Martial Inverse

Chapter 81 Return

With the recovery of Feng Hao's cultivation base, on this earth, Feng Hao's spiritual consciousness can be used like an arm.

At an aboveground army station not far from the underground base, they felt Xia Shilan's aura, and just as Feng Hao was about to go there, Zhao Yang chased after him.

"Feng Hao, wait for me, I will take you to join them."

As a powerful alien, Zhao Yang is capable of catching up with Feng Hao when he stays for a while.

Of course, this is also the reason why Feng Hao did not use his full strength.

If he intends, no one on the entire earth can surpass him. This is a kind of self-confidence, almost invincible self-confidence.

"You don't need to greet your three old chiefs?" Feng Hao looked at Zhao Yang and said.

"No, I have already sent someone to escort them away. After all, in their capacity, it is not suitable for them to leave the imperial capital."

Zhao Yang said truthfully that he was also slightly surprised by Feng Hao's approachability at the moment.

"Well, let's go! But remember the conditions I put forward. After three days, I hope that there will be no records about me on the Internet."

Feng Hao's expression changed, and he stared at Zhao Yang seriously. This matter is related to whether he can live in peace within three years.

In fact, if there were no big monsters and holy trees from outside the territory, Feng Hao felt that the earth would be the most suitable place for vacation.

Of course, with the fall of the big monster outside the territory and the disappearance of the sacred tree, the earth is also suitable for vacation, which is why Feng Hao wants to be calm.

Feng Hao doesn't know what will happen in three years, but at least in these three years, he can cultivate his body and mind well, so that his cultivation can recover faster.

Hearing Feng Hao's words, Zhao Yang also made a promise: "Don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter for you, otherwise, you will kill me with one shot."

"I don't have a gun." Feng Hao said.

Zhao Yang was stunned, and then whispered: "How much do you want? Just ask..."

Feng Hao smiled, shook his head and said: "I have seen the guns of your country, and they can't even break through the protective shields of warships outside the region, let alone guns. It is useless for me to come."

The invention of hot weapons is indeed a miracle. He has freed mankind from the era of cold weapons in history, and the entire era has completed an extraordinary leap.

In the great world, there are countless splendid histories in the past, but they are all related to practice, but the earth has embarked on the road of technology.

And using these technologies, they can also do things that many powerful people in the world cannot do. It has to be said that this is a miracle.

Zhao Yang's face was flushed red. The previous nuclear strikes by various countries had no effect on that warship outside the region. It really made all countries lose a lot of fighting spirit.

But considering the power of that warship, all countries have also begun to comfort themselves, and the effect is also very significant. They still claim that their country's weapons are very powerful.

"Anyway, if you have any needs, you can ask me." Zhao Yang said in a tone of inquiry.

Feng Hao also heard the information contained in Zhao Yang's words, nodded and said: "You can follow me, but try not to let them know your existence."

Feng Hao didn't want Xia Shilan and the others to know that he had a Chinese general by his side.

The agreement he reached with Huaxia officials can only be known to a few of them.

"it is good!"

Zhao Yang's brows were also relaxed, and he was more happy than being promoted to the military rank to get Feng Hao's approval.

Afterwards, Feng Hao no longer relied on his spiritual knowledge to find Xia Shilan, Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu, but got into the military vehicle of the army and drove directly to the ground army.

When Feng Hao arrived, Xia Shilan, Liu Xiaofei, Zhang Yi, Xiaolei and the others had already become one with the female soldiers in the army.

When the sound of Yingge's laughter came, Feng Hao couldn't help feeling a little dizzy.

As long as the women get together, it's like a market wherever they go, and Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu are directly thrown aside by Xia Shilan and the others.

At this moment, the two little beasts were looking at them frolicking vigorously.


Suddenly, a short-haired female soldier saw Zhao Yang approaching, who was shouldering the general star, and immediately straightened her appearance and saluted.

As her words sounded, many female soldiers in the entire tent quickly stood up, and all lined up neatly in a row.

Xia Shilan and the others were taken aback. When they saw Feng Hao beside Zhao Yang, their restless hearts immediately settled down.

"Feng Hao!"

They all stood up and looked at Feng Hao with blushing faces.

Only that Jin Jing seemed out of place with the crowd, chatting with an intelligent robot that could talk, with a smile on her face.

Since Feng Hao came in until now, she just glanced at Feng Hao casually, and then went on her own.

Regarding this, Feng Hao also felt a little helpless, if it wasn't for Jin Jing and his wife Huangfu Wushuang, he wouldn't care what she was doing at all.

Just like Xia Shilan, Liu Xiaofei, and Xiaolei, if they didn't have the same appearance as her wife, maybe they wouldn't have any intersection at all.

As the ruler of the vast world, he doesn't have the kind of leisurely and elegant way of flirting with ordinary people.

At the same time, the appearance of Feng Hao also made all the female soldiers in the tent stare at Feng Hao with big beautiful eyes.

Obviously, they all knew about Feng Hao.

Because... on the screen behind them, it was Feng Hao's heroic figure of slaying monsters and enemies.

Facing the fiery eyes of so many female soldiers, even Feng Hao, who is the master of the world, felt a little overwhelmed at the moment.


Zhao Yang pretended to be rigorous and coughed twice, and immediately, those female soldiers blushed, their eyes dodged, and they didn't dare to look at Feng Hao unscrupulously.

But their hearts were pounding.

Since ancient times, it has been an unchanging truth that beauties love heroes.

"Well, Feng Hao is leaving now, and her friends are also leaving together. You didn't neglect them, did you?" Zhao Yang swept across the female soldiers with a little majesty.


All the female soldiers shook their heads quickly.


Zhao Yang's eyes fell on Xia Shilan and the others, apparently asking for their opinions.

"We are very happy, there is no slight snub."

The girls are naturally telling the truth, otherwise, they would not have been able to show such a happy side just now.

"That's good!"

Zhao Yang nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and saluted Feng Hao: "Hero, your friend has been brought to you, please instruct."

Feng Hao obviously didn't expect General Zhao to do something like this all of a sudden, he immediately glared at the latter, and said: "Go away, send a plane over quickly, and return to SH."


As he said that, Zhao Yang directly called a small private plane from the communication equipment in the tent, and the plane was also camouflaged. It did not belong to any airline company, but directly belonged to the military.

Afterwards, Feng Hao walked up to Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu, and said in words that only they could hear: "Let's go, after you go back, both of you have to be honest, especially you, Xiao Qiuqiu, don't give me any trouble." I play live streaming to be an internet celebrity, from now on, you have to learn to keep a low profile."

Xiao Qiuqiu nodded, patted Xiao Hei's head with his paw, and said, "You little nigga, did you hear that, Feng Hao asked you to keep a low profile."

"Roar~" Xiao Hei roared aggrievedly, it seemed that from the beginning, it was very low-key...

Seeing this scene, Feng Hao couldn't help but frowned slightly, but he couldn't do anything about Xiao Qiuqiu, and said speechlessly, "Anyway, don't cause trouble for me."

Now, Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu nodded quickly, just like chickens pecking at rice.

Afterwards, they jumped onto Feng Hao's shoulders, holding their toes high and proud, like a proud little prince.

A group of people boarded the plane directly under the leadership of Zhao Yang. After a short run-up, the plane raised its nose and took off.

, Zhao Yang was left waving goodbye with a group of female soldiers.

"It's time for me to leave too...SH, my home..." Zhao Yang's eyes moistened slightly, and he left the station resolutely.

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