Martial Inverse

Chapter 270 Great Qin Throne

"No problem!"

Feng Hao looked at Gusu Baiyu with a guilty face, and thought of his son Feng Xiaoyun for no reason...

Gusu Baiyu came chasing after the sword spirit transformed by his son. In the vast world, why didn't he feel guilty towards Xiaoyun?

They have never met since they were born, and when they met again, and they were given names, they were still given by Xiaoyu, the Supreme Being of Hongmeng.

Gusu Baiyu bowed to Lin Yu gratefully, and said: "Ziheng's protector has already said that he failed to cross the tribulation. This is his destiny, but let him become a sword spirit and a master in the hands of the master." Divine Soldier, his life is worth it!"

Seeing the conversation between Feng Hao and Honghuang Longcrocodile with his own eyes, Gusu Ziheng finally understood how powerful Feng Hao was.

How lucky he is from Gusu.

Lin Yu looked at Gusu Baiyu's gray temples, sighed softly in his heart, and then shot out a source of power in his hand, which merged into Gusu Baiyu's body, and said seriously: "If your Jianzong encounters a crisis, you can use this source of power Tell this emperor that you can temporarily use the Xuanyuan Sword, or even... use it to practice hard..."

Huo Qilin and Nanjie Ling looked at Gusu Baiyu enviously.

The first time we met, we were given such a great opportunity, why didn't they do any good, instead they were 'tortured' everywhere?

How dark, you are such a Fengdi.

Sun Wukong also pulled out a hair, handed it to Gusu Baiyu and said, "Well, what's the matter, blow on this hair, there will be surprises..."


Gusu Baiyu froze for a moment.

What does it mean to give this hair to him? Breathe?

Just as Gusu Baiyu was about to blow it, suddenly there was a faint sound of wind and thunder from the monkey hair, Gusu Baiyu was startled.

I immediately understood in my heart that this is definitely a great gift.

"Thank you senior!"

Gusu Baiyu cupped her hands and saluted.

Sun Wukong's mouth twitched slightly, obviously he didn't like people calling him senior, especially those who looked older than him.

Gusu Baiyu didn't stay for too long, and it was his great luck to give gifts as soon as they met.

at the same time,

It also told him indirectly that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

So, Gusu Baiyu bid farewell and left, stepped on the flying sword, and returned to Yuan Jianzong.

And Feng Hao, Sun Wukong Xiaoqiuqiu, Nanjieling, and Huo Qilin rushed directly to the central region.

After all, according to what Nan Jieling said, it took three years for the extreme demon holy tree in the misty land to break out of the ground.

But looking at the movements of the Spirit of the Five Elements, it is obvious that the five of them, after receiving the inheritance of the Spirit of the Five Elements, obviously have a special way to make the sacred tree break out of the ground in advance.

This is just Feng Hao's guess, but it has been approved by the spirit of the southern world.

The holy tree of extreme dao demon that appeared on the earth has the shadow of the southern world spirit and several other great world spirits, but the tree in the misty land, the southern world spirit said that it has nothing to do with it.

Because these are the existences transformed by the heart of the world.

The tree on the earth was the greatest ability they could use to move the demon sacred tree out of the prehistoric world and appear on the earth plane.

The prehistoric world is very large, at least bigger than three or four Chinese territories, but these places belong to the Great Qin Kingdom in the prehistoric world.

I have to say that the Emperor Qin here is awesome.

At least Feng Hao admired it a little.

Anyone, if this world spirit is entrenched in their own territory, and they are of a different species from the prehistoric, they will probably not be able to sleep well.

The strange thing is that Qin Huang not only slept peacefully, but also very comfortably.

In the prehistoric world, there are many sects, but no matter what sect it is, it must be regarded as the official face of Daqin.

Because Qin Huang is powerful, the national teacher is also powerful, and the army is even more powerful. It is said that there are immortals behind him.

Based on these, no sect dared to act recklessly, and everything seemed to be developing very harmoniously.

When two human beings, Feng Hao and Sun Wukong, lead the holy beast Fire Qilin, the little beast Xiao Qiuqiu, and the spiritual body Nanjieling, they appeared in a big human city behind a big city.

They attracted everyone's attention, and the matter was secretly reported to the major sects by those who cared.

Even, the Afang Palace where the Emperor Qin lived was the first palace in the prehistoric times.

"You said how many people in the prophecy of the gods appeared in the central region? Kirin, spirit body, little hand, human being?"

In the deep palace of Efang Palace, Qin Huang, who was wearing a black gold inlaid dragon robe, sat on the throne suspended in the palace.

The eunuch who was reporting was staring at the world with contemptuous eyes.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The eunuch's body trembled under the throne. Since Daqin had the upper gods and lower realms, the world seemed to have completely changed.

Such a world is very good, but...for eunuchs and ordinary people, it is a natural disaster.

At least, facing His Majesty Qin Huang, the eunuch was like lying on a sea of ​​swords and flames, and he felt as if he was going to die if he stayed there for a second longer.


Qin Huang waved his hand, and the eunuch disappeared directly in place, and then Qin Huang had a drop of blood in his hand.

Opening his mouth to swallow, Qin Huang's face changed and became younger, just like returning to the time when he was still the King of Qin.

The void above the throne trembled, and a mirror suddenly appeared.

And in the mirror, the figures of Feng Hao and his party appeared. Seeing this scene, the corner of Qin Huang's mouth curled up, and then he laughed out loud.

The laughter made the whole palace tremble.

"Gu, I've been waiting for this day for a long time..."


At the same time, in the giant human city in the central region, Feng Hao raised his head slightly, looked at the empty void, and frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Qiuqiu looked at Feng Hao suspiciously, followed Feng Hao's gaze, but saw nothing.

Sun Wukong blinked his eyes, his eyes sparkled, but he didn't see anything.

"What kind of power is there? It's hidden in the void. It's very obscure, but it does exist..." As a spirit body, Nan Jieling seems to have many supernatural powers after fusing with the soul orb.

"I also feel it... but I can't capture it, it seems to exist in every corner of the world..."

Fire Qilin also noticed something.

However, this made Sun Wukong and Xiao Qiuqiu very embarrassed, and they glared at Nanjieling and Huoqilin at the same time.

The fire unicorn shrank its neck in awe, while the southern world spirit smiled.

At this moment, Feng Hao looked at the direction of the void, and said softly: "If you guessed correctly, you are the Great Qin King in this prehistoric world?"


Xiaoqiuqiu, Sun Wukong, Nanjieling, and Huoqilin all looked at Fenghao in amazement.

Could it be that that power belongs to Emperor Qin?

Sun Wukong and Xiao Qiuqiu were very unwilling, they couldn't feel it, didn't they mean that Emperor Qin was not an ordinary emperor.

Didn't it mean that the master of the Great Qin Dynasty also had the cultivation base of the tribulation period? But this power has obviously surpassed too much.


Emperor Qin, sitting on the throne of Efang Palace, looked into Feng Hao's eyes in the mirror, but Feng Hao's voice sounded in the originally quiet palace.

Qin Huang was startled. He vaguely felt that when he looked at the human in the mirror, the human also saw him.

What kind of cultivation is this?


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