Martial Inverse

Chapter 92 The Spirit of the Five Elements

"What, Silver King's wings were actually broken..."

"How is this possible? The Silver King is one of the top ten superpowers in the universe's hundred battles. Even if he is ranked tenth, it is not comparable to the inferior earthly powerhouses."

"This man is so heaven-defying, even the Silver King's wings were broken. No wonder that guy Lin Qi died before he was able to succeed in his mission. When he meets such a strong man, he will die unjustly."

The few big monsters were frightened, completely forgetting that they were also in the middle of the battle.

And Sun Wukong and Bull Demon King also seized this rare opportunity, and each used their best methods to bombard and kill several big monsters.

Faced with the surprise attack of Monkey King and the Bull Demon King, several big monsters came back to their senses in a panic, and turned into anger from embarrassment, they suddenly counterattacked.

For a moment, Huashan was filled with light everywhere, the aura of heaven and earth was turbulent, and the holy tree of extreme demons full of sacred light also swayed.

The divine brilliance sprinkled, exuding an intoxicating fragrance.

The competition for the holy fruit has also become extremely fierce at this moment.

Those famous mountain monsters who originally planned to retreat also turned back, sneaking and trying to get closer.

But then, under the aftermath of the battle between several big monsters and Monkey King and other monsters, they fled in a panic.

"It's too bullying. The aftermath of this battle is clearly aimed at us."

The big monster with a tiger head ate a mouth full of mud, and his face was angry, but deep in his eyes, there was a look of fear.

In the end, several big monsters looked at each other, showing helplessness, shook their heads, and chose to leave.

However, the moment they turned around and left, five vines shot towards them like arrows from the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree.

call out!

In an instant, five big monsters from famous mountains in China were rolled up.

The vines shrunk, and the five-headed monster was rolled onto the holy tree of the extreme demon, and stuck tightly to the tree.

"Don't kill me. I have an old mother and downstream children and grandchildren. They all rely on me for a living. If I die, they will have no support. Senior Sacred Tree, we shouldn't covet your sacred fruit."


Yes, yes, we have already left, and we absolutely have no intention of coveting the Holy Fruit..."

The five big monsters were frightened.

The origin of this sacred tree is not simple, it seems that it existed before the earth was born.

Such an ancient tree with extraordinary origin, it is not too easy to deal with them.

However, the next scene made the five big demons ecstatic.

Vaguely, they felt the wave of thoughts from the holy tree...

"Don't be afraid, I will not hurt you, but will give you a great opportunity..."

The wave of thought from the holy tree immediately made the five-headed monsters who were struggling fiercely quiet down in an instant, and they looked at each other with strong anticipation.

Good luck.

There is a big chance.

"Senior, we are not afraid."

The big monster with a tiger's head said immediately, his tone full of impatience.

"That's good. Originally, I didn't intend to give you this opportunity, but who would have expected it. You five little guys each have five attributes: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. So, this opportunity, I'll give it to you."

The mind wave of the holy tree is very gentle, it is the kind of kindness of the elders and juniors.

Following the coming of the holy tree's thoughts, the five divine radiances of different colors penetrated into the bodies of the big monsters along the vines that trapped the monsters.

The five colors of blue, red, black, white, and yellow represent wood, fire, water, metal, and earth.

A big demon with a tiger head and a human body inherits gold.

The hunchbacked big monster is an old turtle who inherited water.

A thousand-year-old snake demon inherited the wood.

The crane demon that lost its beak inherited the fire.

The last bear demon inherits the earth.

"This is the essence of the five elements that I have collected over the years. They are already the spirits of the five elements. Giving them to you this time can be regarded as giving them a new life, and also giving you a new life. As the spirit beast of the five elements of China, I hope to see them in the future." Here, guard the land of China."

The mind of the holy tree fell silent, and the spirit of the five elements also followed the vines, and gradually completed the fusion with the five-headed monster.

At the moment of perfect fusion, the body of the five-headed monster is no longer permeated with monster aura, but a spirit beast with the ultimate pure dao.

They have transformed.

After merging with the golden spirit, the big monster with a human body and a tiger head turned into a big golden tiger, majestic and majestic.

That old tortoise had faint signs of transforming into Xuanwu, full of powerful vitality.

