Martial Inverse

Chapter 209: Dashi Village (Part 2)

Cultivation world?

Dashi Village?

Feng Hao took out his mobile phone and searched, and after confirming that there was no record of Dashi Village at this location, he looked at the old man suspiciously, and said softly: "What era is it now?"

The old man's expression became solemn immediately, and he said: "It seems that the little brother really came from the world of cultivating immortals, and he even forgot what dynasty the secular world is... Now is the era of the Great Qin Dynasty, and the Dashi Village of the old man is the Kingdom of Dian under the rule of the Great Qin..."

"Dian Kingdom? A country established by ethnic minorities, this is the name of China more than 200 years ago..."

Feng Hao knew the history of Huaxia, and when the old man spoke, he knew what was going on...

The divine crystal at the core of the earth began to recover, and the burst of energy unexpectedly overlapped time and space, except that after the expansion of the mainland, it actually made the Qin Dynasty in history appear in the present.

However... Feng Hao always felt that the dynasties here were different from the Daqin in history, and the people and old men in Dashi Village were all monks.

Although Feng Hao has doubts in his heart, the most important thing right now is to go to the place where the energy explodes.

Under the amazed eyes of the old man and those strong men, Feng Hao opened the map and the place marked by Zhao Yang again, and found that Dashi Village was not far away.

Feng Hao looked up, and there were towering mountains standing, exuding an ancient atmosphere. His spiritual sense was suppressed a lot here, at least his spiritual sense could not spread to the distant mountains.

Feng Hao pointed to the high mountains where the energy exploded, looked at the old man and said, "Where is that place?"

When the old man looked at the place where Feng Hao pointed, his body trembled slightly, and he said solemnly: "Where is the forbidden place for generations, it is a place touched by big monsters. If you want to go, little brother, the old man advises you to give up this place." This kind of thinking, for a hundred years, many strong men in the world of cultivating immortals have tried to kill demons, but the results are all dead, and many sects were directly exterminated..."

Feng Hao's expression changed, it seemed that the place was right, he looked at the old man, hesitating whether to tell him the current situation outside...

But after thinking about it, it is hundreds of kilometers away from this village to the outside world, and modern people have all evacuated to the city, so there should be no modern humans here in a short time, so I gave up the idea of ​​telling the old man the truth .

"Thank you, can you tell me what the big monster is?" Feng Hao asked.

The old man trembled, and a trace of pain appeared on his face, with an expression of reminiscence,

He said softly: "That is a big monster with fire all over its body. It can breathe out flames. While walking, the earth is burning. It is tens of feet high, like a high mountain. Even the immortals who have passed through the tribulation period will hate it... "


Suddenly, an earth-shattering beast roar resounded from the mountains, and a powerful wave of energy spread out in an instant.

"The demon god is angry..."

The old man trembled all over, and couldn't help but close his legs tightly, almost peeing in fear.

Similarly, the strong men behind him also had fear in their eyes, looked at the old man anxiously, and said words that Feng Hao could not understand.

"Little brother, you should go back and tell the high-level officials of your sect by the way, so that they don't take any more risks. The demon god is powerful, but he doesn't look down on us who are weak, but if you provoke him, the first to suffer It is Dashi Village..."

The old man trembled slightly.

"Don't worry, I'm here for it this time... By the way, let's see what kind of big monster can burst out such a powerful energy. Now that the world is on one side and the land is vast, it's time to stop the mount..."

Feng Hao smiled softly, he really doesn't like ordinary big monsters as mounts, but if the energy level is above level 7, it's almost the same.

Originally, Xiao Hei, the black dragon, was around, so it would be nice to be a mount, but Feng Hao is not a little ball, so he couldn't do anything to let Xiao Hei continue to be a mount.

"Little brother, are you afraid that you are confused?" The old man looked at Feng Hao suspiciously.

Conquering the demon god in the depths of the mountain, this immortal cultivator who seemed to be in his twenties, even the demon god's teeth were not enough, yet he said such words without shame.

Either the head was kicked by the donkey, or the head was confused.

Feng Hao ignored the old man's suspicious gaze, and when he moved his body, he was shot out like a cannonball, and his body flew directly into the depths of the mountain...


The old man's hair and clothes were messed up by the strong wind when Feng Hao left, and now he was looking at Feng Hao's leaving back with a dull face, speechless for a while.

"Hey, people in the Cultivation of Immortals Sect are all single-minded, Ah Hu, if we arrange it, we will go to the neighboring village to avoid the limelight again."

The old man sighed, he had experienced this kind of thing before, so apart from sighing, all he could do was to move his family and go out to avoid it.

At the same time, after Feng Hao and Xiao Qiuqiu entered the depths of the mountain, they felt a strange formation fluctuation on a certain mountain top.

"There are traces of a large formation..."

Feng Hao's figure stopped above the void, and in front of him was a large light curtain emitting faint light, which isolated the depths of the mountain from the outside world.

But from the outside, one can vaguely see the scene inside. In a huge lake emitting heat in the depths of the mountain, a big monster who can't see the whole picture is churning in the lake.

"This guy doesn't look weak. He released powerful energy fluctuations as soon as he appeared. It is estimated that his strength is even stronger..."

Feng Hao stood in the void outside the formation, looking at the big monster in the depths of the formation with great interest, and the corner of his mouth quietly outlined a curve.

Then, with his right hand attached to the light curtain of the formation, his spiritual consciousness swept away, breaking the foundation of the formation in an instant, and entered the formation with the small ball.


The big monster who noticed the movement stopped rolling, and revealed a pair of huge eyes at the bottom of the water, looking in the direction of Feng Hao, the pupils contracted into needles, and with a roar, the mountains in the entire formation trembled.


The big monster exposed its entire head, and the moment the head touched the air, the flames rubbed against it, covering its entire head.


While the big monster roared, he jumped out of the lake, and red flames burst out from his strong and strong hooves, and finally his body was covered in flames.

"... Am I dazzled? Feng Hao!" Xiao Qiuqiu stared blankly at the fiery big demon.

The corners of Feng Hao's mouth twitched slightly, with a dull expression on his face, he was too familiar with this big monster, it turned out to be the holy beast Huo Qilin, the key... the Huo Qilin, who was gifted with supernatural powers, was almost as if he had withdrawn.

"These sacred beasts in Chinese mythology don't seem to be fabricated, they are so similar to the Great Thousand World..."

Feng Hao smiled lightly, no wonder he fell in love with this world, it turns out that Huaxia has too many similarities with Great Thousand World.

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