Martial Inverse

Chapter 236 Dotai

"Great Emperor, this little brat is very happy, I gave him a good beating, and I will keep him obedient."

Before the old Taoist Zhang Zizai finished speaking, he saw Yuanshi Tianzun in a Taoist robe, dragging his tongue out, and the trembling Huo Qilin entered the Taoist temple.

The old Taoist shivered even more...

Yuanshi Tianzun saw the old Taoist priest who woke up, with a kind smile on his face, and said softly: "You are regarded as the disciple of the Tianzun, and the emperor asked the Tianzun to give you a chance before, are you willing to accept it?"

The old Taoist shook his body as if he was having an epileptic fit, and said, "No, this is a fake. How could Yuanshi Tianzun appear? The old Taoist must still be dreaming..."

After the old Taoist said this, he slapped himself on the face, and only heard a slight 'click' sound. The old Taoist tilted his mouth and fell down in a daze.

Before he fainted, he tilted his mouth and cried out in pain: "No, catch, Mimi..."

What he wanted to say was that it was not a dream...

Why is the mouth crooked, and it is difficult to speak.

"It has nothing to do with me, right?" Yuan Shi looked at Feng Hao and said.

"It's a big deal!"

Feng Hao said sternly, if it wasn't for Yuan Shi's shocking words, maybe the old man wouldn't have passed out for the second time, and what's more serious, he twitched his mouth.

Yuan Shi loosened one of Huo Qilin's hooves, and muttered: "This is going to be difficult, under my lord, I never accept disciples who are crooked..."

Feng Hao came to a sudden, no wonder those who are in the fairy class, the males are as rich as jade, and the females are as beautiful as heavenly.

It turned out that they were all screened, it was really a dark fairy world.

"Since it has something to do with this Tianzun, let's give him a chance..."

Yuanshi Tianzun made a move in the air with his right hand, and suddenly an ancient banner full of primitive aura jumped out of the air, making a sound of hunting.

"The blade of the Pan Gu axe?"

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, the ancient banner that Yuanshi Tianzun found had a familiar aura to him.

The surface of the banner shows a supreme scene of the ancient gods opening up the heavens and the earth, while the body of the banner is surrounded by the inscriptions of the way of heaven, and there is even a talisman of opening the sky hidden in the body of the banner.

Lights of five colors illuminate the heavens,

Pangu sage deterred the universe!

"This is the magic weapon of the Heavenly Venerable, the Pangu Banner, and it is also the supreme artifact of good fortune among the heavens. It is a pity that it cannot be lowered. This is just a clone."

Yuanshi Tianzun felt the shock in Fenghao's eyes, and was particularly proud, but this was still just a clone of Pangu Banner, and he couldn't show its power as an artifact of good fortune.

Fortunately, to bring the old Daoist Zhang Zizai into his lineage, the Pangu Banner is more than enough.

Yuan Shi closed his eyes and muttered something, the Pangu flag flew away from his hand and hovered over the unconscious old Taoist body.

Immediately, a mysterious inscription appeared on the Pangu flag, which was very complicated, but Feng Hao understood it very well, and even felt a little familiar.

That is the profound meaning of Pan Gu Dao, counting... this San Qing can also be regarded as his disciple of the same line.

Time passed quickly, and the Pangu Dao had been passed on to the old Daoist Zhang Zizai. He even restored the dantian and meridians in the old Daoist body, and they were as good as they were before, and his cultivation was improved to a higher level.

After finishing all this, Yuanshi quickly took back the Pangu banner, as if the Pangu banner showed his face for a while, it was a desecration of the Pangu banner.

"Unexpectedly, I would accept a mortal as a disciple..." Yuan Shi shook his head and said, feeling very uncomfortable.

He is one of the three great immortal emperors in the heavenly court of the fairy world, and his disciples are at least famous immortals in the fairy world.

However, a mortal is destined to become his disciple, hell, really.

"Do you feel it's a loss?" Feng Hao looked at Yuan Shi.

Yuan Shi was a sincere patriarch, he stroked his long beard, nodded and said: "This old Taoist ancestor's grave is at least a thousand feet of green smoke, otherwise, there is no such opportunity, just happened to meet us..."

"You look at his qualifications."

Feng Hao smiled at the corner of his mouth, and reminded him kindly, Yuan Shi was stunned for a moment, looked suspiciously at the old Taoist Zhang Zizai, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and then his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

"Tao body!"

Yuanshi exclaimed, the Taoist holy body, which is rare in a thousand years, is born very close to the Tao.

People with Taoism, as long as they enter the door of Taoism, their practice will definitely make a huge difference. Even, there is no bottleneck.

For other cultivators, they need to exert all their strength to break through each realm, but for monks who possess the Dao body, it is very likely that they will have an epiphany after drinking saliva, and then the realm will be broken.

It is also possible to urinate, thinking about whether the urine will swell on the telephone pole, and whether it will shock your own chicken, and suddenly break through again.

Dao body is completely unreasonable physique.

Yuan Shi rubbed his eyes, still not quite convinced that this old Taoist priest would be a Taoist body, it seemed to be different from what was recorded.


The old Taoist Zhang Zizai moved his body, then slowly opened his eyes, and he saw the concerned expressions of Feng Hao and Yuan Shi.

"Heh, heh!"

The old Daoist laughed, secretly pinched his thigh, and grinned in pain, indirectly proving that this was not a dream.

"How do you feel?" Yuan Shi asked with infinite concern.

I have to say that Yuanshi is very unscrupulous. He said before that the old Taoist grave smoked, but now it feels like the old Taoist is his lover.


Feng Hao's stomach felt bad and he wanted to vomit.

Imagine that Yuanshi Tianzun said affectionately to an old Taoist, 'How do you feel? ’, that picture... sour.

The old man was very scared, and Yuan Shi's ambiguous eyes made him clamp his legs subconsciously, very nervous and scared.

"I'm fine, senior is really the Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun of the Patriarch of the Three Qing Dynasty?" the old Taoist mustered up his courage and asked.


Yuanshi coughed lightly, stroked his beard with one hand, and put one hand behind his back. With a fairy-like temperament, he said seriously: "This Tianzun is Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, and you will be your master from now on, and you... will He is the disciple of the Heavenly Venerable."


In an instant, the old Taoist's body was shaking like chaff, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he asked, "Am I dreaming?"

The old man pinched his thigh again, um, it hurts, this is really not a dream.


The old Taoist knelt down on the ground very neatly, kowtowed his head three times in a row, and said, "Disciple Zhang Zizai, pay homage to Master!"

"Well, get up! Zhang Zizai...Zizizai, it is good to cultivate Zizai and live forever."

Yuan Shi liked Lao Dao's name very much, to be precise... fell in love with Lao Dao's body.

In the current era, no one can tell where a person with a Dao body can go. Maybe go to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain to sleep for a few days, and he may be struck by lightning ahead of time.

"I can't get up, and I don't call myself Zhang Zizai. Yuan Shi, you old bastard. After I awaken, I won't take this revenge and swear not to be a human... er, a beast, no, I swear not to be a saint."

Suddenly, the humiliating Huo Qilin, who was beaten aside, stared at the huge dark circles under his eyes, stood up unsteadily, as if drunk, pointed a hoof at Feng Hao and began to curse.

Feng Hao's expression was very ugly, and he said in a deep voice, "Did you get blinded by Yuan Shi?"


Huo Qilin stared at him, only to realize that he pointed at the wrong person, he was so frightened that he trembled all over, he almost hugged Feng Hao's thigh and begged for mercy.

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