Martial Inverse

Chapter 86 Identity Exposed?

"Brother Qiang!"

The scene of Qiang Zi slapping himself and kneeling towards Feng Hao made everyone in the restaurant dumbfounded.

"What's going on? Qiangzi!"

The restaurant manager, Brother Bing, was also standing on the sofa, looking at Qiangzi in bewilderment. At this moment, cold sweat was already oozing from his back.

And the brothers who followed Qiangzi were also full of doubts. It seems that it is not Qiangzi's style to surrender without fighting.

"You recognized me?"

Feng Hao said calmly, before the information about him on the Internet is deleted, it is normal to be recognized.

Hearing Feng Hao's slightly familiar voice, Qiang Zi knelt on the ground, his body trembling even more violently.

Before the Huashan incident happened, he had been paying attention to the Mount Everest incident on the top of the earth, and he also had a strong admiration for Fenghao.

Therefore, after confirming that the person in front of him was the super existence that made even the big aliens bow their heads, Qiangzi never dared to show any disrespect again.

"Yes, yes, I know I was wrong, I deserve to die!"

Qiangzi nodded in response, and just as he finished speaking, he slapped himself mercilessly, making a crackling noise.

And this scene made those people even more terrified, completely unaware of what happened.

They are also extremely confused at the moment. What is the identity of this handsome young man in front of him?

Could it be the mayor's son? Or the young master of a big group?

After all, Qiangzi is also a very famous existence in the underground world in this area, and the title of underground boxing champion is not covered.

Many rich people dare not mess with this kind of person.

The reason why Qiangzi called the restaurant manager Bingge was also because Qin Tianqiao, the old director of this restaurant, was kind to him.

Now that someone is causing trouble in Director Qin's restaurant, how could Qiang Zi ignore it.

But the shocking scene in front of them made everyone tremble.

"What is your relationship with him?"

Feng Hao's eyes fell on the restaurant manager who stood up, but was already trembling all over. After seeing Feng Hao's eyes, the latter could no longer stand, his legs softened, and he knelt down.

"Brother, I was wrong too. Crack! Crack!"

The manager of the restaurant had a mournful face, and slapped himself with a clear and crisp voice, obviously merciless in his strikes.

From the moment Qiangzi knelt down, his inner line of defense collapsed.

He knew Qiangzi's identity well, and the other party's call Bingge was actually for the sake of Qin Dong behind him.

If he had nothing to do with Director Qin, the former would hardly look him in the eye.

But it is such a person who is famous in the underground boxing world, the moment he saw Feng Hao, he just knelt down and admitted his mistake. If he didn't distinguish between the serious and the serious, his death would not be a pity.


This scene also silenced the entire restaurant, only loud applause could be heard,

In less than a moment, his cheeks were already swollen like peaches, and his front teeth were missing, so even if his real mother came, he might not be able to recognize her face.

As for Feng Hao's question, Qiang Zi didn't hide anything, and said: "His name is Chen Bing, the son of my benefactor Qin Dong Zhanyou, and has no direct relationship with me."

"By the way, Director Qin is the behind-the-scenes owner of this restaurant."

"And I'm a black boxer, but I've quit the underground boxing world. I'm currently the boss of a security company. This time, I came here only after hearing of an accident in Director Qin's restaurant. If you know that you are... give me a Even with a hundred guts, I dare not set foot here, I really know I was wrong."

Qiangzi's voice was trembling slightly, facing the calm expression in front of him, who couldn't seem to appease his anger, he was completely at a loss.

Even, he was ready to be abolished.

However, perhaps because of Qiangzi's attitude, Feng Hao didn't say much, stood up, greeted Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu, and then left directly.

However, when checking out at the counter, he suddenly said: "When Qin Youran comes over tomorrow afternoon, the business will be closed, and I will come over then.


"Qin Youran?" Qiangzi trembled, with a trace of horror in his eyes.

For Qin Dong's only daughter, Qiangzi also knew her, she was a beautiful woman with both talents, but after the Huashan incident earlier, she seemed to have been cursed.

Anyone who came into close contact with her would die violently for no reason, and no reason could be found.

For this matter, Qin Dong also asked him to find a famous doctor.

"it is good!"

After Qiangzi reacted, he immediately nodded heavily.

When checking out, the cashier did not forget to look at the manager of the restaurant, and after receiving the instruction, he desperately refused to accept Feng Hao's money.

In the end, they all cried out with red eyes.

Feng Hao is also helpless about this, but he is not a person who wants to take advantage of ordinary people. After putting down the money, he just leaves.

Not long after Feng Hao, Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu left, everyone in the restaurant heaved a long sigh of relief, and the mountain-like pressure receded one after another.

After Qiangzi stood up, the manager of the restaurant stood up with a bitter expression on his face, but Qiangzi shouted suddenly: "What are you doing? Kneel down!"


Chen Bing was so frightened by Qiangzi's shout that he fell limp on the ground, thinking that it was Feng Hao's return.

When he saw that it was Qiangzi, he also wanted to stand up again, and said with a dry smile: "I thought it was that guy who came back, it scared me..."

However, only halfway through his words, Qiangzi frowned and said in a deep voice, "I told you to kneel down, don't you understand?"

"It's a mistake, Qiangzi, I'm your Brother Bing, the son of Qin Dong's comrade-in-arms." Chen Bing said with a dry smile.

"Forcing you to be paralyzed, don't get close to me, I was almost killed by you today, you still have face in this BB, call your father and Qin Dong to come over."

Qiangzi moved a chair and sat down, his red and swollen face also had the feeling of the rest of his life.

Lighting a cigarette, the image of Feng Hao beheading the demon god Chi You appeared in his mind, which made people tremble. Thinking that Feng Hao was right in front of his eyes just now, his body couldn't restrain his trembling.

"God, Qiangzi, my life is worth it."

Qiangzi murmured in a low voice, and then he smirked.

At this moment, Chen Bing was also forced by Qiangzi's means, and the ninja felt aggrieved, and dialed his father's phone number, and when he got through, he howled miserably: "Dad, I was beaten, yes, it was at Uncle Qin's." In the restaurant, Qiangzi made me kneel down."

"Fuck, even my son dares to beat me, it's so boring, who doesn't know that my smiling face is not easy to mess with, wait, I'll let Tianqiao come over with me, let's see what he says, this Qiangzi is really crazy, bullying people and bullying It's on top of me."

On the other end of the phone, there was a man's furious voice.

Everyone in the restaurant also looked at Qiangzi, but the latter was smoking as if nothing had happened, still in a state of absent-mindedness.

At the same time, Feng Hao and Xiao Hei Xiaoqiu, who left the restaurant, did not rush back to the villa, but stayed in a five-star hotel not far from the restaurant. Through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, they could see the facade of the restaurant .

"Feng Hao, Qin Youran is a stranger, he doesn't look like your wife, don't tell me, I'm tempted again."

Xiao Qiuqiu lay on the sofa and burped.

"When did your thoughts become so superficial? Then Qin Youran has Chi You's aura on her body. If she appears tomorrow, I want to find out."

Feng Hao rolled his eyes at Xiao Qiuqiu and was speechless.

"Chi You? Why didn't I feel it?"

Hearing this, Xiao Qiuqiu's hair also stood on end. Could it be that the almost immortal guy will be resurrected again?

In this cosmic world, there is such a big monster against the sky?

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