Martial Inverse

Chapter 93 - Killing Unforgiven

The Silver Wing King is dead!

When the International Space Station transmitted the picture of the death of the Silver Wing King back to Earth, people all over the world were boiling.

People celebrate happily, drinks are free in the bar, and people are delighted.

At this moment, everyone wept with joy, and they were grateful for everything Feng Hao had done.

The United Nations even lowered its flag at half-mast directly to celebrate the arrival of this moment.

In a meeting room of the Huaxia official high-level, an old man looked at the picture sent back from the space station, and smiled wryly: "It's a pity that the body of the Silver Wing King was not brought back, otherwise, those guys in the scientific research department would be ecstatic."

"Actually, that's enough. Just that dragon is enough for the scientific research department to fight for a long time. If there is another Silver Wing King, I don't know when we will see the results."

"Old Wang is right, and the body of the Silver Winged King, with our current scientific level, may not be able to complete the dissection. The dragon alone has broken several instruments. Fortunately, the harvest is very good. The dragon group After taking it, the few little guys in my family have been transformed, and they will be the backbone of China."

"Yes, they are sss-level powerhouses themselves. Now that they have transformed, maybe the monkey and the bull devil who came from outside the domain have the power to fight."

In the conference room, there are all the top leaders of various departments in Huaxia. At this moment, their expressions are all smiling.

The destruction of the extraterritorial spacecraft, and the fall of the great demon Silver Wing King from the depths of the universe, is something worth celebrating.

The haze that originally shrouded their heads was also swept away.

Because, if Feng Hao didn't stop the invasion, all the burdens would be on them, and whoever let them be the highest commander in charge of security and special operations.

"We should thank Feng Hao very much. If it weren't for him, we old bones would have to go to the battlefield in person, ha ha."

"Well, if there is a chance, we should express that after this matter is over, we will meet Feng Hao!"

"Well, it should be like this!"

The voices in the conference room became weaker and weaker, and the commanders of several highest-ranking special departments also nodded secretly.

At the same time, Feng Hao, who was above the nine heavens, after killing the Silver Wing King,

Immediately, the broken huge spaceship was sent to the depths of the universe.

Then, it descended directly from the sky.

But at this moment, the demon king of other races who saw the spaceship destroyed and the Silver Wing King's body disappear, had no desire to fight at all, and despair appeared in his eyes.

"Silver Wing King is dead, what shall we do?"

"Without the Silver Wing King, we can't cross the gate of time and space, and we can't go back."

"That guy is too powerful. How could there be such a strong man on Earth? Even the Silver Wing King, who ranked tenth in the universe's hundred battle list, was killed."

The few big monsters were panicked, and they are not feeling well now. Since they suddenly broke into five powerful big monsters, their pressure has also become greater.

This little monster, which could have been intimidated by them with just one look, was almost on par with them in cultivation after getting the opportunity of the Extreme Demon Sacred Tree.

This is simply unbelievable.

You know, they are all demon kings of various planetary races. They have gone through hardships and have been fighting all their lives. They have tens of millions of subordinates, but what are these big monsters in front of them?

Nothing at all.

It's just that they have a chance to get the extreme demon holy tree, and they are almost on par with them. This scene makes it difficult for them to accept.

"Die, all of you are going to die!"

Several big demons were mad and mobilized their demon powers to attack the five-element spirit beasts crazily. The entire Huashan Mountain was filled with monstrous demonic aura.

Under the cover of the demon cloud, this place is like a purgatory on earth.

However, in this world where the demon clouds are tumbling, there are five figures with radiant bodies. When they shrink, they release powerful spiritual power fluctuations, and directly blast through the demon clouds, letting the sun shine all over the earth.

"Eat my grandson!"

Suddenly, a huge roar resounded across the world, and then, an extremely huge iron rod dropped from the sky, pierced through the monster cloud, and directly bombarded several big monsters.


puff! puff! puff!

With the power of a stick, those big monsters from the depths of the universe were directly blasted away, blood was spilled, and there was a trace of madness in the eyes of each big monster at this moment.

By now, they had no way out.


The five big monsters looked at each other with a fierce look in their eyes.

There is also a violent aura emerging from his body, an evil aura that can only come from the slaughter of thousands of troops, bursting out with the violent aura.

