Martial Inverse

Chapter 97 Underground Base

"It seems that it is only a matter of time before my cultivation base recovers..."

In this regard, Feng Hao is still satisfied.

Afterwards, feeling a little warmth from the holy fruit in his bosom, a certain thought that was lingering in his heart became more and more intense.

"I don't know what will happen if I swallow a holy fruit?"

Feng Hao had the urge to devour it, but in the end, reason prevailed. After all, this is the holy demon fruit. Even if it contains laws, as a human being, if he eats it, unexpected changes may occur.

Moreover, as the master of the great world, if he conflicts with the laws of the earth, causing the cultivation level that he has finally recovered to disappear again, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Four helicopters flew north from Mount Hua and stopped at the army station in NJ City.

The place where this army is stationed is extremely far from the urban area, surrounded by mountains. What is surprising is that there is no armed equipment on the ground, only a few military vehicles and patrolling soldiers.

After Feng Hao got off the plane, he was directly invited by Zhao Yang to the command site, while Xia Shilan and the girls were already taken away by corresponding female officers.

Feng Hao glanced at Xia Shilan and the others, and Zhao Yang at the side understood and said: "Don't worry, they will be fine, our people will make arrangements."


Feng Hao nodded lightly, and then followed behind Zhao Yang.

At the same time, with the recovery of his cultivation base, his spiritual sense has also become more sensitive and powerful. With just a light sweep, he knows the tricks of this army.

Just now, the reason why there was no military equipment on the ground was that all the treasures and military equipment were hidden in the mountainside.

The headquarters of this special combat operations force, who knows, is hidden in the bottom of the land of China.

In front of a mountain, there is a huge steel gate wall, several armored vehicles are lined up to grab money, and sentries carry guns to patrol, and the guard is heavy.

When Zhao Yang led Feng Hao closer, a slight disturbance immediately attracted the attention of these sentries, and the barrel of the armored vehicle was aimed directly at them.

"I'm Zhao Yang!" Zhao Yang's eyes were sharp, intertwined with the sentinel, and the silent communication was connected with the code.


It was General Zhao himself, not someone else pretending to be. "

After the sentinel was confirmed, they were on guard immediately, and then four soldiers were in front of the door wall at the same time, using iris scanning. After a successful match, the thick stone door slowly opened, revealing the tip of the iceberg of the underground base.


The base gate opened, and Zhao Yang said respectfully to Feng Hao.

For Feng Hao, such a powerful existence that transcends everything, Zhao Yang is afraid from the bottom of his heart. Every time he speaks, he thinks carefully, worrying that Feng Hao will be unhappy because of his words.

However, Zhao Yang's attitude towards Feng Hao surprised the sentinels.

You know, Zhao Yang is the supreme commander of their special force, and he is a powerful alien, ranking first in the world.

And Feng Hao, who looks like he is in his twenties, looks like an ordinary star no matter how he looks at it.

Now it is this guy who looks like a little star, but General Zhao treats him with such an attitude. It is conceivable that the sentinels are shocked in their hearts.

But the odds of the troops can only make them keep their doubts in their hearts.

After Feng Hao and Zhao Yang entered the underground base, a soldier climbed out of an armored vehicle. He tremblingly raised the imaging device in his hand for others to see.

When the scene of Feng Hao fighting the big monster outside the territory appeared before the eyes of these sentinels, they couldn't recover for a long time, and their bodies were trembling slightly.


"He, he is actually Feng Hao, the strong man who saved all mankind."

"My God, I never dreamed that I would be so close to him. God, if General Zhao's signal was wrong just now and we shot, what would happen? To annihilate the whole army."

The sentinel was terrified, and he was glad that the worst outcome didn't happen.

But they felt extremely honored to have had close contact with Feng Hao, and even felt elated that Zhao Yang could invite this great god to the army.

This paragraph is enough to write in the glorious history of the military.


Feng Hao and Zhao Yang said that the elevator went deep into the ground, and it went down for more than a hundred meters before the elevator came to a complete stop. Then the elevator door opened, and Feng Hao saw the command room of this mysterious army.

It was not very different from the military command room in Hollywood movies, with all high-tech equipment and staff coming and going.

Of course, each of these staff members is the best high-tech talent in the country, and they are the most scarce talents in today's information age.

"Old Zhao, you are finally here. We have made a new and important discovery."

As soon as Feng Hao and Zhao Yang entered the command room of the underground base, another guy with the rank of major came over with equipment as thin as cicada's wings.

"Old Tian, ​​what did you find?" Zhao Yang was startled, and immediately cheered up.

It was not ordinary for his old partner to call it a major discovery.

Feng Hao also became a little bit interested. In the era when the holy tree was born and the big monsters from outside the territory came, any new thing that appeared was enough to be called a major discovery.

Of course, this so-called new thing must be the highest-level existence. It cannot be said that the discovery of three-legged toads and two-headed pigs among the people is also called a major discovery.

As the major surnamed Tian flicked his fingers, a picture was projected on the screen as thin as a cicada's wing, which was the Pacific Ocean.

Then the picture changed drastically. In the picture taken by the Hailong nuclear submarine, a palace was found on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

The moment he saw this palace, Feng Hao's eyes glared sharply, which reminded him of what Lao Niu said, that he was going to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean to absorb the holy fruit, saying that there was a palace that was very suitable for him to practice.

"Could it be..." Feng Hao couldn't help guessing.

"Old Tian, ​​don't dawdle. The chiefs will come down later. There are very important things to deal with. If you have any important discoveries, tell them directly." Zhao Yang was worried about Feng Hao's mood, and hurriedly urged.

Lao Tian obviously noticed the change in his old comrade-in-arms' mentality, and his eyes turned slightly, seeing Feng Hao who was staring at him, he laughed in his heart.

Where did the recruits come from, who lost their composure when they saw high-tech equipment?

Did it come from some rural corner? It's just that kind of place, can it produce elites suitable for their troops?

Regarding this, Lao Tian also felt a little displeased. Their troops want elites, not bumpkins like this.

In order not to waste time, Lao Tian didn't stop, his eyes fell on the projection equipment in his hand, and he said seriously: "According to the picture sent back by the Sea Dragon, this palace is very likely to be the legendary Dragon Palace, because we I saw a pair of dragon horns flashing across the screen... and the energy level on the Sea Dragon also shows that this dragon is very powerful..."

"Old Zhao, are you interested in hunting dragons?"

In the end, Lao Tian licked his lips, and the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes were also wrinkled together, with a cold smile on his face.

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