Martial Inverse

Chapter 210 Mess With This Emperor

Feng Hao feels kind when he sees Huo Qilin, but when Huo Qilin sees him, he feels kind.

Flame spewed out of the nostrils, and the body moved restlessly, as if warming up before the battle.

Feng Hao and Xiao Qiuqiu looked at each other, and they both saw the smile in each other's eyes.


Huo Qilin discovered the trouble between Feng Hao and Xiao Qiuqiu, and roared angrily, declaring territorial sovereignty.

Feng Hao thought this fire unicorn was very interesting, so he flew directly towards the lake.

The Huo Qilin roared more ferociously, the scorching heat caused the entire lake behind him to boil.

Then it ran directly in the mountains and forests, covered in flames, the mountains it stepped on shook, leaped into the air, and slapped Feng Hao in the void with one paw.

"Look at my unicorn arm..."

Feng Hao also did his part, he could feel the supernatural power of the fire unicorn fused in his right arm, and he was eager to try.


The sleeves of the shirt burst directly, revealing that it was extremely red, also covered with a layer of raging flames, and hit the palm of the fire unicorn volleying towards it.


Deafening explosions resounded through the valley, and a mass of fire exploded directly in the air, like a lotus flower in full bloom.

call out!

Amidst the raging flames, the huge body of hundreds of feet fell directly from the air, and with a bang, it hit the ground directly, the sand and stone exploded, and the mountains trembled.

The fire unicorn was directly punched into the ground by Feng Hao. At this moment, he was on all fours, staring at the stars, and the flames all over his body were flickering and extinguishing.

Xiao Qiuqiu covered his eyes, he really couldn't bear to look at this poor little guy, of course the Huo Qilin's body of hundreds of feet couldn't match the little guy at all.

Feng Hao's figure hovered quietly above the place where Huo Qilin was, with his right hand touching his chin, looking thoughtful.

Xiao Qiuqiu also imitated Feng Hao, standing upright in the void, stroking her chin with her paws, also in a state of meditation.

"It's weird!"

"It's not like an existence that can cause seven-level energy fluctuations..."

Feng Hao and Xiao Qiuqiu looked at each other,

They all saw the confusion in each other's eyes, this fire unicorn is a bit weak.

Although he is as tall as a mountain, he is a guy who looks useless. When he rushed up, he was indeed extremely powerful and domineering. Who would have thought that he would be knocked out as soon as he touched Feng Hao's unicorn arm.

At this moment, the fire unicorn, which should have fallen into a coma, furtively opened a gap in its eyes, and quickly closed them tightly again.

The fire unicorn was trembling in its heart, it swore that since its birth until now, it has never encountered such a terrifying existence as the man and beast in front of it.

If it hadn't been for a little bit of force in the emergency just now, and the strong force rebounded, it would definitely make it overwhelmed and walk around.

Its mother told it since it was a child that it must learn to play dead when it encounters a powerful enemy, saying that when the opponent relaxes its vigilance, it will send a thunderous blow.

Although this is not worthy of its status as a holy beast, compared with life, status is nothing. So it fell into a coma very consciously...

"Too weak, not worthy of being a mount at all, you go find more firewood, go to Dashi Village outside the mountain by the way, and inform the villagers that we will have barbecue together later..."

Feng Hao said to Xiao Qiuqiu with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

After all, they are old partners who have been together for so many years, Xiao Qiuqiu only needs Feng Hao's eyes to understand.

Immediately cooperated and said: "Okay, I heard that the meat of the holy beast is very nourishing, and the meat is tender and smooth, it can be called the most delicious in the world... I will arrange it..."

As soon as Xiao Qiuqiu finished speaking, the Huo Qilin, who was pretending to be in a coma, trembled with fright, got up very quickly, and then ran away in a hurry, regardless of the direction.

How could it be reduced to someone else's food, it is a majestic ancient holy beast, these strong human beings are too hateful, they actually want to roast it.


Feng Hao saw that the fire unicorn ran away without integrity, and immediately snarled.


Huo Qilin staggered and stumbled several times before standing still, trying to run away deep into the mountain, but found that his four legs were trembling so badly that he couldn't move at all.


Huo Qilin turned around, opened his mouth, tried his best to make his face full of majesty, and softened it a little.

"I've never done anything harmful to nature, I'm just a docile and lovely little fire deer...Look at the horns on my head, this is a deer...not a holy beast."

Huo Qilin spit out human words.

Feng Hao stared at Huo Qilin coldly, and said: "Didn't you faint just now? Why is it so lively and dancing again?"

Huo Qilin hesitated, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "Temporary epilepsy, I am a mutated deer..."

Feng Hao looked at Huo Qilin with contempt, this guy completely subverted the image of Huo Qilin in his heart, without the slightest majesty of a holy beast, it felt like a big joke bred by heaven and earth.

"What a coincidence, the emperor happens to like to eat venison..." Feng Hao licked his lips.

Huo Qilin's hair stood on end when he heard the words, his body trembled uncontrollably, and he almost howled, "I used to be a deer, but then I became a flaming lion in a daze, and the lion's meat is unpalatable..."

"It's okay, those villagers outside the mountain are very interested in lion meat..." Feng Hao said.

"Mother, what are you going to do? You broke into my territory, I treated you as a guest, and I didn't target you very much. I just yawned after taking a shower. You thought I was going to shoot you... It's too wronged No? Let me go, at worst, I’ll give you seventy or eighty deer later, and it’s okay to eat lion heads..."

As a holy beast, Huo Qilin was born with a powerful perception of energy, and he knew Feng Hao's strength too well.

Of course, that little beast is not simple, it doesn't even dare to look at that little beast like a cat or a dog.

Encountered a hard stubble.

Feng Hao looked at this fire unicorn in amazement, and felt that this guy was too humane, he didn't want to be a holy beast at all, and his IQ and EQ were a bit scary.

It's a bit like the Bull Demon King, very cheap!

Feng Hao couldn't help thinking, if this fire unicorn met the Bull Demon King in the future, would he cherish each other, and would he have a kind of thought that he would be bright when he was born?

Thinking of this, Feng Hao felt that it would be good to tame this fire unicorn as a mount, and the corners of his mouth curled up, staring at the fire unicorn with a half-smile.

Being stared at by Feng Hao, Huo Qilin was a little hairy, and tremblingly said: "Senior, what are you going to do? I am a beast, or a male..."

"What are you afraid of? It's not just riding you, it's not really eating you..." Feng Hao said.

"Ride, ride?" Huo Qilin trembled all over and almost knelt down.

Seeing Huo Qilin's reaction, Feng Hao seemed to feel that he couldn't say that. He coughed twice, and said softly, as if he was using candy to lure a little girl, "I have traveled so far, and I see that you are very good. Why don't you go with me?" Emperor gangster? Show you the outside world..."

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