Martial Inverse

Chapter 119: Angel of the Heavens (Part 1)

"Who's coming in?"

The smiles of several high-ranking base officials faltered, they looked at the computer in front of the man, their eyes widened sharply, and they said in a trembling voice, "He's not dead?"

"Nani, how can he not die? That's a thermal weapon? It's powerful enough to destroy a small town."

Who else could the man in the surveillance screen be if not Feng Hao?

But now his upper body is naked, and the pants on his lower body have been blown to pieces, looking very embarrassed.

But Feng Hao's eyes contained a clever killing intent, which was not so strong even when facing the big monster from outside the territory.

"Okay, great!"

Feng Hao felt a wave of anger in his heart, this was the first time he was in such a mess when he came to the earth, if his cultivation base was even worse.

Maybe it's really going to die here.

If he was killed by mortals in the universe, it would become a big joke through the ages if it was reported back to the Great Thousand World.

It's ridiculous to think about it.


Feng Hao stomped his foot, and the ground cracked open, and the crack that spread out was hundreds of meters long. Then, under his feet, a huge gate named Fang was revealed, which was the entrance and exit for the fighter plane to ascend and descend.



Stamping his foot again, the alloy steel door that was two meters behind was directly shattered vigorously, and Feng Hao's body also fell slowly.

In the dark passage, Feng Hao landed indifferently, and punched open the boarding gate that required multiple passwords to be verified.

Amidst the piercing sirens of the base, he broke into here alone.


"Is this guy still human? Get rid of him at all costs!"

The senior management of the base turned pale, and then issued a kill order. At the same time, all the gates of the base were closed, and the poisonous gas and biochemical people were all dispatched.

Then a few of them, under the escort of the Self-Defense Forces, left the base from another direction, trying to escape.

The power displayed by Fenghao,

It's too scary, even if they hold great power, they are a little scared.

A guy who can't even be beaten to death, is there anything in this world that can destroy him?

"It's true what happened in the sky over Huaxia before. This Feng Hao is simply a god. He couldn't even break through the defense layer of that ship, but he shattered it with one punch."

One of the high-level voices was trembling, and he felt remorse at this moment, he shouldn't have provoked Feng Hao.

"When we leave, we will start the self-destruction process. The base is hundreds of meters underground. No matter how strong he is, he will sleep underground forever."

Another high-level sneered: "This is part of our plan. Even if he can come out, we still have a shocking cage waiting for him. Country M has already agreed to take action..."

"What? The one from country M agreed? Haha, well, this Feng Hao asked for it, even ignored the solicitation of the big brother in country M, and chose Huaxia, short-sighted!"

"That's right, there is a heavenly envoy descending from the west, and he is already on the plane coming to country R. Even if Feng Hao comes out, he will surely fall under the holy sword of the envoy..."

Several high-rises looked at each other and comfortably entered the elevator that rose to the ground.

At the same time, in the underground base, Feng Hao was like entering no man's land, even though the bullets and fire of those guns were flying, they couldn't touch even an inch of his skin.

On his body surface, a layer of defense has been formed.

Even if it was poisonous gas, the biochemical people would all die together when they came over, and they would all be blasted to a pulp by him.

"Want to run?"

From the beginning to the end, Feng Hao's divine sense has locked on those few people with special aura. Those who can possess this kind of aura are undoubtedly high-level people with absolute power.

Shrimp soldiers and crabs will not be his goal, this kind of talent is.


With a fist smashing the strong steel door, Lin Yu is like a superman. He flies straight into the air, breaks through the ceiling directly with his whole body, and then passes through the solid soil layer.

At the same time, those senior executives had already seen the light above their heads. Just as one of them was about to press the self-destruct device, the entire elevator trembled suddenly and then stopped.

"what happened?"

The high-level man holding the self-destruct device frowned and had a bad feeling.


As soon as this thought fell, the elevator trembled again, and then a tender white hand stretched in from outside the elevator.


The elevator was directly torn with a gap, Feng Hao walked directly into the elevator, behind him was a deep hole.


He actually came in through the ground, how did he know that he was waiting for someone to take the elevator? How could he be able to intercept such a fast elevator?

Several high-level people were trembling all over, their teeth chattering.



Feng Hao's eyes were indifferent. These four high-level officials were undoubtedly the masterminds behind the scenes. They even dispatched hot weapons. If he came late, he might not be sure that these guys would do something again.

Especially for Xia Shilan, Liu Xiaofei and others.

"Don't be arrogant, country M is also trying to mess with you. If you kill us, no one will stop you. If you let us go, we will contact country M and give up the sanctions against you!"

A high-level person was frightened and said quickly.

Country M is a giant, and its technological strength is even more unmatched by country R. He believes that Fenghao will make a wise choice as the world's largest country.

"Sanction me? Just rely on country M?" Feng Hao laughed.

In his opinion, with China's background, what would the Western powers be if they hadn't experienced some turmoil? And with China's current development trend, it is not far away to surpass country M.

"You may not understand the background of country M. They have had contact with the heavens and alien civilizations. Do you know the heroes in the Marvel movies? They are all real."

The higher-ups seem to know a lot of secrets.


However, Feng Hao just said plainly, as if he didn't care about these things.

The high-ranking officer was stunned, and his heart sank to the bottom, but he still didn't give up, and said: "You are very powerful, very powerful, but there are people beyond others, and there is a sky beyond the sky... Ugh!"

Feng Hao was really tired of hearing it, and stretched out his hand, the neck of the high-ranking officer was crooked, and he died in an instant.


This scene made the other three high-level executives in suits tremble with fright. This is one of the leaders of the XX team in country R.

The power is very great.

He just died like that.

"We don't know anything..."

The three senior executives who were alive looked at Feng Hao without showing any intention of begging for mercy. Their eyes were firm, and they seemed to have plans to sacrifice their lives for the country.

"I don't need to know anything."

Feng Hao smiled indifferently, and shot instantly.

Immediately, there were three more bodies in the elevator, and then Feng Hao raised his head and rushed up directly, leaving the underground base.


At the same time, Feng Hao heard a rumbling sound coming from the ground, as if something exploded underground.

Then Feng Hao remembered that just after killing that high-ranking officer just now, the other party was flustered and pressed some buttons.

Thinking about it now, it may be some kind of self-explosive device, the purpose of which is to bury itself underground.

"It's really ruthless! But you obviously underestimated my strength..."

Feng Hao sneered, he was standing on the flat land, and he was a little lonely in the deep mountains. From the mouth of the dead high-ranking officer, he also knew that there are so many strong people in country M.

There are even celestial angels and alien civilizations.

This is tricky.

However, he believes that he has no conflicts with country M, so he doesn't have to worry about their local strongmen coming over.

But, so what if you come over?

At worst, just suppress them all!

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