Between heaven and earth, the sound of ghosts crying and wolf howling faintly sounded.

"The old cow kicked you to death with one hoof."

At the same time, the Bull Demon King also manifested his body, a big black buffalo, just suspended in the air, and a pair of horns on the back burst out with bright light.

With the pawing of the cow's hooves, moo! With a roar, it turned into a stream of light, and directly crashed into those big monsters who had just barely stood firm after being smashed into the air.

"I'm Nima..."

"The cow demon, courting death... ah..."

Several big monsters glared angrily, but it was too late to resist, and they could only watch helplessly as the huge bull head of the Bull Demon King hit them.

Even, while a big demon was yelling at it, it was kicked by the hoof of the Bull Demon King, its teeth were broken, and its shoulder blades were cracked.

But it's not over yet, because when they stopped their bursting back, the spirits of the Five Elements who were waiting for the opportunity also exploded with their own powerful strength.




Several big monsters were beaten in turn, almost beyond recognition, their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, their teeth were broken, an unknown number of bones were broken, and their breathing became weak.

The majestic monster of the universe's hundred battle list was actually on the earth, where he suffered inhuman torture.

At the moment, they are going crazy.

However, until now, they were powerless to return to the sky, and then they lay powerlessly on the ground, looked up, and saw Fenghao falling from the sky.

For a moment, despair reached the extreme, and his face was ashen.

At this moment, with the fall of the Silver Wing King, the scenes of Huaxia's Beidou satellite that took place on Mount Hua were directly transmitted to the control center of the National Space Administration.

Moreover, under the instruction of the big figures above, this scene was directly presented to the eyes of the Chinese people.

People saw the distressed appearance of the great monster from outside the territory, the spirits of the five elements glowing with various colors, and the Monkey King and the Bull Demon King in the fairy tales.

Finally, the picture freezes on Feng Hao standing in the void.

Today's Feng Hao can stand in the void without relying on the innate supernatural power of Suzaku's Wings. At this moment, he stands proudly in the void like a god, looking down at those big monsters from outside the territory.

"Those who offend the earth will be killed without mercy!"

Feng Hao said in a deep voice, he agreed to the people's request to fight for the earth, as long as these big monsters die, he will forget about a big event.

As his words fell, the bodies of those big monsters trembled like chaff, and the faces that looked down on the facial features became extremely pale.

How difficult it is to cultivate to their level, no one would be willing to let them die like this now.

"Forgive us, this is all done by the damn Silver Wings, we were all forced."

"Yes, yes, yes, the Silver Wings have been coveting the holy tree of extreme demons for a long time, and I know that they came for the opportunity of the main god. We are all vulnerable groups and were forced to come here."

"Your lord has a large number, just treat it as a fart, let us go, it doesn't matter if you are exiled to space..."

A few big monsters were unwilling to die like this, so they knelt down and begged for mercy.

At this critical moment of life and death, the dignity and face of the demon king are all vain, and the most important thing is to live.

However, Feng Hao didn't look at them at all. He knew from Linqi's descent to the realm before that these big monsters have no good things. They regard the earth as their back garden from the bottom of their hearts, picking them at will, and coming in and out at will.

It's just that they went to the wrong place and met themselves, and everything was their own fault.

"Go to another world to settle accounts with the Silver Wing King!"

Feng Hao's eyes froze, and then he directly opened the Qinglong domain, and with the unicorn arm's natural supernatural power, he shot in an instant, and several big monsters were directly beaten into a puddle of flesh.


This extremely shocking scene directly made Monkey King, the Bull Demon King and the big monster who fused the spirit of the five elements gasp.

The eyes that looked at Feng Hao changed, and there was a hint of palpitation in the depths of the eyes.

Whether it was Feng Hao who killed the Silver Wing King, or killing the big monster from outside the territory with thunder, it is enough to show that Feng Hao is not a good man and a believer, but an absolute strong who kills decisively.

There is no womanly kindness at all.

Of course, if they knew that Feng Hao is the main god of the Great Thousand World, they would not be surprised by Feng Hao's methods.

After all, in the Great Thousand World, as the ruler of him, with one thought, mountains and rivers are broken, and with one thought, everything is born.

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