Martial Inverse

Chapter 94: Tinder

"Previous, senior!"

Those big monsters who fused the spirits of the five elements saluted Fenghao respectfully, with a look of fear in their expressions.

After all, no matter what, Feng Hao used his absolute strength to tell the world about his strength, which is enough to dominate the earth.

Before, when they hadn't merged with the spirits of the five elements, they didn't have much idea of ​​Feng Hao's power.

But since the fusion of the spirits of the five elements, with the improvement of their realm, Feng Hao's terror has become more and more clearly felt.

This is such a powerful existence that the five demons will hate them together.

Regarding this, they dared not show the slightest disrespect, and their tone was extremely respectful.

At the same time, Sun Wukong and the Bull Demon King also recovered their bodies, and their figures fell down. The expressions they looked at Feng Hao were also slightly different.

After all, the Feng Hao just now is not the same temperament as the elder brother next door, but the temperament that only the supreme being possesses.

Feng Hao's eyes fell on the five-headed monster first, and said softly: "You guys have a good chance, practice hard."

"Yes Yes!"

Several big monsters nodded repeatedly, just like chickens pecking at rice.

Seeing the reactions of these big monsters, the Bull Demon King raised his head and chest up, and said: "You heard me clearly, Lao Niu, I am Feng Hao's brother, and my eyes will be brighter from now on."

Several big monsters looked at each other in blank dismay, ignoring the Bull Demon King directly.

If they were in the past, they would really be afraid, but now... the strength of the few people is almost equal.

"Hey, what do you mean? Feng Hao, tell me, is the old cow your younger brother?" The Bull Demon King winked at Feng Hao vigorously.


Feng Hao said with a blank face.

Anyway, he and the Bull Demon King are indeed friends.

However, what he said moved the expressions of those big monsters. When they looked at each other, they had already made a decision.

"Brother Niu!"

After hearing the affirmative words from Feng Hao, the big monsters

He immediately bowed slightly to the Bull Demon King, satisfying the Bull Demon King's vanity.

"Okay, very good, I will hang out with the old cow in the future, and drink spicy food." The Bull Demon King said with satisfaction.

At the same time, he did not forget to transmit the voice to Sun Wukong, saying: "Big brother, Feng Hao is the main god of the Great Thousand World, at the same level as Emperor Yun, and now I am his little brother, do you want to worship big brother?"


Sun Wukong glanced at the Bull Demon King, and left directly with the golden cudgel on his shoulders, flying to the place where the fruit of the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree was located.

However, deep in his heart, he was still a little moved. No matter what, Feng Hao was enough to make him look up to him.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with worshiping him as the eldest brother.

But...he is Monkey King, Monkey King, how can he worship someone as his elder brother?

"Sun Houzi, you are so ugly, don't pick them all, just take one..."

Bull Demon King's eyes were bright, seeing the direction Sun Wukong was leaving, he knew what the latter was going to do, and immediately jumped up.

If Sun Wukong took all the four holy fruits away, it would be completely meaningless to come to this earth.

The expression of the five-headed monster moved slightly, and there was also some anticipation.

If he could eat the holy fruit again, he might become a real demon saint, shattering the void and wandering through the void.

But Feng Hao didn't say anything, they definitely didn't dare to act rashly, otherwise, the few big monsters from outside the domain just now would be their end.

At this moment, Feng Hao didn't do anything, he just turned his head and looked in the direction of the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree, with a slight smile on his lips.

Perhaps because of the fall of the great monster from outside the territory, the holy tree of the extreme demon did not stop Monkey King from approaching the holy fruit.

Even until Sun Wukong plucked a sacred fruit without any hindrance, it was just a branch swaying and sprinkling divine brilliance.

After Sun Wukong took off a sacred fruit, he did not strike again. He raised the sacred fruit exuding a strong fragrance in his hand, and said to Feng Hao: "You promised me."

"Yes, this holy fruit is yours."

Feng Hao nodded with a smile, admiring Monkey King even more.

