushed to be the leader of this invasion of the earth. He is very powerful, and it is rumored that he is already a transcendent.

Several big monsters looked at each other in blank dismay, and none of them planned to go down immediately.

Because the opportunity has not come out, there is no point in continuing, and every place where an opportunity is born is full of crises.

Even if there is no strong person on the earth, there may be a huge crisis, and no big monster is willing to risk his life to go down to the world.

Because, on the round table is a huge holographic screen, on which is the scene of the battle between Feng Hao and Chi You, which is very fierce and shocking.

The demon god Chi You, one of the top 50 powerhouses in the universe's hundred battles, was beaten so helplessly by humans, this is shocking.

But they all have arrogance in their hearts, and they always feel that they are the strongest, and when dealing with humble human beings, the weak should go first.

Because Chi You is the weakest among their many kings.

"That ant has some tricks, whoever takes off his head, the sacred fruit, will enjoy it first." Wang Zheng of the Silver Wing Clan said.

The eyes of all the monsters suddenly lit up.

"If Chi You is dead, I'll go!"

A big red-eyed monster covered in scales said in a deep voice, with evil spirit in his eyes, he said coldly: "Even a weak reptile can't beat him, this Chi You is also worthy of the title of Demon God?"

The king of the Silver Wing Clan looked at the demon,

He said in a straight voice: "Chi You is an ancient strong man on earth. He was in the same era as the transcendent Yellow Emperor. The two are sworn enemies, which shows how powerful Chi You is. This time, he was suppressed probably because of that sword."

"Xuanyuan Sword?"

The big demon covered in scales frowned and said, "This sword has done so much harm to him? Why is he still rushing to take it for himself?"

All the big monsters here are very clear that just now when Chi You went down to the lower realm, he felt the sword intent inside the holy tree of the extreme demon, so he couldn't wait to go to the lower realm.

The king of the Silver Wing Clan, with wisdom in his eyes, said with a sneer: "That's because the Xuanyuan Sword is both good and evil. Although it was forged by the transcendent Yellow Emperor, it is a product of the heavenly way. Now Xuanyuan Sword is blood red all over. , This is the sword of killing."

The king of the Silver Wing Clan pondered for a moment, glanced at the people in front of the round table, and then said: "The power of Xuanyuan Sword lies in... his side of heaven, it is a sword of heaven that can kill transcendents, but... it is not It is impossible for a transcendent like the Yellow Emperor to awaken the side of heaven."

"Jie Jie, then we will be able to sweep the earth, this opportunity was born for us."

The other big monsters showed a frustrated smile.

The few of them are the most powerful existences in the universe. If the earth is not in a special period, it is as solid as a rock, and even the transcendent cannot be defeated.

Otherwise, they can destroy such a planet with just one finger.

The king of the Silver Wing clan said in a deep voice: "Sweeping the earth? Do you think there will be no strong hermits on the earth? Did the little reptile that fought Chi You appear out of thin air?"

"I suspect that with the appearance of the extreme demon sacred tree and the birth of a great opportunity, it is very possible that the former god of this land... will be revived because of this."

The king of the Silver Wing Clan looked solemn like never before, scanning the crowd.

"The ancient gods of the earth? Nuwa, Fuxi, Pangu?"

The other big monsters were startled suddenly, and they were undecided: "Could it be that they also want to compete for the position of master?"

The ancient god, in the cosmic world, is the existence of the transcendent, like the only transcendent Huangdi who came out of the earth, and there is no news of it so far.

But if a god older than the Yellow Emperor revived, it would be terrifying.

"Anything is possible. They are very powerful, they have mastered part of the laws of the world, and can create a world, but they are not the real masters of the world, so... this king guesses that they will not miss this opportunity."

The king of the Silver Wing Clan is familiar with the history of the earth, and the names of those strong men were once on the list of hundreds of battles in the entire universe, and they also have a prestigious existence.

Like thunder.

"Hmph, since it's a recovery, their cultivation must be regressing. Their names have disappeared for thousands of years on the hundred battle list. Now, I'm afraid they can't even hold my paw."

