Martial Inverse

Chapter 96 Leave Huashan

After the Bull Demon King also left, Feng Hao finally set his eyes on Xia Shilan and the girls, with a faint smile on his face.

"Are you all right?" Feng Hao asked.

Xia Shilan shook her head and said, "It's okay, it's just that this is so unbelievable, it feels like a dream."

"Yeah, I used to think that we on Earth were lonely, but I didn't expect that there are other creatures in the universe." Liu Xiaofei said with a slightly moved expression.

Zhang Yi also nodded and said: "I used to think that science fiction movies were too imaginative, but now it seems that reality is more bizarre and exciting than imagined."


Zhang Yi's words caused Xiaolei, Liu Xiaofei, Xia Shilan and the others to nod frequently.

Only Jin Jing stood there expressionless, no one knew what she was thinking at the moment.

When Feng Hao saw this scene, he couldn't help being stunned. Jin Jing was indeed too similar to Huangfu Wushuang. Sometimes he wondered if his wife also came to the earth, and then during the transmission process, his memory was erased Apart from.

Some things can be changed, but the things in the bones are extremely difficult to change.

Such as this Jin Jing's personality is exactly the same as Huangfu Wu Shuang.

"Are you worried about your brother?" Feng Hao looked at Jin Jing.

Jin Jing came back to his senses, glanced at Feng Hao, and said indifferently: "This is the path he chose, whether it is a blessing or a curse, he can only recite it by himself."

Afterwards, he looked at Feng Hao meaningfully, and said: "Now that this incident has passed, what are your plans? You must know that the whole world knows your existence."

When Feng Hao heard this, he also felt that his head was extremely big. Now he is indeed an international superstar, and his reputation must be greater than that of the previous actor.

Regarding this, Feng Hao was also very helpless, he could only shake his head and said: "It seems that we can only trouble the Huaxia officials."

"You have a way?"

Jin Jingxiu raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at Feng Hao curiously.

Even Xia Shilan's daughters' eyes lit up. Feng Hao is too popular now, even if they want to live a stable life, it is obviously impossible.

"Delete all relevant video posts on the Internet. After a while, they will almost forget it. If you don't mention it deliberately, people will easily forget it, and...they can't remember me."

Feng Hao smiled lightly, since he showed his true face in front of the world, he has already made some small preparations.

His appearance can be micro-adjusted according to his own thoughts, and people familiar with him will not mistake him, but after seeing him, strangers cannot remember his appearance for a long time.

Several women looked at each other, and they were all skeptical about this.

At this moment, the sound of a helicopter hovering in the distance came, and the eyes of Feng Hao and others were also attracted.

Those are several armed helicopters, and the serial numbers are also the helicopters that the old man from Huaxia took when he came over.

Seeing these helicopters coming, the corners of Feng Hao's mouth also curved slightly, saying Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there.

After the plane landed steadily, the familiar figure did not appear, but a military general who shouldered the general star.

This general has dragon eyes and tiger eyes, and the iron blood and courage of a soldier are revealed in him.

He walked steadily, walked over, and when facing Feng Hao, he gave Feng Hao an extremely neat military salute, with infinite respect in his eyes.

"Hello, I'm Zhao Yang, the commanding officer of the Special Operations Department. It's an honor to meet you, Feng Hao!" Zhao Yang spoke cleanly.


Feng Hao nodded slightly, and said calmly: "If you have anything to say, just talk about it!"


Zhao Yang saluted again, and said seriously: "Our chief wants to invite you and the headquarters."

Zhao Yang's face was slightly red, even though he was over half a hundred years old, seeing the women beside Feng Hao, all of them were bright and attractive, he didn't know how to address them for a while.

But I thought in my heart that it is reasonable for a strong man like Feng Hao who transcends common sense to have a few beauties.

When the girls heard Zhao Yang's words, their faces flushed, and they turned extremely red.


However, Feng Hao coughed twice in embarrassment, and said seriously: "General Zhao, don't get me wrong, they are all my friends, not my wife."

"Yes!" Zhao Yang smiled knowingly.