"Thank you, my old grandson will keep it in mind, let's go..."

Sun Wukong cupped his fists towards Feng Hao, with gratitude in his eyes, and then waved his hand, and a cloud fell from the sky, carrying him away from Mount Hua.

After Sun Wukong left, there were only three holy fruits on the holy tree of extreme demons. Whether it was the Bull Demon King or a few big demons, they all coveted it.

However, no one went beyond this step, and they all quietly waited for Feng Hao to speak.

"Brother Feng, I..."

The Bull Demon King's heart was raised in his throat, and Sun Wukong took away a holy fruit. It is not difficult to imagine that Sun Monkey will transform again soon.

As for him, he hasn't gained anything yet, so it's no wonder he's not in a hurry.

He kept rubbing his hands and licking his lips, his eyes were about to burst open.

"Can we... can we take one too?"

A few big monsters communicated in secret, and they didn't dare to ask for more, and they had just integrated the spirit of the five elements, so it's unknown what the effect would be after eating it.

So, asking for one should not be out of line, right?

Feng Hao ignored the Bull Demon King, his eyes fell on those big monsters, and he said in a serious voice: "You have integrated the spirit of the five elements, and this holy fruit is of no use to you."


The big monsters dare not question Feng Hao, but they are a bit unwilling in their hearts.

The holy fruit, after they opened their spiritual wisdom, they naturally knew the heaven-defying effect of the holy fruit, which seems to be a memory passed down.

In my memory, there is a great opportunity that comes once in countless years, which can make them saints and ancestors, and become the eternal existence in the universe.

From their eyes, Feng Hao knew what they were thinking in their hearts, and he didn't explain further, saying: "Believe it or not, it's up to you."

Afterwards, Feng Hao flew directly towards the holy tree of extreme dao demon, and landed lightly beside the only three remaining holy fruits.

At this moment, there was a wave of thoughts from the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree, and as the branches swayed, all the divine brilliance shone on Feng Hao.

"Thank you, guest from all over the world."

A weak fluctuation was transmitted directly from the Demon Sacred Tree to the Fenghao Consciousness Sea, turning into an old voice.

Hearing this voice, Feng Hao didn't continue to pick the holy fruit, but stood at the same place, unfolded his consciousness, and directly established a connection with the holy tree of extreme demon.

It was a mass of will that existed at the core of the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree, exuding a faint light, and it seemed to be extinguished at any time.

Feng Hao had a thought, and said via voice transmission: "Why are you thanking me? How do you know that I am from the Great Thousand World?"

"Thank you. It is because of your action that the fruit was not taken away by those monsters outside the territory. As for how to know that you are from the Great Thousand World, I heard it."

The will of the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree said: "I can know everything that happened around me. I heard everything you said to that calf. Unexpectedly, after waking up this time, I could meet the masters from other worlds. "

The words of the holy tree sounded in Feng Hao's sea of ​​consciousness, and he could vaguely perceive the cheerful meaning of the latter, as if he was happy that his own holy fruit could attract the arrival of other world masters.

"Okay, you suddenly sent me a voice transmission, do you have something to say?" Feng Hao said through a voice transmission, he didn't think that the holy tree spent a lot of essence just to chat with him.

Sure enough, the holy tree fell silent after hearing Feng Hao's words, and it was a long time before it transmitted again: "The opportunity of the main god of the universe world will be opened in a year. There are no living beings, I beg you, protect the fire of the earth..."

Feng Hao frowned slightly, fell silent, and then asked: "What kind of fire?"

"It's by your side..."

The voice of the holy tree became weaker and weaker, and then it disappeared without a trace. At the same time, the three holy fruits left the vine automatically and fell into Feng Hao's hands.

Afterwards, this huge ancient tree began to wither and shrink, as if all its vitality had disappeared. In the end, it turned into a small sapling that could be blown down by the wind.

"Start from scratch?"

Feng Hao stared blankly at the little sapling, feeling an urge to dig it up and take it with him. This kind of sacred tree that surpasses heaven and earth is rare.

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