Martial Inverse

Chapter 82 Captured Feng Hao (Part 1)

Chapter 82 Captured Feng Hao (Part 1)

The plane was playing soft music, Feng Hao and the girls were half lying in separate seats, resting with their eyes closed.

The brand-new equipment in the cabin is low-key and luxurious. It is obvious that this is a special commercial aircraft that has only served in the military.

"Feng Hao, your cultivation has recovered?"

Feng Hao squinted his eyes to rest, enjoying the tranquility of this moment, but the voice of Xiao Qiuqiu suddenly sounded in his mind.

Opening his eyes, Feng Hao saw Xiao Qiuqiu who shared the seat with Xiao Hei, and the latter was also looking at him.

When the four eyes meet, there is a touch of goodness in the small ball eyes.

In the previous battles, as a beast god, its cultivation base was also suppressed, but its innate instinct endowed it with keen perception.

It sensed that Feng Hao was constantly becoming stronger, so strong that he almost became a super strong man in the Supreme Realm.

But this is just a perception of it, before its own strength is restored, it is not easy to draw conclusions, but if Feng Hao's cultivation is restored, it will feel at ease.

At least, when the earth is becoming more and more mysterious, and the strength is restored, it is truly no worries. A trip to the earth can also be regarded as a rare vacation opportunity.

There is no need to worry about the arrival of the superpowers of this cosmic world, or the powerhouses of the great thousand worlds and the heavens and myriad realms coming across the border.

"I have recovered a lot, and it seems that I may recover my full strength in three years." Feng Hao had a smile on his face.

"Three years, not a long time." Xiao Qiuqiu's eyes lit up, and at the same time, his heart was secretly happy.

According to Feng Hao's words, wouldn't he have to stay on Earth for at least three years?

This is simply great news for it.

The boring life on this earth in the Great Thousand World is much more comfortable and comfortable.

At the same time, Xiao Hei also opened his sleepy eyes, looked at Xiao Qiuqiu and then at Feng Hao, shook his head, and then fell asleep again.

Seeing such a scene, Feng Hao felt a little distressed.

After all, what happened to Jin Jiazu*chi,

It has brought a lot of trauma to Xiao Hei, and now it really needs this kind of comfortable environment to adjust its breath.

"By the way, Feng Hao, how many holy fruits did you keep?" Xiao Qiuqiu asked suddenly.

"There are two more, originally intended for you and Xiao Hei, but I thought about it and put this idea aside for the time being." Feng Hao said seriously.

When Xiao Qiuqiu heard the words, his eyes lit up suddenly, he licked his lips and said, "No wonder, I always feel that you have a fragrance that makes me salivate. It turns out that you didn't give the holy fruit to Huaxia officials."

"Why do you think that I will give them the holy fruit?"

Feng Hao glanced at Xiaoqiuqiu strangely, shook his head and said: "Even if I am willing to give it, they don't have the courage to speak up."

"If you didn't recover from the beginning, Huaxia officials threatened, and I would definitely suggest you to let go, but now, there is really no need for that."

Xiao Qiuqiu showed a wise look.

At that time, Feng Hao's cultivation had not recovered. If he wanted to fight against a country with hot weapons, he could be regarded as immortal, but he would be suppressed anyway.

But now it is different, Feng Hao already has the strength to fight against the country alone.

"You and Xiao Hei don't think about these two holy fruits for the time being. I won't take this risk until I'm sure what the holy fruit will have on your body."

Feng Hao looked at Xiao Qiuqiu seriously.

"Well, I'm not in a hurry, but it's Xiao Hei's case... If this sacred fruit is useful to it, it might complete the last leap and return to its ancestors to become a primordial virtual dragon."

Xiao Qiuqiu's eyes obviously have a faint expectation. After all, if Xiao Hei can evolve from a virtual dragon to an ancient virtual dragon that returns to his ancestors, he will definitely become a beast god, shoulder to shoulder with his true self.

"What if it's useless?" Feng Hao said softly.

Xiao Qiuqiu was silent for a while, then looked at the sleeping Xiao Hei, looked up at Feng Hao and said: "If it doesn't work, it means that the laws of the earth are not suitable for Xulong's physique, and it might go backwards and become a dragon... "

Feng Hao's expression was slightly moved, the price was too high.

If Xiao Hei degenerates into a dragon, then the innate supernatural powers of being a virtual dragon will disappear, which is absolutely unbearable result for Xiao Hei.

Therefore, devouring is a very wrong choice before confirming the effects of these two sacred fruits.

Then, one man and one beast ended the whole topic.

But Xiao Qiuqiu obviously had a lot to ask. He looked at Feng Hao, and communicated through voice transmission with his spiritual thoughts: "Why didn't you take the sword you got from the Huashan Sacred Tree?"

Xiao Qiuqiu obviously had a strong interest in the Xuanyuan Sword that killed the demon god Chi You, although the power displayed was not satisfactory.

But the sword intent contained in it, even if it is a small ball, is faintly palpitating.

This is enough to show that the sword may have been sealed, and the side it is showing now is only in a sealed state.

If the seal is lifted, it may not be weaker than any divine weapon.

"It's inconvenient to carry that sword with me, so I didn't take it away." Feng Hao said lightly.

Xiao Qiuqiu stared at the words, and said: "You are so big-hearted, can't you feel the power of that sword?"

"It's sealed. If the seal is broken, it won't be weaker than my Pangu Axe." Feng Hao said softly.

"What? So powerful?" Xiao Qiuqiu stared again in amazement.

Not weaker than Pangu Axe?

This earth can still give birth to such gods and things. You must know that in the vast world, God Pangu created the world, and the Queen Nuwa created all things.

However, a sword on the earth can be compared to the Pangu god ax that opened up the world.

Looking at Xiao Qiuqiu's astonished expression, Feng Hao put his hands behind his head and said: "When it's time to sh, you should study the myths and stories of Huaxia Kingdom carefully, maybe you will find something useful, this world is not simple .”

Afterwards, Feng Hao stopped talking and closed his eyes, as if he had entered a state of meditation.

Xiao Qiuqiu couldn't recover for a long time, but her eyes were full of suspicion. Huaxia is really so mysterious?

As time passed, this plane with a special livery finally arrived at the SH airport. Before that, the entire control tower of the SH airport was extremely tense.

Because they received a special secret message from the Chinese government, a plane from a special department will arrive at the airport at seven o'clock in the evening.

Prior to this, any flight must give way and runway for this aircraft.

When the plane landed and entered the runway, seven or eight security vehicles drove into the airport, blocking the entrance and exit of the entire terminal building.

And the keen reporter who has been in charge of catching news at the airport all the year round also discovered the abnormality here early, and took pictures of this shocking side through the airport glass at the first time.

At the moment when Feng Hao’s video is still kept on the Internet, the cameras of the reporters also captured Feng Hao’s face as he got off the plane.

In an instant, many reporters were even more excited, shouting in their hearts: Feng Hao, it's his mother's Feng Hao!


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