Martial Inverse

Chapter 84 Qin Youran

After Feng Hao got out of the car, he brought Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu into an alley in a bustling street.

The alley was pitch black, forming the sharpest contrast with the bright lights outside.

Behind every prosperity, there is such a dark existence.

"How many big monsters from outside the territory have descended in total? Why is there such a powerful big monster here far away from sh?"

Feng Hao was very confused. From the moment he drove into this section of the urban area, he sensed the demonic aura above the city. It was so strong that ordinary demons could not form it.

At the very least, it is also comparable to a big monster that fuses the spirits of the five elements, and there may be more than one.

"The big monsters who came here died, and those who didn't died were taken away by Huaxia officials as guinea pigs. The big monsters here should not come from outside this time."

Xiao Qiuqiu said through voice transmission, and there was a trace of caution in his eyes.

They lived in SH before, but they didn't notice anything strange here. However, after the Huashan incident, there was a gathering of monster clouds here, and there must be some connection between them.

As Feng Hao kept approaching, suddenly, a special wave spread out from the monster cloud.

Sensing this fluctuation, Feng Hao's expression also became slightly moved.

Because this fluctuation is exactly the fluctuation of space. Obviously, there are strong people who cross the boundary from other planes, and the existence of these monster clouds also shows that the people who cross the boundary are not human races, but monsters.

"Now that the holy tree of extreme demons has disappeared, what are these monsters doing here?" Feng Hao was slightly puzzled.

The monsters coming across the world are nothing more than the fruit of the extreme demon holy tree.

But now that the fruits of the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree have been picked, if they come across the border, it will only be for nothing

"Do you want to go and have a look?"

Xiao Qiuqiu was a little interested, and as she spoke, she also looked at Feng Hao who had a thoughtful expression on her face.

"There are too many monsters in China now, and we are not the ones to eliminate demons and defend the way, but this time there are big monsters from outside the territory, so I have to take care of this time."

Feng Hao originally just wanted to get closer to confirm the strength of the big monster in the city.

But since an unexpected monster appeared in the monster cloud, Feng Hao didn't mind to find out.

In this regard, Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu also have no opinion.

Feng Hao leaped deep in the alley, and his figure appeared on the roof of a hotel. Looking far away, his spiritual consciousness locked the position where the great monster from outside the territory descended.

Afterwards, he straightened his body and swept towards the place where the big monster was located, that is, below the center of the monster cloud.

"Long Group!"

The center of the demon cloud happened to be aimed at the high-rise building, on which there were four big characters "Long's Group" glowing red.

Feng Hao stood on the roof of the building opposite the Long Group Building, his black hair fluttering in the wind, and he looked at the building calmly.

"What is the origin of the Long Group? It is actually related to races outside the territory."

Feng Hao murmured in a low voice, then he took out his mobile phone, entered a few commands skillfully, and then searched for the information of the Long Group.

However, there is no information about Long's Group in the entire Internet database, but there are a few words about Long's Group on the webpage for ordinary people.

But there is no valuable core information at all.

"Let's go!"

Feng Hao thought for a while, but he still didn't force his way into the Long's Group. Before that, the big monster from outside the territory did not hurt innocent people, and the Long's Group had no conflicts with him.

And he didn't have to take the initiative to attack.

Because, he did not come for world peace.

Of course, this is not to say that Feng Hao doesn't care about it. After reaching an agreement with Huaxia officials, there are some things that he really doesn't need to do personally.

Everything can be handed over to Zhao Yang.

Afterwards, Feng Hao also directly sent a text message to Zhao Yang, asking him to investigate all the information related to the Long Group.

And the latter, also very succinctly, replied to him: ok!

After leaving the Long Group, Feng Hao took Xiao Qiuqiu and Xiao Hei to find a quieter and distinctive restaurant, and prepared to have a delicious meal.

After all, they haven't tasted Chinese food for a long time, and the smell whetted their appetites.

Although Feng Hao and the others don't have any relationship even if they don't eat, this does not prevent them from loving Chinese delicacies.

At least, these tastes cannot be experienced in the big world.

And they are willing to stay in Huaxia, food is also a small reason.

"Sir, how many people? Inside please!"

