Martial Inverse

Chapter 226 Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum

If you want to find a powerful method from Feng Hao, the possibility is zero.

But communication is a science, and it is impossible to find a powerful method, but it is probably no problem to ask Feng Hao to help the leader in the second place.

Zhao Yang looked up at Feng Hao, took a deep breath and said, "Is there any quick success method suitable for the army?"

Feng Hao laughed.

He knew that Zhao Yang came here, and he definitely didn't ask him to go out and kill the big monster. For such a thing, just give him a position.

But he came over in person, obviously things were not that simple.

He has skills, but basically they are powerful existences, even if the monks from the earth's tribulation period come, they can't practice them.

Feng Hao shook his head and said: "There is no way to help you. You go back and report to the people above you. If you encounter difficult things, someone will naturally deal with them. Moreover...there has never been a quick way in the world."

Another point, Feng Hao didn't say, powerful exercises and martial arts are the source of all evil, and the exercises of the Great Thousand Worlds must not be spread on the earth.

Even Xia Shilan and the others who looked like his wife had been transformed into spirit bodies suitable for cultivation by him, but he never taught them cultivation techniques.

Zhao Yang lowered his head, somewhat disappointed.

Feng Hao is not a savior, he just has a good impression of the Chinese nation, for this good impression, he can make a move.

But let him learn from the saints to accept disciples and spread ideas, he can't do it.

"Go back!" Feng Hao stood up and turned his back to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang bowed and saluted, "Then... I will take my leave."

"Wait~" Feng Hao said suddenly.

Zhao Yang's eyes lit up, his breathing became heavy, and he looked expectant.

"Bring some tea home, it's good for you."

Feng Hao waved his hand. Naturally, there were strong members of the Shenyan clan, who appeared and disappeared like ghosts.

Soon, this protoss powerhouse in the eyes of the world held a delicate small box respectfully like an attendant.

"Go on, don't feel that the mission failed, it's the same for whoever comes..." Feng Hao waved his hand.

For being so patient with ordinary people, Feng Hao really recognized Zhao Yang and regarded him as one of the few friends.


Zhao Yang took the brocade box solemnly, feeling that it was very heavy, and was quite moved in his heart.

Bending down and bowing again, Zhao Yang also left very simply and freely.

Like a soldier!

"Fengdi, he is just a mortal in the world, an existence that you can dismiss with a glance, why do you care so much about him?"

The strong man of the Shenyan clan asked curiously.

Feng Hao glanced at this person, and said indifferently: "Why does this emperor need to explain to you what he does?"

The strong man of the Shenyan tribe trembled, and knelt down on the ground in fright, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead.

"This is not an example!" Feng Haohan said.

"Yes! I know my mistake!"

The strong man of the Shenyan clan was relieved, just for a moment, he seemed to touch the breath of death.

Terrible, like a knife resting on the neck.

In the Shenyan Clan, the feeling that the Holy Master gave him didn't seem to be so scary!


As the sun went down, a young man in a long robe ushered in North Qinling Road in Xi'an City, Huaxia.

On special occasions, especially in places full of historical significance, the security forces are not so strong.

The Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin is located here. After the great catastrophe, the Qin Mausoleum is full of rays of light every night, a sign of auspiciousness.

It seemed that some great secret treasure had been born.

Therefore, the Huaxia officials moved very quickly. Not only were there officials who were wrong to be stationed, but even monks and strangers were patrolling back and forth in the sky.

With this posture, it is estimated that even a fly cannot fly into it.

"It's really boring, isn't it just a grave? Is there a need to go to war like this?"

Huo Qilin was very annoyed, he was ready to fight and weigh the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, what kind of treasure attracted him.

Unexpectedly, a lot of thoughts were wasted, and under the coercion and lure, he changed to a convenient body to come over, but what awaited him was a protective force like a net of heaven and earth.

Breaking in openly?

Huo Qilin definitely didn't have the guts to do so, he sneaked here without telling Feng Hao, if Feng Hao knew about it, at least he would lose a few layers of skin.

"What should I do? Why wait?"

Huo Qilin suddenly found himself in trouble.

I have to say that the appearance of Huo Qilin transformed into Yan Qi, especially this tomb robber's attire, is too conspicuous.

The two monks on patrol spotted him, stepped on the flying sword, and rushed over with a solemn expression.

"Who? Leave quickly!"

One of the short-haired monks said coldly, staring warily at the fire unicorn under the black robe.


Huo Qilin laughed sullenly twice, his voice was filled with a gloomy and cold atmosphere, just when the two monks who were stepping on the flying sword were on guard, Huo Qilin lifted the hat covering his head with lightning speed , opened his mouth, cupped his hands and said with a sneer: "Let's go, let's go..."

Huo Qilin looked back every three steps, with a flattering smile on his face, and walked back in a hurry.

The two monks stared blankly at Huo Qilin, looked at each other, and smiled wryly.

Huo Qilin's laughter just now was really creepy. I thought I met a tomb robber who coveted the tomb of the first emperor, but he turned out to be an extremely wretched guy.


Patrolling the mausoleum, especially at night, is indeed bad luck. If they weren't cultivators who practiced against the sky, they might be worried that something would crawl out of the mausoleum in the middle of the night.

But... Now they really hope that something will crawl out of the tomb of the First Emperor.

Because the things that can come out of the ground now are not natural materials, but earth treasures.

The two monks continued to patrol with flying swords, when they suddenly heard a familiar voice behind them.

Looking down... If it wasn't the guy in the black robe with a wretched face, who else could it be?

"Two High Immortals, do you dare to ask which direction is the entrance of this mausoleum? Just now... I seem to have forgotten to ask you two, ha ha!"

An innocent smile appeared on Huo Qilin's face, just like a simple migrant worker who has just entered a big city, asking for directions politely and respectfully.

The two monks looked at the fire unicorn, glanced at each other, and thought in their hearts... Is this damn idiot?

What is the purpose of their patrols? It was to prevent people from approaching the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, but there was a wretched guy who asked them... Where is the entrance of Qin Mausoleum?

"Why are you asking this? Could it be that you still want to rob graves?"

The cultivator with the flying sword on his feet suddenly asked a question like a brain twitch.

Huo Qilin's eyes lit up, and he said in a serious voice: "I see that the tomb is full of radiance, there must be a treasure born, it's a coincidence, I'm good at tomb robbers... bah, I'm very good at archeology."

"What does this have to do with us?" the monk said in a deep voice.

They determined that this wretched guy came with the idea of ​​making a mausoleum.

"Look...a baby is born!"

Huo Qilin suddenly pointed at the back of the two monks, hopeful light appeared in his eyes, and his saliva seemed to flow out.

The two monks were shocked, and indeed a spirit treasure was born.

However, just when they turned around suddenly, they saw nothing, what baby was born? Nonsense!


Suddenly, the two of them seemed to think of something, and in an instant, their whole bodies shook violently, and cold sweat flowed out.

When he turned his head again, what he saw was a pair of eyes gushing with flames, staring at them coldly.


Before they even had time to warn, the two monks were strangled by the fire unicorn, and then... turned into ashes without taking a single cloud.

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