Martial Inverse

Chapter 305 Half Step Emperor

After seeing Du Yan's body levitating, the old man of the Du family and several second-rank Martial Emperor powerhouses completely forgot about the pain.

A look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"Half-step emperor..."

The old man of the Du family was as happy as a seventy or eighty-year-old urchin, and the other second-rank Martial Emperors were also very excited.

The Du family finally gave birth to a half-step emperor, the number one person in the Eastern Region.


A whip of thunder fell again, and then the old man of the Du family and several second-rank Martial Emperor powerhouses were stunned.


They ignored a very serious question. The guy who punished Thunder in front of him... seemed to be a god.

What is the use of a half-step emperor?

The half-step emperor also had to kneel.

At this moment, Du Yan's whole body was full of holy aura. The moment she opened her eyes, the void seemed to vibrate with ripples.

A breath that seemed to come from ancient times burst out from her body.

Now Du Yan feels more like a goddess from ancient times, every frown and smile can make the world resonate with her.

Once again, the old man of the Du family looked at Du Yan with ecstasy, as if he had been spat out with chicken blood. Although he was chopped, the outside was scorched and the inside was tender, and he was almost like a roasted sweet potato.

But his exposed eyes and exposed teeth showed that he was excited and relieved.

Because the aura released from Du Yan's body was simply too powerful, giving him the feeling of facing the head of the Demon Emperor Army.

In the past, they all thought that the cultivation of the head of the Demon Emperor Army should be similar to that of the Heavenly Emperor, but now seeing Du Yan's frown and smile affecting the world, it seems that he should also control the power of the heaven and the earth.

Yipin Fansheng borrows the power of heaven and earth.

The half-step emperor controls the power of heaven and earth.

So Du Yan is obviously a half-step emperor-level existence, and Feng Hao... seems to be about the same.

The rage that day was also caused by the power of heaven and earth, so...they were saved.

"Aren't you going to stop?"

After Du Yan absorbed the God Devouring Pill, her whole temperament also changed drastically. At this moment, she stared at Feng Hao with rather cold eyes.

After all, in front of her, Feng Hao beat the old man of the Du family and these second-rank Martial Emperor powerhouses to death.

How can this be tolerated?

After Feng Hao heard Du Yan's words, he didn't continue to punish Lei Ting, and said with a faint smile on his face: "How does my original power of life feel?"

"Very strong, I can feel the aura of the Demon Emperor from your body... It seems that you and the Demon Emperor come from the same source..."

Du Yan said calmly, if she was still afraid of Feng Hao's strength before, but now she has become a half-step empress.

When facing Feng Hao again, he found that he could behave calmly enough, even... a fight is not a bad idea.

Feng Hao nodded, Du Yan's words made him sure that the demon emperor was really transformed by Pangu's soul.

No wonder it looks so similar to him, and even grew to that height.

"What else?" Feng Hao asked.

"Now you can't do anything about me. I have fused your original power, which can be regarded as the same origin as the demon emperor, and you... the original power has been taken away.

The cultivation base will only plummet..." Du Yan said calmly.

The original power was taken away, this is an irreversible trauma, Du Yan felt that Feng Hao could not threaten him now.

Feng Hao smiled and nodded, "What else?"

He was extremely calm in his heart, and even wanted to laugh... These ordinary mortals in Lin Zhou are still too young.

Is this all he can do?

The source of the power is that he deliberately let out a wisp, almost like pulling out a hair.

In other words... Du Yan inherited the power of a single hair from him, and tried to pry him away.

Really... young!

Du Yan froze for a moment, and suddenly there was a slight fluctuation in the sacred face, because Feng Hao was too calm.

So calm as if everything was still under his control.

"Damn it!"

Du Yan doesn't like this kind of feeling, she likes that when she plays a good person, those who are waiting to die look at it with gratitude.

I like the feeling of playing with men in applause, every face can make people want to stop.

But now Feng Hao is completely unaffected by her.

Even... tried to kill her.

Seeing that Du Yan had nothing to say, Feng Hao suddenly lifted off into the air and floated towards Du Yan's position.

Seeing Feng Hao drifting over, Du Yan subconsciously struck directly. The originally broken black nails grew wildly at this moment, filled with evil spirit.

And her originally holy face suddenly had a cloud of black air, and the corners of her eyes were filled with red aura.

Like being a witch.

call out!

Ten fingers crossed the space, and the powerful force directly tore the space apart. This sense of sharpness made the old man of the Du family and the second-rank Martial Emperor feel an astonishing coolness.


However, just when Du Yan's nails that could tear apart space touched Feng Hao's body again.



With a crisp sound and cry of pain, Du Yan's space-torn nails broke at the root again.

The black demonic energy vented wildly.

Because this is her natal spiritual weapon, refining her nails into a weapon, connected with her heart and blood, and its power far exceeds any foreign spiritual weapon.

And now that she has become a half-step emperor, she has even repaired the Honkai's natal spiritual weapon, and directly promoted it to the level of a divine weapon.

Tearing space is only an instant thing.

But... such a powerful and frightening existence unexpectedly collapsed once again after touching Feng Hao's body.

Du Yan was dumbfounded.

The old man of the Du family was also confused...

Those second-rank Martial Emperors were not only dazed, but also frightened everyone, and those with poor endurance even fainted directly.

They are going crazy.

Because Feng Hao just stood there, doing nothing, but Du Yan, the young lady who became a half-step empress, seemed to have lost in a complete mess.

"Why...why is this happening?"

Du Yan couldn't calm down anymore, and she didn't have any divinity in her body, and she was on the verge of collapse.

Absorbed Feng Hao's original power and God Devouring Pill, and became a half-step emperor, but still couldn't hurt Feng Hao.

Even... getting close is a luxury.

What does this mean?

It shows that Feng Hao's strength has exceeded their imagination, they don't know what the Heavenly Emperor is up to...

Lord of the world?

This is just a kind of talk spread by practitioners, and no one has really seen the so-called Lord of the World.

"You want to kill me that much? Just because you exposed the secret of you and the Du family?" Feng Hao looked at Du Yan calmly.

Du Yan wanted to say something, but Feng Hao shook his head and said, "Take me to the head of the Demon Emperor Army, you have no choice!"

In Feng Hao's view, the Du family is just ants in his eyes, and it is not easy for him to destroy such a family.

But he wanted to know more about the remnants of the demon emperors behind the Du family, because it involved something about the Lord of the Universe.

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