Martial Inverse

Chapter 225 Ambition

Huaxia officials want Feng Hao to help, it is impossible for Feng Hao to help with work after a phone call and a few pleasantries.

With the power of Huaxia officials, how difficult is it to investigate Feng Hao's information? As early as Feng Hao's emergence, the authorities had investigated his identity.

A real 'alien'.

But the official has turned a blind eye to it all the time. What is the picture? It is nothing more than to wait and see.

Facts have also proved that this choice is very correct. Fortunately, Feng Hao was not caught at the beginning to conduct a mouse test, otherwise, it is uncertain in which country Feng Hao took root, and then wiped out several ancient cultivators at every turn.

This time, for the sake of peace and friendship, the senior officials of Huaxia still chose Zhao Yang to go to the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Dojo to meet the Taoist Feng Hao.

Feng Hao now sits on the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, a sacred place for practice, and has former disciples of the ancient cultivators to maintain the normal operation of the ashram. It can be said to be one of the most prosperous ashrams in China.

In addition, Huashan, Taishan, Kunlun... and other famous mountains and holy places are now also occupied by powerful ancient cultivators or big monsters.

The big monster who can occupy the holy place of practice is naturally the spirit of the five elements who has obtained the holy tree of the extreme demon, and is on an equal footing with the powerful monks of the human race.

As the master of the holy land of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Feng Hao explained everything, and devoted himself to practicing with Xiao Qiuqiu on the top of the snow mountain, comprehending the laws of the earth, and recovering his cultivation as much as possible.

"Emperor Feng, a secular man has come to the Holy Land, he said he is an old friend of you, and he is here to ask to see you!"

A figure silently manifested on the top of the snow-capped mountain, it is one of the strong members of the Shenyan clan loyal to Fenghao.

His expression was unusually respectful, and his aura was much stronger than before. Obviously, he had gained a lot of benefits since he served Feng Hao.

Feng Hao's spiritual thoughts spread out, and he 'saw' Zhao Yang at the foot of Xuelong Snow Mountain, and the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc.

"Take him to Blue Moon Valley!"


The strong man of the Shenyan tribe bowed and retreated, his body turned into a ball of fireworks, and disappeared on the top of the snow mountain.

"Isn't this kid able to text and call you? How come here in person?"

Xiao Qiuqiu, who has exited the state of cultivation,

He looked at Feng Hao suspiciously.

"It's probably because Huaxia officials have something to ask me for."

Feng Hao stood up, took a step forward, and disappeared directly from the top of the snow mountain, and the next moment he came to the Blue Moon Valley at the foot of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.

Under the drastic efforts of the strong people of the Shenyan clan, pavilions, towers and pavilions have been built here, and it has become like a fairyland on earth.

Not long after, the strong man of the Shenyan tribe brought Zhao Yang to the pavilion in Blue Moon Valley, and Feng Hao had already prepared tea.

The tea is naturally a scented tea that contains spiritual energy. A sip by ordinary people can cure all diseases, and a sip by monks can also wash the marrow and cut bones.

Zhao Yang saw Feng Hao again, and found that Feng Hao seemed to be a completely different person after only a few days, a bit like a strong man who could not eat fireworks.

"sit down!"

Feng Hao smiled and said that he was very polite to Zhao Yang, who obviously had no cultivation, but could be regarded as a friend.

Zhao Yang was a little cautious, and after sitting down carefully, he didn't dare to show his air.

Ever since he learned that Feng Hao forcibly wiped out the Duanmu family, uprooted the divine son behind the Duanmu family, occupied Jade Dragon Snow Mountain as his dojo, and called himself Emperor Feng, he knew that it was difficult to look at Feng Hao with the same eyes as before.

"What are you doing in a daze? Drink tea!" Feng Hao glared at Zhao Yang.


Zhao Yang's body trembled, he subconsciously picked up the fragrant tea and drank it down in one gulp.

As the fragrant tea entered his throat, Zhao Yang immediately felt an indescribable pleasure, which instantly spread throughout his body, until he let out a comfortable sigh.

"This tea..."

Zhao Yang said in a trembling voice, staring blankly at Feng Hao.

He is a disciple of the ancient martial arts school who practiced qigong, and he can be regarded as a half monk. He naturally knew the power of this tea. He was sure that after drinking the cup of tea just now, he would definitely undergo a completely new change.

"If you like it, you can take it back with you. I have worked hard for you during this period of time."

Feng Hao is as approachable as ever, just like the brother next door, although he still looks ten years older than Feng Hao...


Zhao Yang's throat squirmed, it would be a lie to say that he is not tempted. Nowadays, opportunities are everywhere in China. Many people from the ancient Wu family in the past also used martial arts to become Taoists, and became elite disciples in those cultivation dojos.

It would be a lie to say that I am not envious, but as a soldier, the mission must always come first, and you must be loyal to the party and the people.

The country put him beside Feng Hao to be responsible for contacting and conveying opinions. This is his mission and honor.

"This is too precious!" Zhao Yang shook his head and said.

Feng Hao asked him to take it, and he couldn't really take it with the cheek.

Feng Hao looked at Zhao Yang with a smile, and said, "Tell me, this time you came here in person, is there a new task for you?"

Zhao Yang nodded and said: "Now the Huaxia Continent has undergone earth-shattering changes, and many things are out of control. The ancient monks and the big monsters in the territory occupy the land of Lingshan. We hope that Emperor Feng can provide help..."

"What help?" Feng Hao said softly.

The power of the country is already strong enough. Although it is impossible for any one person to compete against the ancient cultivators, the strength of the state machine can easily wipe out any mountain.

Huaxia officials seek help, obviously there is a personal appeal in it.

"The corpses of big monsters or powerful people from outside the territory, research and development of genetic medicines, and the Chinese government also secretly has monks and alien organizations, but they can't compare with the major ancient tribes."

Zhao Yang said seriously: "Nowadays, many animals in the deep mountains and old forests have become spirits. The Huaxia government needs power to protect its people. For these spirited monsters, thermal weapons are not very useful... and use large-scale destruction Sexual weapons are even less suitable... Therefore, improving individual combat capabilities is the most important thing."

Feng Hao listened carefully, and probably knew the purpose of Zhao Yang's trip.

What changes have taken place in the land of Huaxia now, he is actually very clear that the power of the Huaxia military has indeed been greatly contained at this time.

Because the big monsters and evil cultivators who were once scared by hot weapons have already completed their transformation, as long as they are not destructive and lethal weapons, they are not afraid at all.

But to deal with these big monsters and evil cultivators, people from the ancient cultivation clan and the cultivation alliance will naturally deal with them. Why should the authorities bother?

After all, Huaxia's high-level leadership group also has the shadows of the major ancient cultivation clans. If they want to be strong, they can just get in touch with the ancient cultivation clans directly. Why do they need to ask themselves for help?

"After all, the ancient Cultivation Clan are all Chinese people, they won't just sit idly by, and it's not difficult for you to need the corpse of the great demon..." Feng Hao said softly, staring at Zhao Yang with a half-smile.

Zhao Yang's lips were slightly pursed, and his expression was slightly disappointed. Naturally, it was impossible for the country to coerce Feng Hao, so all he had to do was lower his posture and ask for help.

After all, Feng Hao's strength is an existence above the world, and it is not an exaggeration to call him the god of the earth.

In fact, the reason why Huaxia's high-level officials sent him to ask Feng Hao for help was not only to develop the so-called genetic medicine, but also to...find the secret to become as powerful as Feng Hao.

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