Martial Inverse

Chapter 272 The Land of the Underworld

There is a fish in Darknorth, its name is Kun.


The spirit of the five elements entered the prehistoric world of the land of mist, and rushed to the northern region non-stop.

As the five-headed monster who inherited the spirit of the five elements, as if he had been inspired by something, he followed that inspiration and came to the polar region of the Northern Territory.

This is the North Pole, and also the legendary North Sea. It is boundless, the water is deep and dark, and it is a sea area where the sun does not shine.

Five big monsters came to the North Sea for the holy tree of extreme demons, but facing the boundless black sea at this moment, they were all stunned in place.

The old tortoise frowned and said, "Where is the holy tree of the extreme demon in this place of the Northern Darkness?"

Bai He pondered and said, "I'm going to see if there is any land in the North Sea."

The big white crane demon spread its wings, soared into the sky, and flew to the depths of the North Sea.

A big snake with horns on its head stared at the North Sea, swallowed the snake letter, and then flew away.

"We have inherited the spirit of the five elements, and the holy tree of the extreme demon carries the law, so there is no mistake..."

The other two big monsters also nodded, and quickly chased after them. The five big monsters were scattered, and their strength might not be strong.

But the power of the combination can kill the great monster of the wild.

The five-headed monster flew into the depths of the Beiming Sea and escaped into the quiet sea of ​​darkness.


At the same time, Feng Hao and his group followed the spirit of the five elements, and the Nanjieling suddenly lost the trace of the five-headed monster.

The figure stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Feng Hao asked.

A deep light appeared in Nan Jieling's eyes, and said: "The spirit of the five elements has disappeared... Perhaps, they have found the holy tree of extreme demons."

"Disappeared? Where is the last place where it disappeared?" Monkey King frowned.

He came to the Misty Land this time with the purpose of coming for the ultimate demon saint fruit. If he returns empty-handed, he will make a big fuss in a hurry.

"The emperor is the same." Feng Hao nodded.

Even though his divine sense can extend very far, the faint breaths in his perception seem to disappear out of thin air.

"What's so strange about a tree? I know that many places are full of rare and exotic fruits..."

Huo Qilin pouted at the side.

It was originally restraining itself from speaking, but when it saw the Southern World Spirit and Feng Hao caring so much about a tree, it suddenly felt a little contemptuous.

Feng Hao frowned.

But Sun Wukong's eyes lit up, and he said: "Take my old grandson to have a look later, if not, don't blame my old grandson for not being sympathetic..."


"Follow the direction sensed before, and continue to look. If there is really no other way, go find a few other world spirits. This emperor wants to see what the heart of the world looks like..."

Feng Hao said softly.

The heart of the world involves many existences, the great monsters and powerhouses of the extraterrestrial gods, and the world spirits of the prehistoric world,

And prehistoric alien species.

Feng Hao also felt that he was also involved in the incident of the heart of the world invisibly.

Now that you have already participated, let's fight for it and fight with all kinds of strong people in this prehistoric world.

With Xuanyuan sword, Lin Yu thinks it is his biggest reliance at present.

The Southern World Spirit supported this 100% and said seriously: "Okay, the other three-headed world spirits are also in a sealed state, as long as Fengdi breaks their seal, our five world spirits can join forces to temporarily open the heart to the world The channel to obtain the supreme opportunity."

The southern world spirit was very excited. He and several other world spirits set up such a big game, and even moved the birth of the extreme demon holy grove to the earth.

The purpose is to summon strong outsiders who can break their seal.

And the strong outsiders have indeed come.

Before the southern world spirit comes again, he definitely hopes that he or other world spirits can get all the hearts of the world.

But now his spirit has been taken away by Feng Hao, he must hope that Feng Hao can get a chance.

Wouldn't it be a pleasure for one person to attain Taoism and ascend to heaven?

Feng Hao and the spirit of the southern realm followed the last breath of the spirit of the five elements and chased them to the north of the Northern Territory.

But here, you can clearly feel that the spiritual consciousness is suppressed, and the spiritual consciousness cannot spread very far.

Even the Southern World Spirit, who is the spirit of a world, cannot penetrate very far with his spiritual consciousness.

Without spiritual consciousness and spiritual consciousness, one can only distinguish with the naked eye, which is no different from a blind person to a practitioner.

"Little ball, has your consciousness been suppressed?"

Feng Hao looked at the beast god Xiaoqiuqiu.

Xiao Qiuqiu shook his head helplessly. The prehistoric world is not the earth world outside, and it is very difficult for the existence of them who have not mastered the laws.

All kinds of things were suppressed and targeted.

"The spiritual consciousness can't spread too far. I suggest not to go deep for the time being. Maybe it has something to do with the holy tree of the extreme demon..." Nan Jieling analyzed.

"Since it's related to the holy tree of extreme demons, then move forward quickly. With my old grandson's piercing eyes, are you afraid that you don't have the spiritual sense to explore the way?"

Sun Wukong is very interested, and he seems to never give up if he doesn't see the fruit of the extreme monster.

"This sage actually has some effects. For example, the nose is very good. If you talk about the breath of the spirit of the five elements, I can smell it thousands of miles away."

Huo Qilin stood up at this moment.

He always believed that his talent would definitely come into play, and now, maybe this was his chance.

Feng Hao's expression moved slightly. Seeing that the Southern World Spirit nodded, he looked at Huo Qilin and said, "I can't tell you about the aura of the spirit of the Five Elements, but this emperor will share this aura with can feel it clearly."

Feng Hao moved forward, turned his right hand into a palm, and put it directly on Huo Qilin's forehead, and at the same time shared the breath of the spirit of the five elements with Huo Qilin.

However, doing so is very dangerous.

It's not that Feng Hao is dangerous, but that Huo Qilin may not be able to carry Feng Hao's will, and sharing the breath of the spirit of the five elements, he will also share Feng Hao's will.

Huo Qilin's whole body trembled violently, his eyes rolled white, and he felt the overlord breath in Feng Hao's breath, which made his body tremble with fright.

This powerful will is enough to wipe out its soul.

Fortunately, Feng Hao deliberately suppressed a lot, otherwise, with the will of his master of the thousand, Huo Qilin would definitely not be able to withstand this majestic will, and his soul would collapse.

After a while, Feng Hao withdrew his hand, looked at Huo Qilin and said, "Now do you know what the breath of the spirit of the Five Elements is?"

Huo Qilin shook his drowsy head, magma-like blood flowed out of his nasal cavity, his brain couldn't sustain such a huge will, and it seemed that he had suffered serious trauma.

The southern world spirit was even more shocked. The world spirit itself is good at spirit bodies, and can even be reincarnated and recultivated.

However, as strong as a world spirit, it is actually unable to bear Feng Hao's will...

Nan Jieling suddenly felt that perhaps Feng Hao hadn't fully demonstrated his strength...

"I know, they are in that direction..."

Huo Qilin pointed to the northern polar region, and murmured in a low voice: "They are in the North Sea, the land of the Underworld..."

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