Martial Inverse

Chapter 269

"Sounds pretty good."

The prehistoric dragon crocodile's conditions are very attractive, but Feng Hao shook his head and said, "I am not interested in the power of order you mentioned, and I dare not be interested in the power of law..."

"What's more, your so-called exchange is what I'm least interested in."

As the master of the universe, how could Feng Hao not understand law and order? Even if this thing is given, it is only a fragment of law.

And Feng Hao doesn't look down on the so-called fragments of the law of Honghuanglongcrocodile at all.

As long as he is given time, he will naturally be able to understand the laws of this world. If he has no self-confidence, how can he become the master of the universe.

As for Honghuanglongcrocodile's claim that Xuanyuan Sword, which incorporates Gusu Ziheng's soul, is the sword of order, it is rather surprising.


The Honghuang dragon crocodile roared loudly, shaking the world and trembling, its eyes as big as lakes stared at Feng Hao, and said coldly: "This god has not yet shown its true strength, are you sure you want to be an enemy of this god?"

"It's not that this emperor is your enemy, it's you who want to be an enemy of this emperor!"

Feng Hao is equally graceful, standing in the void holding the ancient Xuanyuan sword, although his figure is not as big as one of the billions of prehistoric dragons and crocodiles.

But the aura emanating from his whole body, combined with the power of order emanating from the ancient sword, made the prehistoric dragon crocodile tremble.

Feng Hao's words made Honghuanglongcrocodile look restless, and it seemed to feel the end of its life somewhere.

This feeling was very scary, Honghuanglongcrocodile was so distraught that he couldn't calm down at all.

The longer you live, the higher your cultivation level, and the closer you are to the way of heaven, the more you fear death, fear that you will be turned into ashes from now on, and you will never recover.

"This god is not trying to be your enemy!"

Honghuanglongcrocodile was finally discouraged, it was too scared, but in order to show that it was not afraid, but respected the identity of the master of Lin Yu, he said seriously: "This is the first time this god meets a strong man from a foreign plane, um , we exchanged ideas on a whim, I hope you and I are not enemies."

The corner of Feng Hao's mouth curled up, he nodded and said: "This emperor has never been a belligerent person, unless he has to fight."

"Really don't think about it?"

Honghuanglongcrocodile still misses Xuanyuan Ancient Sword,

That kind of power was too tempting for it.

Feng Hao shook his head and said: "Don't think about it. With your cultivation base, it shouldn't be difficult to comprehend the so-called power of order..."

"Let's go, I'm tired..."

The prehistoric dragon and crocodile have no intention of fighting again, let alone the courage to fight again.

Xuanyuan ancient sword possesses the power of order, destroying its dragon tail would require at least thousands of years of recuperation.

If he fights again, he probably has a premonition that his life will come to an end.


"It won't be my master!"

The fire unicorn wagged its tail excitedly. Although it looked very embarrassed, its whole body exuded the joy of surviving a catastrophe and having a happy future.

"Xuanyuan Sword has changed..."

The little ball flies to Feng Hao's side, staring at the Xuanyuan sword in Lin Yu's hand.

Feng Hao didn't put down Xuanyuan Sword until Honghuanglongcrocodile walked away and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Then Xuanyuanjian shot out ten thousand sword lights, which were exactly the ten thousand spirit swords that followed from the sword pond.

Xuanyuan Ancient Sword flew to Nine Heavens again, returned to the sect with Wan Jian, and went straight to the Guiyuan Sword Sect in the southern region.

"It's different..."

Feng Hao couldn't help but sigh with emotion, he felt that maybe he had touched something, the Xuanyuan Sword contained the power of order, but he could grasp it.

Will he be able to gain an advantage in the future competition for the heart of the world?

But considering that there are even powerful alien species like the prehistoric dragon crocodile, I am afraid that in this prehistoric world, there must also be powerful alien species that master the power of order.

There is a long way to go.

Leaving the earth, perhaps the only way to fight for the heart of the world, or, this is the meaning of his crossing over with Xiaoqiuqiu Xiaohei.

Nan Jieling and Sun Wukong rushed over and looked at Feng Hao in astonishment.

Sun Wukong said: "It was really domineering just now, the Great Desolate Dragon Crocodile is definitely not not fighting, but knowing that fighting will kill."

The Southern World Spirit completely surrendered to Feng Hao. Before that, perhaps because of surrendering his soul, he was forced to follow.

But now I am really happy to surrender.

No way, in his memory, the person who can master the power of order is a transcendent existence that is expected to compete for the heart of the world.

Even if it is, it is only touched a little bit.

However, it is worth studying to understand why the ancient bronze sword summoned by Feng Hao contains the power of order after being fused with the soul of Gusu Ziheng.

"The longer the existence, the more we care about life. It's meaningless to take the risk to fight with me. At least we don't have deep hatred and interest entanglements with it." Feng Hao said.

Sun Wukong scratched the back of his head.

"Fire Qilin!"

Out of the corner of Feng Hao's eyes, he saw Huo Qilin on the hill in the Deadland Mountains, digging frantically, and kicked in the blink of an eye.


Huo Qilin's whole body was pushed into the mountain, shrank his neck in fear and said: "Master, I couldn't hold back all of a sudden, there are treasures inside..."

Feng Hao glanced at the place dug by Huo Qilin, and with a move, an ancient mirror flew into his palm.

Huo Qilin struggled out of the mountain, ran over in a hurry, looked at Feng Hao expectantly and said: "This is a tonic, after eating it, I can improve my strength, pillar..."

Huo Qilin looked at Feng Hao expectantly.

Feng Hao failed to tinker with the effect of the ancient mirror and threw it to Nanjieling.

Nan Jieling glanced at it and said with a smile: "It's just an ancient mirror that contains the power of heaven and earth. It has the ability to protect the body. It is useless to Emperor Yufeng, but it is a bit good for the middle world spirit."

Nan Jie Ling dumped it to Huo Qilin, and he was not worried about Feng Hao's blame.

However, at this moment, there was a figure rushing towards Feng Hao and the others from the place of death, but when he was about to get close to Feng Hao and the others, he stopped the figure and looked at Feng Hao from a distance.

"This man's breath is a bit familiar." Monkey King frowned.

He blinked with fiery eyes, he is not a monster, and his cultivation base is very weak, the kind that does not pose any threat at all.

"It's Gusu Ziheng's Jianzong father."

Feng Hao felt the same aura as Gusu Ziheng from that person. After all, he was familiar with Xuanyuan Sword just now.

"Gusu Baiyu, the lord of Guiyuan Sword Sect, has met several seniors!"

Seeing Feng Hao and others looking at him, Gusu Baiyu hurriedly flew over with his sword and bowed in salute.

"You don't have to be polite."

Feng Hao waved his hand, feeling a little guilty towards Gusu Baiyu, after all his son's death was somewhat related to him.

"Just now I saw my son...he's here, please forgive me if I bother you..." Gusu Baiyu said with reddish eyes.

His gaze was always on Feng Hao, and it was hard for him to understand that such a young person could rival that prehistoric dragon and crocodile.

This is... the Lord of the Dead!

Legendary existence.

What shocked him even more was that the sword spirit transformed by Gusu Ziheng cut off the huge tail of the prehistoric dragon crocodile in the hands of this person...

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