Martial Inverse

Chapter 88 Strong (Part 2)

Feng Hao's words resounded suddenly, Ling Qi who was immersed in ecstasy, his smile suddenly froze, when he turned around, his eyes were filled with cold killing intent.

"It's you."

Lin Qi recognized Feng Hao, and his expression became slightly serious.

In the spaceship, it witnessed with its own eyes that Feng Hao beheaded the demon god Chi You. This level of strength is one of the few in the entire universe.

And besides, Feng Hao was also placed in the position of the same opponent.

Of course, it is impossible to show a cautious look. As the king of the universe god race, Lin Qi does not want to be looked down upon by other god race kings.

"You killed Chi You, you are qualified to let me face it."

Lin Qi looked at Feng Hao, and said indifferently: "But you are not my opponent, if you want to live, get lost, or can try."

Lin Qi just wanted to pick the holy fruit as soon as possible.

If the holy fruit hadn't appeared, it would have absolutely suppressed Feng Hao with thunderous means, but with the holy fruit appearing, this is the top priority.

However, if Feng Hao insists on preventing it from picking the holy fruit, Lin Qi doesn't mind killing Feng Hao.


Hearing Lin Qi's words, Feng Hao couldn't help laughing out loud, feeling the power of the main god circulating in his body, and a gleam suddenly shot out from his eyes.


As soon as the words fell, Feng Hao's figure burst out suddenly, and then he punched lightly.


Looking at Feng Hao's soft punch, Lin Qi sneered slightly with his mouth curled up.

However, this seemingly light punch, but when Feng Hao directly hit Lin Qi's body at an extremely fast speed, the latter's chest immediately exploded, and his flesh was bloody.


Lin Qi looked down at his chest, frowning slightly, and a monstrous evil spirit was brewing.

"How dare you hurt me?"

Lin Qi was furious,

This was the first time it had been injured in an unknown number of years, and it was still caused by a humble ant.


Lin Qi roared angrily, using his demon power, and the moment his chest injury fully recovered, he stretched out his palm and slapped Feng Hao's head with a murderous intent.

The palm wind is extremely domineering, at this moment, the world is full of rioting aura, and the branches of the extreme demon holy tree swayed.

Feng Hao was unmoved, and just watched Lin Qi make a move indifferently.

This scene made the people who had to pay attention to this place even more worried. The palm style was extremely domineering, and it was not the power that should be in the world at all.


Just as Lin Qi's palm was about to fall, a giant hand with spiritual power suddenly condensed in the void, and Lin Qi grabbed it directly.

"Small tricks!"

Lin Qi sneered, these methods are too simple, can this spiritual power restrain it?

Obviously not!

However, just as he was using his demon power to try to burst his giant spiritual power, he suddenly discovered that with its power, he couldn't shake the slightest bit, and was firmly imprisoned.

"what happened?"

Lin Qi frowned. At its level, whenever it encountered unexplainable things, it was a matter of surpassing its own strength.

As a result, at this moment, Lin Qi showed panic for the first time.

Feng Hao raised his right hand slightly and made a clenched movement. As his five fingers moved together, there was a miserable howl from Lin Qi, and the sound of bones breaking mixed with the miserable howl.

At the same time, in the spaceship on the sky, the king of the Silver Wing Clan looked at Lin Qi on the holographic screen, with silver flames dancing in his silver eyes.

"Is there any record of this person in the universe?"

The Silver Wing King said in a deep voice.

The other demon kings on the round table looked at each other and shook their heads slightly.

Before Chi You was killed, they didn't feel anything, but the suppression of Jiaolong Linqi in front of them is enough to attract everyone's attention, especially now that the holy fruit has been released.

If you don't know your opponent, if you make a rash move, if you make a slight mistake, you may miss the opportunity.

Afterwards, behind the Silver Wing Clan, a big monster who looked like a rhinoceros felt it, and said softly: "I checked the database just now, and there is no record of this person."

Wang Shen of the Silver Wing Clan said: "That is from another world? I just don't know if it is the Great Thousand World, or the Heavens and Myriad Realms..."


"You are not from Earth, who are you?"

Feeling that the bones were broken in several places, Lin Qi's defense line in his heart collapsed in an instant. It found that with his strength, he couldn't even break free with the giant hand of spiritual power.

And those who can achieve this level, only the legendary transcendent can do it.

And the transcendents in the entire universe can be counted on one hand, and they are all existences that it still understands.

A transcendent with a face like Feng Hao is definitely not the few mythical figures on the earth.

"You don't deserve to know my name."

Feng Hao's eyes were very indifferent, looking at Lin Qi who was trying to break free from his comfort, when he shook his head slightly, he shook his right hand violently.



Lin Qi roared heart-piercingly, but after his heart was crushed, the vitality in his eyes quickly disappeared, and finally turned into a boneless dragon, falling from the sky.

Blood splattered.

When it landed, the ground shook violently.

"What a powerful strength..."

In the distance, Monkey King stared at this scene dumbfounded, his eyes became hotter than ever before.

This transcendent strength is its longing.

"Feng Hao's strength is growing."

"Fortunately, he is from China, otherwise, it would be a disaster."

"Since ancient times, China has had myths and legends. I think Feng Hao is a character in the myths."

Those who had heard of various methods and saw Feng Hao suppressing Jiaolong Linqi were amazed again and again.


As for Feng Hao, after killing the big monster Jiaolong Linqi, he looked up at the spaceship in the sky.

At the same time, there was a lot of movement in the spaceship, a beam of light directly irradiated the holy fruit on the holy tree of the extreme demon, and a huge suction force was also generated out of thin air.

"Want to grab the holy fruit?"

Feng Hao snorted coldly, and shot decisively. He didn't need Suzaku's wings at this moment, and he could stand in the void, because the laws of the earth suppressed him less.

Feng Hao appeared at the place where the holy fruit was produced, and picked it off directly.

But... the moment Feng Hao touched the holy fruit of Dao, a huge repulsive force came suddenly, so that he was shocked back several steps by the sudden repulsive force.

"Why can't I take it off?"

Feng Hao was prepared to pick it up, but the result was still the same. Even if he used the unicorn arm, it was of no help because of the repulsive force.

This fruit has amazing repulsion.

Feng Hao tried three times before and after, but the result was the same, and finally he gave up picking.

Afterwards, he vaguely sensed the will of the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree, which seemed to be related to the beam of light irradiated by the spaceship, which made the ancient tree very irritable.

In this regard, Feng Hao's eyes fell directly on the spaceship.

"Since the holy fruit can't be picked, it's time for me to take the initiative to trouble you."

Feng Hao was very decisive. At the moment when the idea just came up, his figure was already flying away, carrying the force of wind and thunder, and swept towards the spaceship above the sky.

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