Martial Inverse

Chapter 83 Captured Feng Hao (Part 2)

The changes in the airport terminal also made the passengers in the whole airport show strong curiosity.

And Ma Han, the little fresh meat star who was busy signing autographs, signed autographs for fans with a smile on his face, and when he was about to hand them back, he found that the fans had already left completely.

Even the long guns and short cannons that were aimed at him all disappeared. Just when he was suspicious, he found that the people on the entire airport floor were desperately squeezing towards the glass of the terminal building, as if they had seen something shocking.

"what happened?"

Ma Han frowned and said displeasedly.

"I don't know, I'll go and have a look."

Ma Han's assistant, Momo, pushed his black-rimmed glasses and ran over with a backpack on his back. However, he never came back after he left. Instead, he stared intently at the plane from the plane just like those fans and passengers. The figures who came down.

"What is Momo doing?"

Ma Han's expression was extremely gloomy. Just as he was about to take off his sunglasses to make it easier for other passengers to spot his presence, he found that everyone ignored him.

"Who is that?"

With the help of bodyguards, Ma Han stood on the suitcase, looked far away, and saw Feng Hao getting off the plane.

However, he seldom pays attention to other Chinese stars. In his opinion, few Chinese stars are worth more than him, so naturally there is no need to pay too much attention.

He was in Huaxia, so he couldn't find anyone who threatened his appearance.

However, when he saw Feng Hao's face clearly, he frowned slightly, and murmured in a low voice: "It's almost threatening my appearance, but these people are too blind, don't I Isn't that guy popular yet?"

Seeing that Fenghao is so popular, Ma Han felt very unhappy. After jumping out of the suitcase, he said to his assistant Momo: "Give me this person's information, and I will let him get out of the showbiz. Block him."

"What did you say?"

To Ma Han's surprise, his assistant Momo stared at him with red eyes, as if trying to eat him up.

Ma Han's heart felt cold, and the two bodyguards reacted very quickly, protecting him behind his back, and said to his assistant Momo: "What are you doing, Momo? If you do this again, don't blame our colleagues."

"Ma Han,

I'm fed up with you. For an actor like you who looks for a double for dubbing, a double for playing, a double for diving, who goes to the hospital for a minor injury, and the doctor said that the delivery was timely, otherwise the wound would heal, how dare you say that? Block Feng Hao. "

"Do you know who he is? Do you know the ancient gods? He is the protagonist."

"Have you paid attention to the Huashan incident? If it weren't for him, would you still be able to live a life of superiority without worry?"

"You actually said to block him. Believe it or not, if I say a word, the saliva of the entire terminal can drown you."

Momo's eyes were red, and Ma Han's insulting Feng Hao was like insulting his faith, and he exploded at this moment.

And Momo's words fell into the ears of others, and immediately, everyone's eyes fell on Ma Han.

At that moment, while Ma Han's mind was shaking violently, he wished he could find a hole in the ground and go down.

Then, under the full escort of the bodyguards, at the cost of being covered with orange peels, potato chips and other snack residues, he was able to leave the airport safely and got into the nanny car.

At this moment, Ma Han's heart was full of anger and mania.

Only he knows how popular he is in the Chinese mainland, otherwise, a drama that he dared not even say would be worth 100 million yuan.

And for the sky-high salary he offered, the producers in Huaxia had to kneel and lick it obediently.

At the same time, Feng Hao, Xia Shilan and others who got off the plane also noticed the situation of the entire airport terminal.

Feng Hao glanced at those people. In his consciousness, the mental state of these people was extremely excited, and their hearts were also extremely hot.

And this also made De Fenghao feel relieved, and he didn't have the slightest regret for his previous actions to stop the big monster from outside the territory.

"Feng Hao, they are all watching you."

Xia Shilan smiled at Feng Hao, with a sense of pride in her beautiful eyes, it seemed that the better Feng Hao was, the more she was satisfied with being proud.

For her goddaughter to call Feng Hao her father, her heart is even sweeter. Although Feng Hao is not exclusive to him, she is already very satisfied with being so close like this.

And Liu Xiaofei, Xiaolei and others also had shallow smiles on their faces, Feng Hao stopped, and they also waited quietly.

This is the glory that belongs to the man in front of him, let him enjoy the moment quietly!

And the security personnel at the airport did not disperse these seemingly extremely dangerous behaviors, they all kept their eyes on Feng Hao.

For a moment, the whole world seemed to be quiet, and time stood still.

The terminal building was also very quiet, only the sound of slightly heavy breathing.

"Feng Hao!"

At this moment, an unknown person yelled softly, and then the word Feng Hao rang out one after another, and finally the entire terminal building shouted Feng Hao's name.

Passengers took out their mobile phones and tablets, wrote the word Fenghao, held them up high, and waved them vigorously with red eyes.

The cameras of the reporters recorded this moment, and they were sobbing like the audience in front of the TV or computer, telling the story of this unprecedented pick-up.

Feng Hao watching silently is the best greeting to these people.

"Let's go!"

Afterwards, Feng Hao said softly, and the group of people took another step. Under the leadership of the security personnel, they boarded the Toyota Coaster that had already been prepared, and drove away from the airport.

And the police car cleared the way ahead.

And an official with the car is also in the Toyota Coaster, facing the Feng Hao people behind him, his heart is nervous and frightened.

Ever since he received the special call from Huaxia Central, he rushed over tremblingly, and when he learned that the person who was going to pick up was Feng Hao, he was even more frightened and went limp.

For Feng Hao, a world-class legendary figure, no one, not even a high-ranking official, would dare to neglect him in the slightest.

Fortunately, from getting on the car until now, Feng Hao has been staring at the night view of the city outside the car window, as if he has lost his mind.

"Just park wherever you want!"

Suddenly, Feng Hao turned his head to look at the official and said.


The official was stunned on the spot, unsure: "Whatever, just find a place to park?"

A look of embarrassment appeared on his face, according to the instructions above, Feng Hao and his beauties should be escorted home safely.

According to the data, the place where Feng Hao and his confidante are located is nearly an hour's drive away from this road.

Xia Shilan and the others were also a little surprised by Feng Hao's impromptu idea, and they didn't know what Feng Hao was thinking at the moment.


Feng Hao nodded, but then he looked at Xia Shilan, Liu Xiaofei and the others, and said, "You don't have to follow me to get off the car, just go back to the villa."

And Xiao Qiuqiu and Xiao Hei jumped directly onto Feng Hao's shoulders at this moment, and a gleam of coldness appeared in the eyes of the two little guys.

"Okay, find a place to park!"

The official didn't dare to show any disrespect, and immediately said to the driver.

Then Coster stopped directly in the middle of the road, and the escort team before and after blocked the road in advance.

And after Feng Hao got off the car with Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu, he directly submerged into the night scene.

"There's a strong evil spirit in this city. Feng Hao must have discovered something?"

In the Coster car, Jin Jing watched Feng Hao's figure disappear, and at the same time, the golden light in her eyes flashed, and she saw the dark clouds rolling over the city.

It was a cloud of monsters condensed from extremely powerful monster energy, which meant that there were powerful monsters at work.

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