That snake demon is about to transform into a dragon, which is somewhat similar to the big dragon Linqi who was suppressed to death by Feng Hao before.

And the crane demon showed signs of returning to its ancestors, and its feathers turned red. From a distance, it looked like a vermilion bird beast, which was extremely astonishing.

The last bear demon was khaki-yellow and exuded a heavy aura.

The five big monsters that fused the spirits of the five elements, after the vines turned into dead branches, shot into the sky in unison, and each big monster emitted extremely powerful spiritual power fluctuations.

Their eyes each glow with a color corresponding to their attributes, and their aura is soaring.

"Those who offend China will be punished even if they are far away!"


The five big monsters, with incomparably indifferent eyes, rushed towards those big cosmic monsters as soon as the voice fell.

"They inherited the spirit of the Five Elements, I'm in the dark, why don't I have such luck, old cow?"

The Bull Demon King stared at this scene dumbfounded, his eyes popped out, he hammered his chest in annoyance, tears almost flowed out.

It came to the earth so long in advance and waited around the sacred tree, and now it is risking its life to prevent the invasion of these cosmic monsters.

In the end, a few sneaky little demons were fulfilled.

The bull devil is called a regret.

Now, he can't wait to peel off the skin of these five big monsters, but the aura these five big monsters are exuding now, even if it is him, he dare not act rashly.

The spirit of the five elements.

Any one of these 'spirits' is enough to make the big demon a semi-holy existence, comparable to a holy fruit.

Sun Wukong's eyes were also flickering, but his mentality was much better than that of the Bull Demon King. Perhaps it was because he jumped out of the Three Realms and was not in the Five Elements, so he didn't feel lost.

"The spirits of the five elements are products of the earth. You and I are demons from the heavens and worlds. There is no way to merge them, but the holy fruit is enough for you to transform."

Monkey King blankly glanced at the Bull Demon King.

After the Bull Demon King heard what Sun Wukong said, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, full of cheap looks.


At the same time, Feng Hao and the Silver Wing King were fighting nine days away. Also entered the white heat.

After the Silver Wing King lost one of his wings, his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. No matter whether it was speed or the sharp bone-wing blade, there was no threat at all.

But after all, he is the most powerful person of a family and has lost his strengths. He is also comparable to a transcendent, that is, an existence comparable to a supreme being, and cannot be easily suppressed by Feng Hao.

Of course, in the Great Thousand World, Feng Hao's thought is enough to make him bow his head.

However, this is the earth, Feng Hao can't use the power of domination, and can only use his cultivation to suppress it.

"This is the universe, why are you not affected by the laws?"

The more the Silver Wing King fought, the more frightened he became, his forehead was soaked with sweat, and his mentality was about to explode.

Feng Hao is really too strong, he goes all out every time, but Feng Hao always looks calm and breezy, such a pretentious posture makes the Silver Wing King go crazy.

But he couldn't stop Feng Hao from pretending to be aggressive, so that he exploded in anger, and he output crazy output to Feng Hao.

But as the battle intensified, Feng Hao looked down on the Silver Wing King more and more.


With Feng Hao's eyes suddenly focused, the unicorn arm in his right hand was rotated to the extreme, and the thunder light emerged from the sky, entangled between his fists.

Then, at the moment Silver Wing King gritted his teeth and rushed towards him, he swung this earth-shattering punch violently.


Feng Hao punched directly on the chest of Silver Wing King. The latter's chest exploded like a watermelon, and the silver blood spattered.


At the same time, the sky and the earth roared, the airflow roared, and a hole was punched out of the atmosphere by Feng Hao's punch, which directly triggered a powerful tsunami and hurricane.

"Finally, I will tell you that because I am the master of the universe, so... from the very beginning, you were doomed to die."

"Do not……"

The Silver Wing King's aura gradually weakened, and he stared blankly at the spaceship that had already been broken in two, his eyes full of unwillingness.

He didn't believe that Feng Hao would be the master of the world, how could a master appear in front of the world, he was the supreme god.

But... this unwillingness can only be frozen in the end.

His body was directly blasted out of outer space. So far, the Silver Wing King, the most powerful man in the universe, has died.

He was defeated by Feng Hao.

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