Martial Inverse

Chapter 118 Rider God (Part 2)

"With our technology, no one from the Metropolitan Police Department can see our taillights."

"Hehe, that is, we are all the chosen ones. Our driving skills have reached the peak. Looking at the entire R country, we can't find another mountain road racer like us."

Several drivers are very arrogant, they are chatting while completing difficult operations.

During the period, several cars completed the overtaking action and ranked high.

But at this moment, from the corner of their eyes, several drivers saw the flashing neon lights, looked at the rearview mirror, and the eyeballs of several drivers suddenly popped out.


Only then did they realize that at some point, the broken Toyota driven by Feng Hao actually caught up with them.

Looking at the speed in the car, Nima reached 180.

This is a completely deadly behavior on this kind of mountain road, but their car performance and operating skills can completely do it.

But... that broken Toyota, worth hundreds of thousands, was able to catch up with them, and the engine didn't explode.

"Meet a master? Someone from the Metropolitan Police Department?"

Several riders were covered in hairs, and they were bragging just now, but this time they met a super big guy.

"It's too slow, I'll take a step first..."

Feng Hao glanced not far away, there was a team of hundreds of people watching the game under the street lamps, and it was only about one kilometer away from this mountain road, so he planned to leave first.

Otherwise, these sports cars in front of them will inevitably stop after finishing the race, and it is not good to block his way.

As a result, Feng Hao's eyes were fixed, and he stepped on the accelerator all the way, operating smoothly, as if he had been driving a racing car for decades.

Of course, this is because of Feng Hao's own strength. He can enter at any time in the unity of nature and man, let alone the unity of human and car?

Afterwards, all the drivers were horrified to find that when they were cornering, a dilapidated Toyota police car with a body less than 1.8 meters actually drifted unilaterally in the gap of only 1.6 meters.

"My mother..."

Several riders looked like they had seen a ghost, and they began to tremble all over.

Such operation,

Simply unheard, unseen.

"Car body, this seems to be the hidden car god of our R country..." Several drivers shouted in their hearts.

Their tens of millions of supercars were actually defeated by a broken Toyota.

At the same time, the crowd at the finish line was also silent. Everyone stared blankly at the unique police car, which arrived at the finish line first.

Then comes the supercar for this competition.

At this moment, there was a shocking howl on the parking lot of the mountain road, and everyone felt that it was wonderful and inexplicable.

Feng Hao didn't stop the car, and his body and mind were immersed in that sense of pleasure.

This is an unbelievable feat he accomplished without any power, just by his own operation, and he still feels a little unfulfilled.

The feeling of being one with the car is great.

"Hey, which hotel are you in? Are you asleep?"

Feng Hao then dialed Xia Shilan's number, and the little girl put her name in the most prominent place on his phone.

"You haven't slept yet, are you coming? By the way, Miss Xiaolei has been here for a long time. Are you done?"

Xia Shilan's worried voice came from the other end of the phone. After all, this is Country R, ​​not their own. They subconsciously felt that there was no way for individuals to compete with the country.

Feng Hao smiled and said: "It's done, on the way back..."

In the middle of Feng Hao's words, the smile on his face froze in an instant. He almost didn't think about it. After hanging up the phone, he rushed out of the police car.


Almost the moment Feng Hao left the police, a gun with a long flame tail directly bombarded the police body.

After a loud noise, the whole ground trembled violently, Feng Hao saw that the straight road was blown to pieces, and the police car was turned into scrap iron, that powerful force.

The dwellings on both sides of the road were also completely wiped out under the power of the gun.

"It's really a big deal, I used *..."

Feng Hao's pupils shrunk slightly, and there was a severe chill in his eyes. If he reacted a step slower, although he would not be seriously injured, the embarrassment would definitely be unavoidable.

If it is before the arrival of the big monster from outside the territory, the fate may really be uncertain. After all, the power of this kind of hot weapon is far beyond the blow of an ordinary Martial Emperor.

Feng Hao stood in the void, following the launch trajectory of the gun, his divine thoughts spread, and he also found a powerful energy fluctuation gestating in other distant areas.

"Nuclear weapons?"

Feng Hao frowned slightly. It was because the R country officials had already taken action against him, even showing off nuclear weapons.


Feng Hao's eyes were cold. In order to deal with him, the official of country R even ignored the people of his own country, and was actually preparing to use nuclear weapons to attack him.

"You will pay a terrible price for your ignorance."

Feng Hao's figure rushed towards the source of energy sensed by his divine sense.

At the same time, in the place that was bombarded by the guns, many men in black came one after another to deal with and investigate.

At the same time, some construction vehicles immediately repaired the roads, while those residential houses were directly buried, creating the illusion of a landslide.

And among these men in black, there are also reporters, reporting that a major natural disaster has occurred here, and a small meteorite has fallen from the sky.

Of course, Feng Hao didn't know what happened here, he was full of anger in his heart now, the official people of country R were really despicable.

In order to attack himself, he actually threw guns at his own land, and even resorted to nuclear strikes. This courage has to be subdued.

Feng Hao has been on the earth for such a long time, and he has developed a very deep affection for Huaxia Kingdom. Here in the universe, he only feels at home.

But this Country R disgusted him very much.

In the hinterland of the mountains, a military base of country R stands there again, with a huge radar on top of the mountain, always watching.

At the base inside the mountain, there is a red photoelectric light on the huge screen at this moment, and it is continuing to come here.

"There are UFOs, do you want to intercept them?" A soldier reported.

"It's Fenghao, destroy it directly!"

The military leader standing behind his back at the bottom of the screen had already guessed who was coming, and said coldly, obviously he had already prepared for this.

And as his words fell, the ground split open, and two guns with trailing flames suddenly lifted into the air, locking onto the looting figure.

That is Feng Hao.

*The tip flashed red light, and at the same time adjusted its posture, locking onto Feng Hao.

Beep beep!

The sound became more and more urgent, and at the moment when the two bombs were about to hit Feng Hao, the red dot on the screen and the siren of the gun suddenly disappeared.


Immediately, a deafening explosion sounded from the sky above the base, and at the same time, a flash of light illuminated the base.

"Yo Xi, no matter how strong he is, he still has no power to fight back in front of hot weapons."

Many base officials laughed.

Ding! Ding!

Suddenly, in the silent command room, the dots of light on the screen reappeared, and the siren sounded by the radar after detecting the enemy resounded throughout the command room.

"He...he seems to have come in..."

The base personnel in charge of scheduling suddenly trembled like chaff, and stared at the monitoring screen on a certain computer with wide eyes.

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