Martial Inverse

Chapter 273 Snow Mountain Skeleton

"Northern Underworld?"

Feng Hao frowned slightly. He has studied many legends of the earth and is very interested in these legends.

For a long time, Feng Hao also believed that these myths and legends on the earth, as well as stories, could not be groundless.

It is very likely that in the ancient times of the earth, the people who wrote the myths, legends and stories saw or experienced the prehistoric world by chance.

Just like the current land of mist, many human monks from the earth have mixed in, and no one can verify whether in the long past of the earth, some people also entered the wild land by mistake.

"There is a fish in the north, and its name is Kun. Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles away it is, and it turns into a bird, and its name is Peng. The cloud hanging from the sky..."

When it comes to Beiming, Feng Hao naturally thinks of this description, but what is uncertain is whether there will be Kunpeng in this place of Beiming in the prehistoric world.

If there is, Feng Hao does not know how much it has to do with the ancient god Kunpeng who was sealed by him...

Back then when he became the supreme god of Taoism, he sealed the ancient gods Hongjun and Kunpeng.

"The land of the Northern Underworld is full of dangers. There is a black sea there, and the sun cannot reach it. It is more terrifying than the death of the Southern Territory... Do you really want to go?"

Southern Realm Spirit's eyes flickered, and he glared at Huo Qilin complainingly.

What came out of Huo Qilin's mouth really wasn't good news, after all, there were too many graves dug, so it was somewhat unlucky.

"My old Sun Fei can't go, if it's not for those few fruits, what's the point of coming here?"

There was a fierce light in Sun Wukong's eyes. He had eaten the holy demon fruit and knew its taste, so he couldn't resist the temptation.

Xiao Qiuqiu nodded and said, "Go!"

Feng Hao glanced at Xiao Qiuqiu in surprise, it seems that... the extreme demon saint is really good, even as a beast god, he can't resist the temptation.

"Then let's go, Fire Qilin will lead the way..."

Feng Hao is full of curiosity and desire to explore the prehistoric world.

Only when we truly understand the stories in the Chinese legends, will we try our best to dig out the truth.

Dig out those who exist in legends.

The earth is far more complicated than Feng Hao imagined, it should not be a plane, maybe... a plane not lower than the Great Thousand Worlds.

It's just that it's not fully awake yet.

But the prehistoric world already has the style of the Great Thousand World.

"Let's go, this place is a little far from the land of the Northern Underworld... During the period, there may also be wild alien species. This place is very ominous..."

A group of people set off, but the Southern World Spirit warned them cautiously.

He was born along with the heart of the world, and he knows too much about the past and history. For the world spirits, Beiming is more like the destination of the undead.

forever night.

Where the sun never shines.

Although the Southern World Spirit is a spirit body, its attributes are not feminine, but rather like a blazing flame.

Fire Qilin also followed the atmosphere to lead the way ahead,

It is no longer the usual nonsense, and it has become extra focused.

"Not to mention, the more you go north, the more panicked you become..."

Sun Wukong said.

It is not close to Beiming yet, but it is already able to see a white-capped, boundless snow-capped mountain.

At the end of the skyline of the snow-capped mountains, there... seems to be an endless abyss of magic.

Feng Hao and the others flew across the snow-capped mountains at such a fast speed that it was like streamers of light passing across the sky...

Under the peaceful snow-capped mountains, many unknown secrets are buried, and the numerous bones and snow are confused, making it difficult to distinguish.

But some of the white bones exude golden light, shining brightly, especially in the ice and snow.

"That's the skeleton of the golden fairy in the heaven..."

Nan Jieling spoke, with a particularly dignified expression.

"Golden Immortal?"

Feng Hao frowned, judging from the golden fairy bones in the snow, the realm should be equivalent to a saint.

There is still a distance from the Great Emperor.

And his current cultivation base has returned to the Supreme Realm, and it is not a problem for ten or hundreds of living Golden Immortals to come.

Insufficient evidence.

Continuing to go deeper, the bones in the snow began to increase... there were even glass-like bones.

During his lifetime, he may have the cultivation base of a great emperor.

Feng Hao was slightly surprised, the prehistoric world is completely different from the earth, and there is such a powerful existence.

The key point, being as strong as the Great Emperor, actually died in the North Pole.

Sun Wukong was a little panicked. The reason why he was called the Holy King of Fighting, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven... was because he was a strong man at the level of a saint.

It's not far from the Great Emperor.

But this place in the North Pole exists with the bones of the Great Emperor, which makes people feel creepy.


The Fire Qilin led the way, and his body had already started to tremble. He didn't feel terrible when he died in the southern region, but this place in the North Pole made him tremble from the bottom of his heart.

"Feng Hao, that great emperor's skeleton has moved..."

Xiao Qiuqiu was always observing the skeletons of the great emperors, and suddenly saw one of the skeletons of the great emperors moving.

At the same time, a powerful breath of death enveloped the endless snow mountain in an instant.

"It's so powerful even after death, wouldn't it be more terrifying?" Sun Wukong was stunned, and quickly sacrificed the golden cudgel, while blinking his golden eyes.

Except for Feng Hao and Nan Jieling, everyone else is waiting in full force.


A will to die came from the skeleton of the great emperor, and the precious light was full of sacred breath.

"Since you are dead, why should you keep your obsession alive?"

Feng Hao shook his head, and immediately shot to suppress it, the unicorn arm blasted in the air, and collided with the rushing emperor's skeleton.

There was a circle of ripples in the void.


An unwilling thought came from the emperor's bones, but in just one round, the bones of the glazed body shattered...

Completely disappeared from the world.

"" Sun Wukong was taken aback, feeling even more unfathomable about Fenghao's strength...

The progress was too fast. Back then outside Huashan, his cultivation was definitely not as strong as it is now.

However, how long has passed, and it is so terrifying...

There is still magma-like energy surging on Feng Hao's arm, he is not used to using the original power, this kind of fist-to-flesh feeling can make him clearly feel how much his cultivation base has recovered.

However, after killing one of the great emperor's bones, an army of immortal bones buried in the snow for thousands of years crawled out.

Thousands of skeletons of saints and great emperors appeared, and the aura they emitted made the world turbulent.

"Damn it, why is the spirit of the five elements unimpeded? With their cultivation base, how can they resist any skeleton..."

Monkey King felt his scalp tingling, but the three dozen bone spirits were not so irritable.

The spirit of the southern world said faintly: "Because the spirit of the five elements is also a half-spiritual body, the spirit of this world will not be attacked by these bones..."

The Southern World Spirit stepped forward, thinking that these skeletons would not attack him, but before he finished speaking, a skeleton of a great emperor had already struck.

The power of heaven and earth interweaves the avenue in its hands, suppressing the spirits facing the southern world.

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