Martial Inverse

Chapter 87 Strong (Part 1)

"Eat my grandson!"

This voice was full of unruliness, and even more aggressive.

The dazzling golden cudgel smashed down, stirring the aura of heaven and earth, Lin Qi, the big monster from outside the territory, with a mocking look on his lips, stretched out his scaled hands, and grabbed the golden cudgel violently.


The huge force caused Linqi to fall several hundred meters directly. It never expected that such a powerful force was contained in this golden cudgel.

As a result, his face changed slightly at this moment.

Lin Qi looked at Monkey King who was holding the golden cudgel, with an undetectable surprise in his eyes.

"Are you Sun Wukong?"

As a big demon in the universe, he has been paying attention to this blue planet since the beginning of the earth's great opportunity, and has a very clear understanding of the history of the earth.

However, Sun Wukong is a character in fairy tales after all, and there is no real existence of this monster on earth.

But in front of him, this young man holding a golden cudgel filled him with confusion.

If there is Monkey King on the earth, wouldn't the gods in the fairy tales also exist in reality? That would be bad.

"You know my grandson?" Sun Wukong looked at Lin Qi.

"What, are you really Monkey King?"

Lin Qi frowned.

Sun Wukong looked at Lin Qi suspiciously, with a hint of fear in his eyes. This was the second time he had fear of other people when he came to Earth.

The first time was Feng Hao, and this time it was this big monster from outside the territory.

Because, both of them were able to strike at the moment of his wrath.

Moreover, in the aura of this big monster from outside the domain, he felt that the other party had retained a lot of strength, and when he saw it with piercing eyes, he knew that it was a flood dragon.

Lin Qi stared at Monkey King, but was not in a hurry to make a move.

"Are you a strong man on the earth?" Lin Qi asked tentatively. It is familiar with the history of the earth, and Monkey King does not exist at all.

"My old grandson comes from all heavens and ten thousand realms,

It's not Lao Shizi who is strong on the earth, but my grandson wants the opportunity of this earth. If you are sensible, take your spaceship and go back and forth from where, otherwise my grandson will smash it with a stick. "

Sun Wukong's words were rebellious and arrogant.

"Ha ha!"

Now, Lin Qi couldn't help laughing, it turned out that this guy is not Monkey King from the earth, but from the heavens and worlds.

No wonder, if Sun Wukong really existed, his name would be at least one of the top 50 superpowers in the starry sky battle list.

Thinking of this, Lin Qi also lost interest in Monkey King.

A killing intent suddenly appeared in its eyes, and it rushed directly to the place where Monkey King was, at such a speed that the naked eye could not see it clearly.

"This guy, what a speed!"

Sun Wukong's expression was moved, and his eyes were full of light. With his sharp eyes, he could see the trajectory of Lin Qi clearly.

But the moment he saw it clearly, what he saw was a mocking look drawn from the corner of Lin Qi's mouth.

"My old grandson smashed your head!"

The golden cudgel in Sun Wukong's hand seemed to be a part of his body, a thought, big or small, at this moment he swung the big stick again and smashed it at Lin Qi.


A stick that went down was earth-shattering, but the stick that was supposed to hit Lin Qi hit the void directly, causing the void to tremble and ripple.

"You are still too weak. If you are the Monkey King in the earth myths, this king will still be afraid."

Lin Qi's voice sounded behind Sun Wukong, he suddenly turned his head, and saw Lin Qi's face full of mockery.

"What kind of fairy tale, my old grandson still doesn't believe that I can't beat you."

Sun Wukong bared his teeth, and encountered strong opponents twice in a row, which completely aroused his fighting spirit, and swung the golden cudgel again to kill Lin Qi.

But Lin Qi is one of the most powerful men in the universe after all, no matter how strong Sun Wukong is, he cannot be the opponent of this demon. After ten rounds, with Lin Qi's foot stepping out, Monkey King was directly smashed into the ground, Very embarrassing.

"You are too weak."

Lin Qi looked down at Sun Wukong, shook his head slightly, and said, "For this earth's chance, the heavens and myriad worlds have come to you, a little monster. Could it be that the most powerful person in your world is at your level?"

"Hmph, if it weren't for the suppression of the laws of the earth, my old grandson could beat you three times."

Sun Wukong is also extremely depressed. He has escaped from the Three Realms and is not in the five elements, but he is still suppressed by the laws of the earth. Otherwise, this Lin Qi would really be ignored.

After all, in the heavens and worlds, his combat power is also extremely high.

"Oh? Then I can't let you get your hands on the holy fruits. These holy fruits can make me understand the laws of the universe a step further, and it will be easier to get the greatest opportunity when the time comes."

Lin Qi seemed to be talking to himself.

Then, without even looking at Sun Wukong, it walked directly to the huge ancient tree in the ancestral land of the Jin family in Huashan.

"Damn it, if the holy fruit is taken away by this monster, my old grandson will come for nothing."

Sun Wukong said unwillingly, he crawled out of the ground, exercised his muscles and bones, and prepared to fight Lin Qi to the death.

But at this moment, a hand silently patted on his shoulder, and then a voice that was so familiar to him sounded behind him: "What are you worried about? This big monster will become a corpse later."

"Feng, Fenghao." Sun Wukong looked at Fenghao in a daze, his heart trembling slightly.

Feng Hao appeared behind him, but he didn't even sense it. Doesn't it mean that the other party's cultivation has been greatly improved in this short period of time?

"You go to Lao Niu's. After I finish these big monsters, I will pick the fruits and bring them to you."

Feng Haoyun said calmly.

It seemed that he didn't pay attention to Lin Qi at all, and even Monkey King felt convinced of the confidence in his eyes.

So much so that he nodded subconsciously.

But then he woke up, he is the Holy King of Fighting, how could he listen to Feng Hao's words?

However, Feng Hao seemed to know what he was thinking, patted his shoulder lightly, and said: "Go, I'm fine here alone."

Before Sun Wukong could speak, Feng Hao had already started to follow Lin Qi in the direction he was walking.

Originally, he was guarding the ancestral land of the Jin family, but the unexpected appearance of Monkey King made him rush over, because Monkey King was not the opponent of this big monster.

Fortunately, this big monster did not move the killer.

Perhaps in its view, these little monsters on the earth are not worth killing by him at all, otherwise, those strong men who came out of the famous mountains may all spill their blood on Mount Hua.

"Extreme Dao Demon Sacred Tree, I waited for you, it was really hard. Today, I will take away your fruit."

Lin Qi looked up at the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree, with a fiery look in his eyes.

It has been waiting for this day for too long...

"To take away the holy fruit, have you consulted my opinion?"

At this moment, Feng Hao's voice suddenly sounded behind him, still so indifferent, as if nothing could cause waves in his heart.

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