Martial Inverse

Chapter 80 Feng Hao's Shadow

When Feng Hao withdrew his hand, the tense atmosphere in the entire conference room was relieved at this moment.

Zhao Yang's back that was drenched, at this moment, as the atmosphere eased, the strange force in his body was released, and his clothes evaporated instantly.

"Feng Hao, there is no information about you in the entire Huaxia archives. Countries all over the world have checked in the databases, and there is no information about you. You seem to have appeared out of thin air. Can you tell us that you are from where?"

The grey-haired old chief stared at Feng Hao with great interest, apparently having a strong interest in Feng Hao's life experience.

As long as he is a person on earth, even if he is a black household, the country can find his family through clues, even the eighteen generations of ancestors can be dug out.

But Feng Hao seemed to appear out of thin air, the place where he appeared for the first time was in the city of Shanghai.

Before that, he had not appeared in any country.

Huaxia Kingdom's Sky Eye system is no joke. It can connect to cameras in any corner of China for face matching, and can find any place where a person has appeared within ten seconds.

After big data calculation, what he has done in his life, what he has bought, and where he has been can all be calculated in a short period of time.

So as to perfectly structure a person's life.

Whether this life is to be busy or comfortable, whether to struggle or enjoy, whether to be a local tyrant or a loser, and thus systematically plan.

Who are the social elites and who are the common people, everything is invisible in front of big data.

However, even with such a powerful system, there was no trace of Feng Hao before he appeared in the capital.

The information on the big data shows that Feng Hao belongs to the position of destruction level, which is far from being comparable to the position of social elites, cultivators, and aliens.

In the eyes of the sky, the level of destruction belongs to the highest level of threat. From research and development to the present, the top alien powerhouses in various countries have not been labeled with this label.

Even the monkey who is exactly the same as Monkey King in the Chinese mythology is far below the level of destruction.

But the brother next door, Feng Hao, who seemed harmless to humans and animals, did it.

"You really want to know?"

Facing the hopeful eyes of the three old chiefs and Zhao Yang,

Feng Hao made a look that hesitated to speak.

"Well, I want to!"

The four nodded subconsciously.

However, Feng Hao drew a curve at the corner of his mouth, and said with a light smile: "This is a secret."

"Ha ha!"

After saying this, Feng Hao laughed and stood up, his figure flickered, and he had already left the meeting room.


Without warning, the members of the underground base only felt the sudden sound of the elevator, and then the elevator went up to the ground.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye.

"What's going on? Who got into the elevator just now?"

"I don't know, what the hell?"

All the gazes were full of horror, and a chill rose from the bottom of my heart.

At this moment, the door of the conference room opened again, and four figures walked out of it. They were the three senior Chinese leaders they were familiar with, and their commander, General Zhao Yang.

But until the door of the meeting room was closed, the young man who had followed General Zhao Yang in did not appear again.

"What did you just see?"

Zhao Yang looked at the group of soldiers who were in shock, trying to determine whether Feng Hao teleported away directly, or... leaving at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

If it is teleported away directly, it is teleportation, which is even more terrifying than exceeding the speed of light.

"I didn't see anything, I just saw the elevator go up by itself!"

The soldier stared at by Zhao Yang replied with a salute.


Zhao Yang nodded, and the latter sat down in fear, and then Zhao Yang left the underground base with the three old chiefs.

In the elevator of the special passage, the gray-haired chief said meaningfully: "Feng Hao's speed can exceed the speed of light, his right arm is as powerful as a nuclear strike, and his flying altitude is over 10,000 meters, and his defense ability is currently unknown. Man, it's horrible."

"Fortunately, he chose to stay in Huaxia. When we first learned that we did not have any information about him in Huaxia, you don't know how worried I was that he was from the Wa country..." Another old chief said with a bitter face.

China is a great country, if there is such a strong man in Wa country, with his country's despicable behavior, China will be in danger.

Fortunately, no country in the world has any information about Fenghao.

And this also gave them a great opportunity.

Fortunately, this time an agreement was reached with Feng Hao. Although Huaxia had to spend a lot of manpower and material resources for this, but with Feng Hao in charge, it was enough to not fear the world.

"Zhao Yang, the task of docking with Feng Hao is entrusted to you, the special operations force, we will send Li Chong to take over, you know, the task on your shoulders will be even heavier in the future."

The grey-haired old chief patted Zhao Yang on the shoulder and said: "I watched you grow up, and you never let us three old guys down. If Feng Hao leaves the earth one day, you come back again. ... If you don't wait until that day, I will wrong you."

Speaking of this, the old chief's eyes also turned red.

Zhao Yang's eyes were also reddish, but as a soldier and a powerful stranger in China, he was destined not to shed tears.

"Yes, Chief!"

Zhao Yang's answer was proudly reflected in this standard salute.

"Go, bring his confidante to fight with him. Besides, you have to remember that from now on you will be Feng Hao's shadow."

The old chief said again, with a serious tone.

"I see!"

Zhao Yang nodded heavily, and there was a touch of determination in his words.

From now on, he will let go of his status as a general and become a person who can only appear in the dark.

But he doesn't regret the sacrifice he made for Huaxia.

At the same time, when Feng Hao appeared on the ground, because opening the door required iris and multiple verifications, Feng Hao could not leave smoothly.

But... Feng Hao just stretched out his hand lightly, and stuck it on the huge alloy door. With the surge of spiritual power in his body, it turned into countless threads, just like the instructions in the computer, all the passwords were silently released. Cracked by him.

Sombra's strength, even if he doesn't have a computer, these technologies are just decorations for him.

The giant alloy door opened without any alarm sounding.

But this scene surprised the guards at the Sentinel Gate. After confirming that Feng Hao was really alone and opened the gate of the base, their mouths opened enough to stuff a duck egg.

"You, how did you get out?" The sentinel knew Feng Hao's identity, and facing Feng Hao's gaze at this moment, his body trembled uncontrollably.

As soldiers, such a situation is rare in their lives.

But Feng Hao ignored them, and walked directly towards the direction where Xia Shilan and others left before. With the spread of spiritual consciousness, this base was under his cover.

Coupled with the unique aura of Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu, he can easily find them.

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