Martial Inverse

Chapter 187 The Devil's City

The Cheng clan is always a person born in the world, so naturally they look down on those ancient cultivators who entered the world.

The Long family, an ancient family, may not be considered a true cultivator family, but there is a shadow of heaven behind the legend.

Cheng Dong, who is in charge of the Cheng family's affairs, as the acting patriarch, naturally couldn't go to the banquet at will, but this time, Cheng Dong had no choice but to agree, and said in a serious voice: "Clan elder, this time is the order of the strong in the fairy world... All the ancient cultivators in China have to participate, and no one will be spared..."


The old Cheng family's eyes flashed, he stared at Cheng Dong, and said, "Really?"


"It's unbelievable, the strong in the fairy world has descended?"

The shocked expression on the faces of the old Cheng clan, even the powerhouses of the fairy world and the heavenly court, has fallen into the realm. What happened to the earth this time?

"Old Cheng, the only way to know if the strong in the fairy world have descended is to go there in person. Naturally, the Long Group has sent an invitation, so why not go find out?"

As expected, Feng Hao knew that the Cheng family must have received an invitation from the Long Group, and said with a light smile, "Just right, I also want to know what the Long Group is planning to do..."

"Senior Feng is not included in the invitation?" The Cheng clan elder still called Feng Hao a senior.

It is estimated that it will not change for a while.

This is the case in the world of comprehension, there is no age, the master is the teacher, and the strong is the senior.

"I'm just a casual cultivator. I won't hide it from the elders of the Cheng family. This time I came to the Cheng family, and I also wanted to take over the identity of the Cheng family and participate in this immortal meeting."

Feng Hao looked at the elders of the Cheng clan squarely, and cut straight to the point.

The members of the Cheng family looked at each other, and naturally accepted the proposal in their hearts, stronger than Feng Hao, if they were really members of the Cheng family, how lucky they would be.

Even if they are only temporarily borrowing the identity of the Cheng family, if they participate in the meeting to welcome the immortals and show their hands in front of the core figures of the ancient Huaxia Cultivation Clan, wouldn't it shock everyone.

To win the reputation of the Cheng family as the first clan of cultivation?

Cheng Dong was a little moved. All the ancient Huaxia Cultivation Clans participated, and there must be some competition to determine who is superior, and their Cheng family is not good at killing enemies, but they have a lot of experience in saving people.

The elders of the Cheng clan immediately made a decision.

Said: "Okay, the elders of this clan will go to SH City with Cheng Dong, Cheng Cheng and Senior Feng. Do you have any opinions?"

"No comment!"

How could the Cheng family have any objections? The clan elders have spoken, even if they jump into the latrine, there is no way to refuse them.

Therefore, Feng Hao participated in the Fairy Welcome Conference as a core child of the Cheng family, and at the same time he also had a new identity: Cheng Hao.

"Feng Hao, from now on, am I going to call you Cheng Hao instead?" Cheng Cheng smiled lightly, his eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, extremely cute.

Feng Hao chuckled lightly and said, "Let's call him Feng Hao in private, Cheng's just his current identity."

Cheng Cheng readily agreed, with a blush on her pretty face.


The elders of the Cheng family, Cheng Dong and Cheng Cheng took a short rest, and each changed into the clothes of the human world, just like the three generations of grandparents.

The painting style is a bit awkward, but after all, they are all practitioners, and they quickly adapted to it.

Therefore, Feng Hao and Xiao Qiuqiu took the elders of the Cheng family, Cheng Cheng and Cheng Dong, to leave the ancient Cheng family and appear on the Huashan Ancient Road.

At the foot of the mountain was a luxury car owned by the Cheng family. The driver was a member of the Cheng family, and they took everyone to the nearest airport.

Now Feng Hao's identity is temporarily a member of the Cheng family, so there is no need to frighten the world and fly to SH City with Xiao Qiuqiu.

Along the way, Xiao Qiuqiu was quiet like a docile little pet, closing his eyes and resting his mind. The elders of the Cheng clan and others didn't know the identity of Xiao Qiuqiu, and they thought it was just a rare breed of cat or dog.

Originally, pets had to be checked in at the airport, but I don’t know whether it was because the airport security personnel were dazed or there were new regulations, and Xiao Qiuqiu boarded the plane smoothly.

Even... On the whole plane, except for the Cheng family, no one seemed to be able to see the existence of Xiao Qiuqiu.

At first, the three members of the Cheng family didn't think of this. After all, after staying in the barrier of deep mountains and old forests for a long time, they all forgot these secular rules.

Until... I saw the impurities on the plane, and there were dogs and pets on it that had to be checked in and were not allowed to be brought into the cabin.

But when they saw Xiao Qiuqiu lying on Feng Hao's shoulders, their expressions changed slightly, and they knew that Xiao Qiuqiu was not an ordinary little beast anymore.


Two hours later, the plane landed smoothly at SH Pudong Airport in Shanghai, but at the exit of the airport, personnel from the Long Group were there to receive it.

Holding high the identity symbol recognized by the ancient cultivators, the Cheng clan elder led Feng Hao and the others over.

"Long Group?" The Cheng family asked.

The staff of the Long Group who received the reception looked up and down the old Cheng clan and Feng Hao and others behind him, nodded and said: "I don't know which clan it is?"

"Huashan Cheng's family!"

"It turns out that the Cheng Clan elders are face to face, and I feel lost. My name is Long Kui. From now on, I will take full responsibility for your SH's daily life. Please come with me..."

Long Kui handed over the badge in his hand to another young man in a suit, and he led Feng Hao and others into a Maserati luxury car with the Trident logo of the Sea Emperor and headed to the hotel where he was staying.

"From today onwards, people from the ancient clan of cultivators came one after another, and the Long Group dispatched more than a hundred people to receive them. In order to cause unnecessary troubles, all the hotels where the ancient clan stayed were separated..."

Long Kui explained some precautions to Feng Haocheng and others, such as trying not to have disputes with ordinary people, and at the same time reducing the time for going out for activities.

Regarding this, the elders of the Cheng family did not say a word, and had the urge to run away countless times. The dignified elders of the clan actually let the secular people chatter in front of them, telling him that this cannot be done, that cannot be done...

"You don't need to introduce, just take us to the hotel. The Great House of Welcome to Immortals will open, and we will find a place..."

Feng Hao glanced at Long Kui indifferently.

"Hehe, I think you all know that this conference was initiated by the Cultivation Alliance and my Long Group, but it was actually issued by a strong person from the fairy world. Seniors, don't think I'm long-winded, for everyone..."

Long Kui was still chattering, and the old Cheng clan, who was on the verge of an explosion, couldn't bear it anymore, and kicked Solanum nigrum out of the luxury car with a punch. When the car lost control, Feng Hao took the steering wheel and drove the car straight to destination.

As for Long Kui, this is not what he should care about.

"Clan elder, that guy is probably useless..."

There was a look of worry in Cheng Dong's eyebrows. After all, he almost killed the people from the Long Group who received them, which is somewhat unreasonable.

The elder of the Cheng clan sighed and said, "Cheng Dong, you are still not good enough to take on the great responsibility of the patriarch... I am a cultivator, and what I cultivate is freedom. This person is not a cultivator, but he treats us arrogantly." Instigated, did not take his life, it was for Long's face..."

Hearing this, Feng Hao couldn't help but praise the old Cheng clan. Even if the old Cheng clan didn't do it, he probably couldn't help doing it.

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