Martial Inverse

Chapter 188 Holy Master

Feng Hao and his group stayed in a five-star restaurant. Cheng Dong, as the interim head of the Cheng family, had a lot of connections with the world, so he went through the check-in procedures very quickly.

Feng Hao and Xiao Qiuqiu are in a separate room, and the three of Cheng's family are also in their own room.

Not long after Feng Hao returned to the room, the doorbell rang, and with a sweep of his spiritual thoughts, the chip door lock of the room automatically opened.

The elder of the Cheng family brought Cheng Cheng and Cheng Dong in together.

"Senior, did you find our Cheng family this time, did you already know the purpose behind this Fairy Welcome Conference?" The old Cheng clan arched his hands and asked.

Feng Hao sat on the sofa on the window sill, half leaning on it, looked at the old Cheng clan, and said: "Everything is just speculation, the strong in the fairy world want to investigate the strength of the gods behind your ancient cultivation clan, so as to deal with all misfortune."

The elder of the Cheng family seemed to have guessed this point, and said with a wry smile: "Although there are shadows of the forces of the gods behind our Cheng family, they are not the overbearing and domineering fighting gods..."

The strong in the fairy world wanted to know the strength and purpose of the God Clan behind the ancient Cultivation Clan, but the Cheng Clan didn't bother to find out.

Because the Shenmu clan behind their Cheng family never conveyed their will to invade the earth.


Suddenly, without warning, a wave burst out directly from Cheng Clan's old body, and a circle of light visible to the naked eye spread from his body surface.

In an instant, the expressions of Cheng Dong and Cheng Cheng changed drastically, and the elder of the Cheng clan sat cross-legged on the ground, watching his nose, nose and heart.

"What happened?" Feng Hao frowned.

"The Shenmu clan conveyed their will to the elders..." Cheng Cheng said softly, his beautiful eyes filled with shock.

Curiosity appeared in Feng Hao's eyes, and he pressed his right hand directly on the head of the elder Cheng clan.

Cheng Dong wanted to stop him, but Cheng Cheng grabbed his hand and shook his head slightly.

With the light touch of Feng Hao's palm, Feng Hao immediately felt his consciousness flying, and was directly pulled up from the earth to an unknown galaxy star field, and then appeared in the green primeval forest.

This seems to be a world of vegetation, and Feng Hao is on top of a huge tree crown.

"Senior, why are you here?"

There is a huge platform in the canopy,

The old man of the Cheng family knelt on his knees reverently, turned his head and saw Feng Hao, and was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

This is the Shenmu family of the God Realm, but whenever the Shenmu family conveys their will, his consciousness will be directly pulled to this green world that does not know where in the universe exists.

"I came with your spiritual sense. Cheng Cheng told me that the Shenmu clan is going to convey their will to you..."

Feng Hao flashed lightly, and appeared next to the elder of the Cheng clan. However, when the elder of the Cheng clan saw Feng Hao standing still, his consciousness was almost shocked, and he said: "Senior, this is the Shenmu clan of the gods, hurry up!" Kneel with me."

"No need, no one in this world can force Feng Hao to kneel!" Feng Hao said seriously.

"What an ambitious human kid..."


As the trees swayed in the wind, an ethereal voice came slowly, and then an old man in a white robe descended from the sky, bathed in green light.

A majestic vitality flooded.

The old man wears a divine crown made of grass and trees, which seems to be approachable, but actually gives people the feeling of being the master of all living beings.

It's like a believer seeing Jesus.

And the old Cheng clan looked like this now, kneeling devoutly on top of the tree crown, shouting to meet the Lord of the sacred tree.

"Long time no see, old Cheng clan."

The white-robed old man was amiable, raised his empty hand, and the spirit body transformed by the Cheng Clan's old spiritual consciousness stood up directly, and his spiritual consciousness became stronger invisibly.

"The Lord's call, the young ones dare not disobey..." the Cheng clan elder whispered.

"Hehe, you are the spokesperson of the Lord in the world, just like my son." The Lord of Shenmu smiled lightly.

Maybe Feng Hao's appearance was too unexpected, and... Feng Hao's spiritual body has a completely different relationship with Cheng clan elders.

"I didn't expect someone with your qualifications to appear in the lower planes. Boy, are you interested in becoming the holy son of my Shenmu clan?"

Behind the white-robed old man, there is a miraculous sign of annihilation and revival of all things, and there is a god seat up and down under his feet. The majesty exuded makes people unable to refuse.

But who is Feng Hao? Even if it was just a wisp of spiritual consciousness that had grown old with the Cheng clan, without the constraints of the laws of the earth, the powerful vitality of the Shenmu clan made his spiritual consciousness comparable to a master.

"The name of this emperor, how can you call it a kid?" Feng Hao shouted in a deep voice.


In an instant, the surrounding trees swayed unsteadily, and all of them swayed toward Feng Hao.

The miracle behind the Lord of the Shenmu seems to be condensed and formed behind Feng Hao at this moment.

In an instant, Feng Hao surpassed the Lord of the Shenmu?

"The Shennong Pharmacopoeia you practiced?" The Lord of the Shenmu was stunned. His expression suddenly became frightened.

The master of the sacred tree landed on the canopy of the tree, suppressing the throbbing in his heart, bowed to Feng Hao and said: "The descendants of the master of the sacred tree, Shennong, have seen the holy master."


Not only the Cheng family was taken aback, but even Feng Hao was confused.

It is true that he practiced the Shennong Pharmacopoeia, when he first entered martial arts, it was bestowed on him by Fen Lao, through which he became a respected pharmacist.

But the master of the Shenmu clan in the universe world, seeing his control over the Shenmu world, concluded that he was practicing Shennong Pharmacopoeia.

Even... even called him the Holy Lord.

"How do you know that this emperor is practicing Shennong Pharmacopoeia, and this Holy Master? What's going on?"

The sudden change caught Feng Hao off guard. Could it be that the Shenmu clan is related to the Shennong clan in the world?

After all, the Shennong Pharmacopoeia was created by the Shennong clan. It can cure all diseases and detoxify, and it also has infinite vitality.

The Lord of the Shenmu said solemnly: "The Holy Master has turned against the guests, and has been recognized by all things in the Shenmu world. Only the descendants of the Shennong clan can do this, and my Shenmu clan is a branch of the Shennong clan..."

"It is rumored that in a distant time, in another world, there was the Shennong clan..."

The Lord of the Shenmu started a bunch of nonsense, and he was probably talking about the Shennong clan of the Great Thousand World.

And Feng Hao also figured out what was going on, probably because someone from the Shennong clan came to Shenjupiter by chance, and made all the vegetation here cultivated into essence, and bestowed the incomplete Shennong Pharmacopoeia.

And this member of the Shennong clan of the Great Thousand World, set up the ancestral precepts so that some members of the clan will find here in the future...

Those who practice Shennong Pharmacopoeia should be the Holy Master of Shenmu, and support them with all the strength of the whole family.

After the lord of the Shenmu finished speaking, he stared at Feng Hao with fiery eyes, and the elder Cheng clan's head was buzzing, suspecting that he was dreaming.

The God Realm forces behind the Cheng family actually respected Feng Hao as the Holy Lord, which is definitely not true...

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