Martial Inverse

Chapter 274 Arriving at Beiming


A beautiful light ignited in the Southern Realm's spiritual eyes, turned his fist into a palm, and directly split the great emperor's skeleton into two halves.

At the same time, beautiful flames flowed from the fractured bones until the bones were burnt clean.

"It seems that the spirit of the Five Elements has done something in the land of the Northern Darkness...or the sacred tree of the extreme demon has appeared..."

Feng Hao murmured, when the sacred tree of extreme dao demon appeared on the earth, such a thing happened, and many things that had been sleeping underground crawled out.

Right now, the arctic land of the prehistoric world looks like this...

"My grandson doesn't show his power, do you really think my grandson is a monkey?"

Monkey King was entangled by two skeletons of the Great Emperor level, and the avenues intertwined, forcing him to retreat again and again.

In his rage, the golden cudgel in Sun Wukong's hand became bigger and longer, and he smashed it madly at the emperor's bone.

The mountains trembled, and the bones of the two great emperors were directly smashed apart.

But Sun Wukong's eyes were glowing red, and his body was filled with powerful power fluctuations.

At first glance, it turned out to be a monkey with long hair all over its body.

Little red silk and satin floated on her body, and she wore a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on her head, her temperament was so awesome.

"Pretentious..." Xiao Qiuqiu muttered.

The Southern World Spirit was also shocked, and began to look at Sun Wukong again. This is... a state where power does not match the realm.

Obviously only a half-step emperor, but the power least countless times stronger.

"Battle state?" The Southern World Spirit couldn't help muttering.

Huo Qilin was also stunned.

Along the way, Monkey King was too low-key. In Huo Qilin's view, Monkey King is the best bully.

Who knew... in this state right now, the rhythm of Feng Hao's second faint...

"All die..."

Sun Wukong was furious, picked up the golden cudgel, and rushed directly into the pile of bones of the revived emperor.

Like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, the Emperor Cannian, who had displayed the imprint of the Great Dao, was smashed to pieces.

Crying and howling, the cloud suddenly rose.

However, when Sun Wukong entered this state, he was really the Holy King of Fighting, and even Feng Hao... also stopped watching from the sidelines.

"Monkeys are very low-key..."

The corner of Feng Hao's mouth curled up, looking at the crazy monkey, he was simply a powerful king of war.

The remnants of those great emperor's bones... actually lost their minds.

Seeing this, some great emperor skeletons went straight into the snow-capped mountains, pretending to be dead...

It has to be said that a deterrent battle can indeed solve the problem very well. These dead things in the Arctic snow mountains have never appeared again...

"Who else?"

Standing in the void, Sun Wukong slanted the hundreds of meters long golden cudgel in his hand into the ground, and said arrogantly: "Who else..."

The snow-capped mountains echoed and shook,

Avalanches occurred in many places, but no dead objects appeared.

The two world spirits, Nanjieling and Huoqilin, were both awed by Monkey King's gesture.

On the other hand, Feng Hao and Xiao Qiuqiu were smiling. Monkey King with this posture was the Holy King of Fighting in their impression.

"Brother Feng, how is my grandson's combat strength?"

Sun Wukong came from the sky, put his hands on the two ends of the golden cudgel, put them on his shoulders, and looked at Feng Hao with a ruffian look.

Feng Hao gave a thumbs up: "It's so strong, I was shocked."

"Haha, don't make fun of my old grandson. Compared with Fengdi, you are far behind..."

Sun Wukong smiled and felt melancholy, and said: "If I can eat a few more Yaosheng fruits, my old Sun God King can walk away..."

"I went to the land of the Northern Darkness and overthrew those guys, wouldn't that be enough?" Feng Hao said with a light smile.

The spirit of the Five Elements carried him to the misty land to look for the holy tree of the extreme demon, completely ignoring Feng Hao.

It's too much.

Sun Wukong's eyes lit up, and he said: "My old grandson has long disliked them. My old grandson swallowed the spirit of the five elements by himself. It is better to snatch them before they are scattered. My old grandson is beyond the three realms and is not in the five elements..."

"Let's go!"

There are no dead things coming out to block the way here, and the end of the sky is the land of Beiming.

Huo Qilin continued to lead the way forward.

There is no way, there seems to be a law in the North Pole that suppresses the spiritual consciousness of Feng Hao and others, and now he can only rely on his innate magical powers.

At the beginning, it relied on its natural supernatural powers to lick bags in the tomb of Da Neng, and it developed very fat.

Now the talent and magic are used to track a few big monsters, which is a bit overkill.

But as he went deeper, he found that among the few big monsters he was following, there was an aura that made his heart flutter, much like... a treasure buried in a grave.

"call out!"

The Huo Qilin, who was originally a little listless, suddenly rushed out like the wind, as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.

"What did this guy find again?"

Seeing Huo Qilin like this, Nan Jieling knew what Huo Qilin was thinking, and undoubtedly sniffed out some treasure.

At the moment, the speed of the group increased again.

Soon, as if night fell without warning, Feng Hao and the others were already in an environment of eternal night.

Not far behind is an environment as bright as day, but in front of him is a dark world.

Not far away, there was the sound of waves hitting the beach.

"It's the Black Sea..."

The Southern World Spirit said softly.

"Northern land..." Feng Hao murmured in a low voice.

Feng Hao closed his eyes slightly, and the spiritual thoughts spread out...but the result was still the same, the spiritual thoughts could not spread too far.

The Northern Underworld, north of the North Pole, does possess a strange force.

"What are you still doing here? I have already sensed the smell of the five big monsters, hurry up, hurry up..."

Huo Qilin was so anxious that he was going crazy, he felt that the treasure was about to be poached by those five big monsters, and now he wished he could give birth to a pair of wings.

Just like Suzaku, with a swish, it flew to the five-headed monster.

Feng Hao looked at Huo Qilin contemptuously, always thinking that this guy must not have felt the breath of the spirit of the five elements.

Apparently...the land of the Underworld has the baby it wants.

But after all, it was about the flowering and fruiting of the Jidao Demon Sacred Tree, so Feng Hao didn't stay for too long, and flew directly to Beiminghai.

The little ball, Sun Wukong, and the spirits of the southern world also followed behind the fire unicorn, flying in the dim north.

In the dark world, it is difficult to tell the direction, the north, the south, and the north. If there is no fire unicorn's innate supernatural powers, Feng Hao can't guarantee whether he can get out of the land of the dark north.

Surrounded by the same black sea, as long as you close your eyes, turn around a few times, and then open your eyes again, you will definitely not be able to find the direction you came from.

It is useless to spread the divine thoughts, and there is no reference at all.


Something in the Black Sea came out of the water, and there was a loud crash of waves.

This is extraordinarily weird and frightening in such a quiet environment...

Although Feng Hao and others are not ordinary people, but after all, this place is the legendary Beiming in the prehistoric world, there are too many unknowns, and no one can guarantee that any weird things will happen.

After all... this world has the heart of the world, which is equivalent to the power of the world lord.

Even the wild dragon crocodile can appear. Who can guarantee that there is no more powerful alien species than the wild dragon crocodile in the North Dark Black Sea?

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