Martial Inverse

Chapter 85 Do you dare to hit someone?

After Qin Youran left, many frightened diners in the restaurant paid the bill and left immediately.

I am afraid that in the future, they will definitely not dare to eat in this restaurant again.

And the manager of the restaurant kept apologizing. As for refusing Qin Youran to sing on stage, he couldn't make up his mind.

Because Qin Youran's father is also one of the directors of this restaurant chain.

When the diners were about to leave, the restaurant manager also looked at Feng Hao's position, one person and two beasts were eating as if nothing had happened.

It didn't seem to be hindered by Qin Youran's affairs at all.

"Sir, I'm really sorry. I suggest you go to the hospital. You'd better inform your family to go there too."

The manager faltered and hawed, his forehead was lined with sweat.

Because anyone would definitely not be able to tolerate other people's curses, and what he said to persuade Feng Hao now is undoubtedly a curse in disguise.

Feng Hao glanced at the manager of the restaurant with a tense look, and raised his mouth slightly: "Don't worry, I'll be fine, by the way, Qin Youran will come over tomorrow, right?"

The manager of the restaurant nodded and said: "No accident, I will come... But sir, don't you really need to go to the hospital? Maybe there is still hope..."

"When Qin Youran comes over tomorrow, immediately close the business!"

Feng Hao shook his head, looked at the restaurant manager and said.

But the manager of the restaurant who heard these words frowned slightly, suspending business? And it was the prime time after Qin Youran came over?

This is simply not possible.

For the catering industry, this is the prime time for the best profit. Given the scale of their restaurants, if they suspend their business, the loss of profit will be as high as more than 100,000.

In this regard, the manager of the restaurant looked a little ugly, and said: "Sir, I am trying to persuade you with good words. If you don't listen, I can't help it. As for the suspension of business, sir, stop joking, this is not up to you and me to decide." .”

"In addition, your two pets were originally forbidden to be served on the table. I only allowed you to do so because of Qin Youran's affairs."


When Xiao Hei heard what the manager of the restaurant said, he suddenly became unhappy.

He suddenly raised his head and stared at him, that domineering appearance made the manager's heart twitch, as if he was about to suffocate.

When he regained his senses, he found that his back was soaked, and there was a look of fear in his eyes.

Just now, he seemed to feel the threat of death.

"Sir, keep an eye on your dog."

The manager of the restaurant wanted to put Xiao Hei in the frying pan, but he absolutely didn't dare to do it, so he had to let Feng Hao take care of it.


However, Feng Hao frowned suddenly when he heard the restaurant manager's words, and said in a deep voice: "Who is your boss, let him come over and talk to me."

"You want to sue me?"

The manager of the restaurant frowned, his patience disappeared at this moment, and said coldly: "Let me tell you, I am the biggest in this restaurant, complaints are useless to me, I will not do your business now, pay the bill, get out !"

Speaking of this, he also did not forget to sneer: "A person who can't survive tonight, return his mother's BB."


Before he could finish his words, Feng Hao's palm had already slapped him, and he was thrown flying, and he rolled twice on the ground.

"You dare to hit someone? Security, hit me!"

The manager of the restaurant felt dizzy and was extremely ashamed and angry. He didn't expect that in his territory, he would actually do something to him.

As the manager of such a large restaurant, without any energy, can he climb to this position?

He got up and took out the walkie-talkie, dialed a number at the same time, and said coldly: "Qiangzi, tell the brothers to come here, someone messed up the scene, and I was fucking beaten."

The manager of the restaurant had two front teeth knocked out, and his mouth was full of leaks at the moment, and his expression was particularly ferocious.

And from the other end of the phone, there was also an angry shout: "What a bitch, you dare to do something to Brother Bing, are you tired of work? The brothers will be here soon."

After hanging up the phone, the restaurant manager called Bingge, also supported by the waiter, sat on the sofa and kept wiping his mouth with a tissue.

"It's cruel enough, boy, if I don't take off your arm today, Bingge, I've been on the road for so many years." Bingge spat out a mouthful of blood, and when he looked at Feng Hao, his eyes seemed to kill.

At the same time, a few young men came down anxiously from upstairs in the restaurant, all holding sticks of the same standard in their hands.

In less than a moment, Feng Hao, Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu were surrounded.

Such skilled movements, obviously, have not been done less in the past.

From the bodies of these young people, it can also be seen that these are social people who have seen blood, and belong to those who are ruthless and decisive.

"Kneel down and kowtow to Brother Bing, it will save you some pain."

The young man who took the lead knocked on Feng Hao's table with a stick, and looked at Feng Hao with a sour face.

Just because Feng Hao's length is too iconic, he looks a bit better than some small fresh meats nowadays, which makes the young man at the head of the plane feel very unhappy, and has the urge to make Feng Hao's face.

But for some reason, when he looked at Feng Hao, he felt a sense of déjà vu, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

"There's so much bullshit, just lie down!"

Feng Hao glanced at the young man with the plane head indifferently, and as soon as he finished speaking, he flicked his right hand casually, and with a click, the young man with the plane head flew out backwards with a stick.

With a bang, the glass screen was smashed.

And his hands were also twisted weirdly, his face was contorted, and he was screaming in pain on the ground at the moment.


This scene also made the others take a few breaths.

How powerful is this Nima? Brother Hu's one hundred and sixty-pound body can't stop Feng Hao's slap?


Afterwards, Feng Hao was too lazy to do anything to these ants-like guys, he gave a light drink, mixed with a trace of spiritual thoughts, and suddenly those young people's minds swelled and they retreated again and again.

After waking up, he swallowed wildly, his expression extremely frightened.

The manager Bingge also noticed something strange, endured the severe pain, and signaled these people to go down with his eyes. After all, his real trump card was Qiangzi and them.

These people are just thugs who specialize in eating overlord meals in the restaurant.


At this moment, the sound of the van slamming on the brakes came from the door of the restaurant, and then seven or eight burly men got out of the car.

They are bare-chested, with blue dragon tattoos on their arms. They are all powerful, and their bodies are almost as good as fitness coaches.

"Bingo, Qiangzi, I'm here, I want to see who is not open-minded, and dares to make trouble in Bingo's territory?"

The leader, Qiangzi, a middle-aged man with a scar on his face, started shouting as soon as he came in.

However, when he saw the scene in the restaurant, he was also taken aback, especially when he saw Bingo who looked miserable, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Then, his eyes naturally fell on Feng Hao who was eating slowly as if there was no one else around, and his two pets.

When Qiangzi saw Feng Hao's face, his body trembled suddenly, and then secretly took out his mobile phone to look at a photo.

Afterwards, Qiangzi was struck by lightning.


Qiangzi's legs went limp, and he knelt down in front of the restaurant waiter, Brother Bing and his brothers, slapped himself twice loudly, and said with a mournful face, "I, I was wrong!"

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