Martial Inverse

Chapter 275 Corpse Kun

The sound of water splashes in the Black Sea of ​​Beiming broke the tranquility in the darkness.

At first, just a little bit.

As time went by, the sound of water splashes became more and more intensive, and they always followed Feng Hao and others.

At the same time, a rotten breath spread directly from the black sea below him, accompanied by a strong stench, overwhelming the sky.

"what happened?"

The Fire Qilin's body wobbled uncontrollably, it was instinctively afraid.

Nanjieling also felt his soul trembling, as if he had encountered a natural enemy.

"Fly up!"

Feng Hao frowned, the rotten breath was very strong, and the stench was more like sulfuric acid, which could overlook the consciousness.

They keep getting taller.

However... the sound of water splashes in the Black Sea became louder and louder, and finally something seemed to break out of the water, winding thousands of miles out.

Feng Hao's consciousness spread out and was strangely swallowed by a mysterious force, but nothing happened without his consciousness.

In other words, the land of the Northern Underworld is the nemesis of the divine consciousness.

In the darkness, Feng Hao and others couldn't see what kind of powerful existence it was, but they could feel how terrifying this guy was.

The sound of water splashes churned thousands of miles away.

"My old grandson takes a picture with his golden eyes..."

Sun Wukong's eyes were like lighthouses, directly illuminating the entire dark space, allowing Feng Hao and others to see clearly the origin of the guy who surfaced.


Feng Hao frowned slightly, looking at the huge body that meanders for thousands of miles, it seems that only the head is exposed, very similar to Kun.

And the body is still floating.

But the strange thing is that this seems to be a dead Kun, the body is rotten to shame, the stench is very pungent, and it can look down on the consciousness.

"It's Kun!"

The Southern World Spirit confirmed, his eyes were full of shock.

Unexpectedly, in the land of the Northern Darkness,

There really is a kun. But this kun was a dead kun, which made them even more surprised.

According to legend, this guy's body is so big that there is no limit. How could such a powerful existence die?

Is it as strong as a kun, but also have natural enemies?

There are prehistoric dragons and crocodiles in the dead land of the Southern Territory, and they claim to live the same life as the world, how could Kun die?

"He's still alive... My old grandson can feel life waves in it..."

Sun Wukong swept his eyes and found something incredible. The rotten Kun was not dead yet.

To be precise... its vitality is still very strong, not weaker than that of the prehistoric dragon and crocodile.


A loud voice sounded from the Black Sea, and an extremely dangerous aura spread.

Even Feng Hao finds it a bit tricky.

"going up!"

The body of this Kun is too big, so big that it surfaced at this moment, it seems that its body will fill the entire world of Beiming.

Feng Hao and his group almost flew above the clouds of the Nine Heavens, but Kun's body was still floating up.

"What the hell is this shit?" Sun Wukong couldn't help but swear.

It's too scary, how can there be such a monster in the world.

Indeed, such a creature appeared in the prehistoric world. It was rotten all over, but its vitality was extremely strong, and the aura it emitted was even more powerful and boundless.

Feng Hao once sealed Taoist ancestor Hongjun and Kunpeng, but the Kun in front of Beiming is completely different.

"Corpse Kun?"

Nanjieling suddenly said in a trembling voice.

Immediately, Feng Hao and Huo Qilin, including Xiao Qiuqiu and Monkey King, all looked at Nan Jieling.

"What is a corpse kun?" Feng Hao asked.

At the same time, he was ready to summon Pan Gu's Sky-Opening Axe.

There is no way, Xuanyuan Sword is too far away from Beiming, and the time to fly over is much slower than that of Pangu Axe.

"It is a completely different existence from Kun, a mutated Kun, much scarier than the real Kun..."

Nan Jieling said in a deep voice: "I don't know much about Shi Kun, but there is a record of Shi Kun deep in my memory. It is an immortal body, and it is also the master of the Northern Darkness."

"I suspect that the skeletons in the Arctic Snow Mountain outside Beiming may have been decayed by the breath of the corpse..."

Just the breath can instantly kill the emperor, and even revive the emperor's bones.

"Sun Houzi, how about entrusting this guy to you?" Feng Hao said suddenly.

"Fengdi, don't be joking, my old grandson's legs are weak now..." Sun Wukong's face turned pale with fright.

"Your fighting state before shocked the bones of the earth. Obviously, Shi Kun is also afraid of you."

Feng Hao analyzed.

"Is it really possible?" Sun Wukong was suddenly moved.

But this Corpse Kun's aura was too terrifying, he was afraid that he wouldn't even be able to swing the golden cudgel.


Feng Hao continued to instigate.

"it is good!"

Sun Wukong nodded heavily immediately, then grabbed the golden cudgel tightly with his right hand, and roared loudly.


The surface of the Golden Cudgel seems to have magma peeling off, and Monkey King has once again become the state of the Holy King of Fighting, with fire shining all over his body, illuminating the sky.

"Eat my grandson!"

Monkey King is extremely violent, and when the golden cudgel becomes longer and larger, it is also thousands of feet long and as thick as a pillar of the sky.

The head exposed towards Shi Kun was violently smashed.


A loud noise resounded through Beiming, and the Black Sea set off a turbulent sea, and the speed of the corpse Kun's rising speed suddenly accelerated.


A roar sounded, shaking everyone's scalp numb.

"Those who trespass on the Northern Darkness will die!"

Shi Kun didn't speak, but the idea that came out sounded in everyone's heads. At the same time, the law of the great way directly slapped Sun Wukong several times.


Sun Wukong spit out a mouthful of blood, and flew back upside down, almost passing out directly.

Fortunately, it was borrowed by Feng Hao, and a sliver of original power was overcome.

"My old grandson is not in the same order as this guy, there is no way..."

Panting heavily, Sun Wukong had a head-to-head confrontation, and the wine glass returned to its original shape in an instant, typically handsome for less than three seconds.

"Master, why don't we withdraw?"

Huo Qilin hesitated, compared to the breath that made him salivate uncontrollably, life was the most important thing.

Nanjie Lingfei went over and kicked Huo Qilin, and said: "You bastard, what about the domineering spirit of the middle world? Uncover all the seals, kill this corpse Kun, your burning sky happens to be a corpse!" Kun's nemesis..."

Feng Hao's eyes lit up, he knew that the power was sealed in Huo Qilin's body, but he didn't know that there was such a powerful side.

However, Huo Qilin was trembling violently, and said with a mournful face: "What's the use of this? Just having his nemesis, it doesn't mean that I am its opponent..."

In the face of absolute strength, the so-called nemesis can only be a joke


Finally, Shi Kun's entire body emerged from the Black Sea.

It is like a continent floating on the Black Sea, and at the same time, a dead air pervades the entire space...

"Countless, if you don't dare, you can transform into a world spirit and fuse with Fengdi's unicorn arm. If you don't move, you can even kill the corpse kun!"

The Southern World Spirit almost roared.

That dead air was terrifying, and Nanjieling felt that his spiritual body was about to be corroded...

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