As soon as Feng Hao stepped into the door, he was greeted enthusiastically by the waiter. When the twenty-year-old waiter saw Feng Hao's face, he was also stunned.

She felt as if she had seen it somewhere.

But soon, the cute appearance of Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu made the waitress feel pampered: "Wow, what a cute pet!"

Xiao Qiuqiu glanced at the waiter's chest imperceptibly, and then turned his head away, obviously dissatisfied.

For this, Xiao Hei looked at Xiao Qiuqiu with disgust.

"Three." Feng Hao subconsciously said.


The little girl looked behind Feng Hao and found that there was no one, she suddenly felt a chill down her back, obviously there was only one person, where did the three come from?

But then she thought of some spoof videos on the Internet, and she rolled her eyes at Feng Hao, who looked a bit decent, but her heart was bad, and she actually wanted to scare her.

"What do you want to eat? I'll come back after I order." The little girl then left to entertain other guests.

After Feng Hao took his seat, Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu flew into their seats, staring at the menu intently, and the corners of their mouths were almost drooling.


Just as Feng Hao was ordering food, at the end of the restaurant, a beauty about twenty years old, with ponytails and school uniform, was playing the guitar on the stage and singing the once popular song 'Perfume is poisonous'.

When she sang emotionally, there were already small tears in her beautiful eyes.

Feng Hao leaned on the chair, enjoying the song sung by this little beauty. What is rare is that this little girl has a very good voice, her face is also very outstanding, and her pure temperament is enough to make many men fall in love with her. tempted.

However, what Feng Hao cares about is not the little girl's appearance, what he cares about is that there is something inside the little girl that Feng Hao is familiar with.

He was sure that he had felt this kind of breath in Huashan not long ago.

Of course, it wasn't the aura of the cultivation techniques of the ancient Huashan Cultivation Clan, but... the aura from the monster.

With doubts and puzzles, Feng Hao listened to the song quietly, while secretly observing every move of this pure girl.

After singing, the girl stood up and bowed to the diners in the restaurant, then packed her guitar and prepared to leave.

Just when the little girl passed by where Feng Hao was, Feng Hao caught the little girl's white hand with one hand, unexpectedly to Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu.

"If you have time, sit down and chat, let's have something to eat!" Feng Hao said calmly.


However, his words caused an uproar in the ears of other diners.

Many people are all too familiar with this beauty who sang in the restaurant. Her name is Qin Youran, and she is one of the campus beauties of sh Fudan University.

She didn't come here to sing here for a short time, she never spoke, she just left after singing a few songs.

Her identity was also asked by some wealthy customers from the restaurant manager.

The reason why everyone was surprised was because what happened to Qin Youran was a bit too bizarre. There were many people who hit up Qin Youran before.

But the only people who touched her limbs... all died of accidents in the end.

Of course, these are also people's talk after dinner, but the person who happened to die in an accident touched her hand.

If such a person really existed in this world, he would have been arrested by the country as a guinea pig, or even listed as a terrorist.

At this moment, Feng Hao grabbed Qin Youran's little hand, and what made the diners even more terrified was that Qin Youran didn't break free, and said expressionlessly: "You'd better call your parents tonight and let them prepare for the funeral, I'm sorry ..."

Saying that, Qin Youran shook off Feng Hao's hand, and with red eyes, she left the restaurant with the guitar in her arms.

"Really, really, the guy who met Qin Youran before died really because he touched her hand."

"My God, it's a good thing I resisted the impulse just now, otherwise I would have to prepare for the funeral, Mommy, I was scared to death."

Many diners were sweating coldly, and directly asked the manager to ban Qin Youran from singing in the restaurant in the future, which was really scary.

At the same time, those diners showed sympathy to Feng Hao and shook their heads one after another.


Not long after Qin Youran left, Feng Hao also noticed a subtle change coming from his right hand. Regarding this, the corners of his mouth quietly curved.

Obviously, there is something in Qin Youran that interests Feng Hao.

As for the subtle changes in the right hand, this is not a problem to Feng Hao at all, as soon as the unicorn arm is released, the strangeness will disappear immediately.

Of course, for ordinary people, this can really kill a person within a few hours without any suspense.

Because the power in Qin Youran's body, which was obviously not under her control, came from Chi You, the blood-stained demon god before that.

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