And Xia Shilan and the others also looked a little better, but for some reason, they were all slightly disappointed in their hearts.

Just friends?

In order to resolve the somewhat awkward atmosphere, Feng Hao said: "Let's go, I happen to have something to do, so I need to trouble you."

"Okay, as long as we can do it, just ask." Zhao Yang stated directly.

Feng Hao nodded, and had a good impression of Zhao Yang and the special operations department.

The group then boarded the helicopter.

Feng Hao and Zhao Yang were on the same helicopter, while Xia Shilan and the others flew directly away from Huashan in two helicopters.

At this moment, when the members of the Jin family saw Feng Hao leaving, their hearts were finally relieved. Originally, they were all worried, afraid that Feng Hao would turn around and settle accounts with them.

Now that Feng Hao left, the entire Jin family was in a state of joy, and the elder of the Jin family even boasted: "The family party is going on tonight. If you don't get drunk, you won't go home. We will reorganize our home tomorrow and start everything from scratch. Our foundation is still there, and it will never decline.”


The other children of the Jin family were also excited. The most fortunate thing is that the foundation of the Jin family was not taken away by Feng Hao, which is the most important thing.

Ding Ding!

Suddenly, a mobile phone rang in the pocket of an elder of the Jin family.

The elder took out his mobile phone, and when he saw the number, he was so frightened that he almost threw the mobile phone out. Then, under the surprised eyes of everyone, he trembled and connected the phone.

"Feng, Feng Hao, what's your order?" The elder Jin's family asked in a low voice.

"What? It's actually Feng Hao, why does he have the elder's phone number?"

"More importantly, why does the elder's name appear on his mobile phone?"

The faces of the Jin family were also pale with fright. You must know that the fate of the Jin family can be said to be at the mercy of Ren Fenghao, even if there are complaints, there is nothing they can do about it.

Feng Hao is not only powerful and messy, but even the Huaxia officials are trying their best to befriend Feng Hao. How dare their Jin family fight against him?

Don't dare!

"Collect all the information about the Qianyu God Clan and the monster races outside the territory that you know, which forces and cultivation families in China are involved, and I will contact you by phone in the future."

Feng Hao's icy voice sounded on the phone, and the elder Jin's whole body trembled like falling into an ice cellar.

After that, he seemed to have lost all his strength, nodded and said: "Okay, I will tidy it up anyway, please rest assured."


A busy tone came from the phone. At this moment, the elder Jin’s family seemed to have stepped out of a water tank, drenched in sweat. He carefully put the phone back in his pocket, wiped the sweat off his forehead and said, “Fortunately, the Jin family still has it. But... we have to sell our allies."

"What's the meaning?"

The other Jin Jiaren looked at the Jin family elder.

"Fenghao wants all the information about the protoss outside the territory, including which families these protoss are related to on Earth, and they need to sort them out..." The shoulders of the elders of the Jin family softened.

This is the rhythm of forcing their Jin family to fight against all the families.

You must know that these are the core secrets of their respective families, and they only know each other as allies.

But now, Feng Hao asked his Jin family to confess these secrets, which undoubtedly pushed the Jin family to the forefront.

The other Jin family members are also core members of the Jin family, so they can naturally think of this, and they all expressed concern about it.

The elders of the Jin family reassured everyone: "Don't worry, we are Fenghao's people..."


The eyes of everyone in the Jin family lit up, and the expressions on their faces changed from mourning to joyful, and they said: "That's right, Feng Hao must have approved us for letting us do something, so we must do it beautifully this time." Do not let him down."

Everyone in the Jin family felt that this was true, they belonged to Feng Hao, so they didn't have to worry about anything.


At this moment, Feng Hao on the helicopter sneezed directly, which made him frown slightly.

"Looks like your friend is thinking about you."

Zhao Yang joked with a smile, and at the same time he was a little confused, could such a strong person also sneeze?

Similarly, Feng Hao also found it strange, but he didn't think deeply about it. Instead, he closed his eyes and rested his mind. He could vaguely feel a trace of law contained in the world, as if he could absorb it at any time...

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