A big demon with slender fingers and covered in a black robe snorted coldly.

He is very arrogant, and he thinks that he is not a famous strongman on the hundred battle list, that is scum, and he can be easily suppressed.

"Look, isn't this Chiyou known as the demon god? The strongest man of the same period as the transcendent Huangdi, now, he has been cut into pieces by the people, and his original source has been moved. He is not far from death. What is the immortal demon body? ridiculous."

Ling a big demon also sneered, thinking that the king of the Silver Wing Clan is worrying about nothing.

This kind of great opportunity was born for them who are on the hundred battle list.

At the same time, on the earth, in the border of Mount Hua, the demon god Chi You with a hundred-foot-long demon body was cut to the ground covered in blood by the ancient sword in Feng Hao's hand, and a pair of pupils were about to protrude.

"The Sword of Slaughter suppresses me, if you have the ability to fight me with bare hands." Demon God Chi You roared angrily.

He was about to collapse. The Heavenly Dao sword cast by the Yellow Emperor beat him to pieces. Unexpectedly, after countless years, when he returned again, it was still this sword that suppressed him to death.

As a result, Chi You roared so loudly at this moment that the heavens and the earth trembled.

No matter what, the demon god Chi You still has powerful combat power, which is far from being comparable to the giant monsters of the giant gorilla clan and the crocodile king before.

"With fists?"

Feng Hao looked at the demon god Chi You with a strange expression, and said in a deep voice, "Are you sure?"

In fact, Feng Hao was wondering in his heart that the power of this ancient sword was not at the same level as the power he felt before.

It seems that the power of the ancient sword has been sealed.

Originally, he intended to use this sword to kill the demon god Chi You with a single blow, but found that...except for serious injuries, it did not constitute substantial damage at all.

This level of power is far from his unicorn arm.

When the demon god Chi You heard Feng Hao's words, his whole body couldn't restrain his excitement from trembling. He nodded repeatedly and said, "That's right, fight with me with bare hands, and I, Chi You, will convince you."

"it is good!"

Feng Hao nodded, looking at the demon god Chi You, also showing a trace of sympathy.

The suppression of him by the laws of the universe has loosened a lot with the drawing of this ancient sword, and his current combat power is no longer comparable to his previous self.

Feng Hao directly inserted the ancient sword into the ground, and the ground directly split a huge gap.

However, when Chi You saw Feng Hao put down the killing weapon, endless magic power suddenly radiated from his eyes, and he stepped towards Feng Hao suddenly with a body like a mountain.

This kind of power is like a mountain torrent, destroying the world.

"Small tricks!"

But Feng Hao just narrowed his eyes slightly, bloody lines appeared on the arm of the unicorn in his right hand, a powerful force condensed, and then with the momentum of wind and thunder, he directly punched Chi You, who was a hundred-foot-high demon body.


An earth-shattering sound resounded throughout the entire territory of Mount Hua, even in big cities hundreds of kilometers away.

It resounded like thunder, resounding through the world.


The demon god Chi You's original grinning expression became stiff after he opened his mouth to spit out blood.

He lowered his head slowly, looking at the already transparent chest, his whole body froze.

"you you……"

Demon God Chi You raised his head with difficulty, and looked not far away waving the wings of the Vermilion Bird. On the right arm, which is different from the left arm, it looks like an ancient divine beast unicorn dormant in it.

His immortal body is broken!

"This Demon God is not reconciled, why don't you tell this Demon God that your comparable to the sword of heaven..."

Chi You's tone suddenly choked, and then Baizhang's demon body fell down suddenly, and the energy in his body completely disappeared at this moment.

A generation of demon gods returned, but ended up completely dead.

At this moment, people all over the world who witnessed all this through various means were stunned, especially the Chinese people who knew the history of Chinese mythology were even more shocked.

A generation of demon gods died in the hands of Feng Hao.

Just like the movie "War of the Ancient Gods", Chi You died at the hands of the Yellow Emperor. The strikingly similar.

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