Martial Inverse

Chapter 276 Sacrifice of Life

Huo Qilin trembled.

"Follow, fuse with Fengdi's arm? Will this saint die..."

Huo Qilin panicked, if he did this, most likely his life would be lost, absolutely not.

"It's just that you are temporarily fused with Fengdi's unicorn arm. You are born together, how can you die?"

Nan Jieling knew very well that Feng Hao's unicorn arm was a kind of innate supernatural power, which happened to be of the same origin as the fire unicorn.

Huo Qilin's Burning Sky Fire is his natal supernatural power, which is fused with Feng Hao's unicorn arm, and with Feng Hao's strength, he might not be able to fight Shi Kun.

Shi Kun, a legendary existence.

It is rumored that there is... a bone kun above the corpse kun, but these are just legends, even if he is a world spirit, he has not been contacted.

There are five great world spirits in the prehistoric world, but there are also five great Jedi.

There was a prehistoric dragon crocodile in the death place in the southern region, but the Southern World Spirit was not sure whether the death place where the dragon crocodile was located was determined.

And in the Northern Territory, this is the land of the Northern Darkness.

The prehistoric alien species in the Northern Underworld is the kun... but unexpectedly, the kun in the Northern Underworld Sea is a dead kun.

It is born to be able to cause damage to the monk's consciousness and soul.

Only the most masculine and steadfast burning fire can compete with it.

"It's good if you don't die..."

Huo Qilin secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

hold head high!

Shi Kun's body was suspended above the Black Sea, revealing its huge body under Sun Wukong's fiery eyes.

And that mummy-like appearance is full of palpitating fluctuations.

Following Shi Kun's roar, the spirits of the southern world twisted slightly, and Xiao Qiuqiu, Feng Hao, and Monkey King retreated immediately.

"Fire Qilin, why are you still hesitating?"

The Southern World Spirit felt that he was going to drift away, and was so frightened that he yelled at the fire unicorn: "If you are one step late, you will have to finish the game!"

"it is good……"

Huo Qilin gritted his teeth violently,

He rushed directly to Feng Hao.

"Master, I will leave this saint to you."

Huo Qilin also fought hard, and directly unsealed the seal in his body. In an instant, the flames shot up all over his body, and the scorching high temperature dispelled the cold air of the North Sea.

The red light also illuminated the sky of Beiminghai.

"Fengdi, here I come... Shi Kun is not an ordinary existence, he is a strange species condensed by the law, don't make too much of it..."

The Southern World Spirit also galloped over, flying side by side with the Fire Qilin.

"Okay, let me feel your power, how powerful the world spirit produced by the heart of the world will be..."

A strong fighting spirit also appeared in Feng Hao's eyes.

Since sealing Hongjun Daozu and Kunpeng, he has never had such a strong fighting spirit.

Before facing the great monster descending from the God Realm, even if his cultivation base was suppressed, he had never been timid and belligerent.

Just simply want to kill.

But now, meeting this Corpse Kun from the Land of the Underworld is like facing Kunpeng back then.

Only war!

Not far away, the spiritual body of the Southern World Spirit gradually faded, and the moment it flew side by side with the fire unicorn, it turned into an afterimage that was already invisible to the naked eye, and was divided into two halves...

call out!

One wraps the fire unicorn arm, and the other wraps around Feng Hao's unicorn arm.

"Fengdi, I am divided into two to promote your fusion with the fire unicorn, but... maybe I and the fire unicorn will never recover again, I only hope that you, Fengdi, can...don't let the alien gods take the heart of the world... "

Indistinctly, Feng Hao felt the fluctuation of spiritual thoughts from the spirit of the southern world.

Immediately trembled all over.

"Do not!"

Feng Hao refused, he still had the Pan Gu axe, at worst he could summon the Xuanyuan Sword, but he couldn't do it with the life of the Southern World Spirit and the fire unicorn.

As Emperor Feng, he wants to kill the enemy, so why sacrifice his friend's life.

"Zi Kun is a condensed body of laws. To deal with him, the only way to deal with him is the burning fire of the spirit of the middle world, but it is too difficult to integrate it with Fengdi. I can only lie to him... Don't have resistance. It is not impossible for the emperor to win the heart of the world... It is not impossible to resurrect me and Huo Qilin."

The extreme thoughts of the Southern World Spirit came again, and said: "You are the Lord of the Great Thousand, I believe that you came to the universe world, there is a fateful arrangement..."

call out!

Half of the spirit body of the Southern World Spirit directly covered Feng Hao's Qilin Arm Mountain.

Then the other half of the spirit body was wrapped, and the unsealed fire unicorn directly hit Feng Hao's unicorn arm.


At the moment when Huo Qilin released the seal and merged with the Southern World Spirit into Huo Qilin's arm, Feng Hao felt the severe pain from the depths of his soul.

With a roar, Feng Hao's whole body burst into flames, and phantoms of five innate supernatural powers appeared behind him.

Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and Qilin...

But now there are two more ways, the fusion of the Southern World Spirit and the phantom of the Suzaku, and the fusion of the Fire Qilin Zeyu Qilin.

Under the needs of light cyan, only the phantoms of Suzaku and Qilin are like lit stars.

A mighty force came from the void and was controlled by Feng Hao.

At the same time, Feng Hao's eyes also burst out with flames, and his unicorn arms were all replaced by red magma.

Every move seems to contain the truth of heaven and earth.

"Feng Hao..."

Beast God was stunned, this power, this feeling was too familiar, he seemed to see the former Lord of Great Thousand.

Sun Wukong was shaking violently.

The current Feng Hao is countless times stronger than his body. What kind of Samadhi real fire, this nima is the fire that explodes the sky.

Burning fire.

Look at this posture, let alone Shi Kun, Xie Guangkun will be completely killed if he comes...

hold head high!

"Your body is actually able to withstand the primordial spirits of the two world spirits, um... If this seat swallows you, maybe you can evolve again, and from then on, you can transcend the world and grasp the order..."

Shi Kun's huge body is like a continent floating in the air, and the fluctuations coming out at this moment have the meaning of falling to heaven and earth.

Behind Feng Hao, the wings of the Vermilion Bird spread out, like the most dazzling star in the sky, the sky-burning fire was burning on the unicorn's arm, and the surrounding area was full of collapsed void.

"This emperor came from the great thousand, and once sealed Kunpeng, you... can you compare with Kunpeng?"

Feng Hao is also extremely strong, and the fighting spirit in his eyes has reached the extreme.


The moment Feng Hao rushed out, there was an explosion between the sky and the earth, and the void where he was standing before was shattered like a mirror, and then black lightning spread, forming a terrifying black hole.

Sun Wukong's eyeballs protruded, he stroked his heart and said, "If my old grandson is half as powerful as Fengdi, he would have pierced the sky of the heavens and worlds long ago. What Yunhuang? Killing him is just a matter of time..."

Xiao Qiuqiu is also very excited. Being able to see such a powerful side of Feng Hao in the prehistoric world, does it indicate... that he will soon recover his cultivation?

If he can recover, he will wipe out the gods who once tried to absorb his original power.

Feng Hao has an indomitable momentum. At this moment, although he has not recovered the cultivation level of the Great Thousand Lord, all things can be born with one thought, and all things can be destroyed with one thought.

But the combat power... has reached the highest level under the Lord of the Great Thousand.

This is the sacrifice of the life of the Southern World Spirit and the Fire Qilin, and it is also a complete fusion of great supernatural powers.


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