Martial Inverse

Chapter 237 The Land of Fog

"What are you doing here after waking up? Take Yuan Shi and Zhang Zizai back to the dojo."

Feng Hao glared at Huo Qilin, he almost couldn't help but cut it alive just now, luckily Huo Qilin was blind.

Yuan Shi kept stroking his beard on the sidelines, with a slight smile on his face, as if it was very interesting to see the Huo Qilin deflated.

"I know where the emperor's dojo is, so I don't need this little brat."

Yuan Shi glanced at Huo Qilin contemptuously, then looked at Feng Hao, and asked doubtfully, "Isn't the great emperor going back to the dojo? This Mausoleum of the First Emperor has an alliance of Chinese officials and cultivators, as well as alien organizations, so there will be no problems. "

Of course, Feng Hao knew that there were these three forces in Huaxia. Ordinary Xiaoxiao, including those refined beasts and casual cultivators, wanted to get the idea of ​​the first emperor's tomb, just like lighting a lamp in the toilet, looking for death.

"This emperor wants to go to the place that came out of the ground, and take a look at Ying Zheng's ambitions." Feng Hao said.

"Such a big change has taken place in the mortal world, and I want to see it too..." Yuan Shi was aroused by Feng Hao's words.

The collision between the once-disappeared Great Qin civilization and the modern city seems quite interesting.

At least, it is much more interesting than the boring practice of staying in the fairyland all day.

However, Feng Hao obviously did not have the idea of ​​wandering around with Yuanshi Tianzun, glanced at Yuanshi, and said softly: "You look after the dojo for this emperor. It is uncertain whether they will choose to carry out the instructions passed down from the God Realm, and that place is full of aura, so lead your disciples to practice well."

"Can I refuse?" Yuan Shi's mouth twitched slightly.

The majestic Patriarch of the Three Purities, unexpectedly reduced to guarding the dojo for others, sent back to the fairy world, I am afraid that he will be ashamed.


Feng Hao didn't give Yuanshi face very much and refused directly, so Yuanshi had to reluctantly accept this arrangement.

Who made Feng Hao have exactly the same aura as Pangu Great Emperor, even... the aura was so powerful that it made his heart palpitate.

Although Yuan Shi was transformed by a ray of Qi from Pan Gu, he had never seen Pan Gu's real appearance, so he took it for granted that Pan Gu should be like Feng Hao.

However, Yuan Shi suddenly remembered that when he first came down to the realm, he had felt the aura of the Pangu ax in the Nine Heavens. At that time, it seemed that there were two supreme powerhouses fighting. He thought it was an illusion caused by the fluctuation of the realm.

Now it seems...

It's all true.

I can't get away from Feng Hao.

Yuan Shi still can't forget the feeling of heart palpitations.

In the end, Yuanshi Tianzun took his new Taoist disciple Zhang Zizai, and dragged the reluctant Huo Qilin, left the Taoist temple, and embarked on the road back to the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Dojo.

Feng Hao contacted Zhao Yang who had left from Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and briefly explained what happened at the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

Although the general in charge of the command solemnly stated the official attitude of Huaxia, Feng Hao felt that he still had to explain that he had no intention of being an enemy of Huaxia.

Of course Zhao Yang understood what Feng Hao meant, and he was very excited. From Feng Hao's attitude, it can be seen that Feng Hao's attitude towards Huaxia is very friendly. At least as long as the official does not do outrageous things, Feng Hao will always be China's most loyal ally.


"What strengths have entered those foggy places?" Feng Hao finally asked.

The land of mist is the official name of Huaxia to the outside world, because the extra land is always covered by mist, and neither the detection ring nor the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator can penetrate it.

Zhao Yang said on the other end of the phone: "The latest information shows that the big monsters of the Five Elements Spirits have formed a group to go in. The ancient cultivators and the various sects are scrambling for the treasures that appear in their own sects. land of mist."

"Relying on the strength of the spirits of the Five Elements, the various sects may not be able to stop them. It seems that there is something that attracts them in the misty land?" Feng Hao asked suspiciously.

The movement of the spirit of the Five Elements was abnormal, and instead of looking at the opportunity in front of him, he turned his gaze to the land of mist, obviously the purpose was not simple.


The phone was silent for a while, and then Zhao Yang's slightly nervous voice came: "There may be a new holy tree in the misty land. This is a monster among the spirits of the five elements. The chief has a good relationship, so I only revealed it..."

"I see……"

Feng Hao has already realized that the spirits of the five elements have achieved today's achievements by relying on the extreme demon holy tree, and it is reasonable for them to be able to perceive the birth of a new holy tree.

Then he cut off the call with Zhao Yang, and Feng Hao looked in the direction of the foggy land.

After the fission of the earth, the land of mist is concentrated in the southwest direction. There are many mountains and mountains here, and it is also the place with the strongest aura. It is not surprising that the god crystal on the earth chooses to release energy in these places.

It is unbelievable that Daqin, which has disappeared for thousands of years, can be reappeared.

It's hard to understand, but it happens.

In Feng Hao's words, it is just that the planes overlap. As the master of the universe, he can also make the disappearing civilization reappear through means.

It's a pity that this is the cosmic world, not the Great Thousand World...

"By the way, Monkey King doesn't seem to be showing his head all this time. The appearance of the Mist Land this time is the appearance of a new holy tree. He won't let it go..."

Hearing Zhao Yang mention the five lucky spirits of the Five Elements, Feng Hao thought of Monkey King who is also a demon saint.

Except for Sun Wukong who made a move when the big monster from outside the territory descended at the beginning, since then, it seems that there has been no trace of it.

In all fairness, Feng Hao is optimistic about Monkey King. After all, he was poisoned by Journey to the West, and he subconsciously felt that Monkey King was particularly fond of him.

After Feng Hao left the Taoist temple, he rushed directly to the southwest direction, intending to rush to the misty land before the sacred tree came out, and by the way, see if Qin Shihuang knew about Qin Shihuang's mausoleum.

If he knew, Qin Shihuang would definitely try his best to leave the misty land, merge with the corpse in the mausoleum, and complete the transformation of the lord of the gods.

There is no such opportunity to change a Holy Master for thousands of years, but... for the entire God Realm, it is nothing to send a Holy Master's position to open the door of time and space from the God Realm to the earth Well.

While Feng Hao was rushing to the foggy land, a young man with blond hair far away in Huaxia HN was driving a Ferrari roadster, carrying a supermodel in a bikini. Shattered into a pile of broken iron.


The bikini beauty next to her saw the gorgeous sports car and was sneezed by the local tyrant next to her, and she became like this, her face paled in fright.

"Which damned guy is talking about my grandson for no reason... the Bull Demon King? Or..."

Sun Wukong suddenly thought of something, and his body trembled.

There are not many people who know his identity, but those who can influence him... I am afraid that Feng Hao is the only one in this world.

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