Martial Inverse

Chapter 306 Head of the Demon Emperor Army

Although Du Yan has become a half-step emperor, in the final analysis, she broke through with Feng Hao's ray of life. No matter how powerful she is... she will never be able to shake Feng Hao.

Even if Feng Hao is willing, he can let Du Yanxiu return to the previous third-rank Martial King realm at any time.

"I... I don't know where he is..."

Du Yan shook her head in fear, she had no doubt that Feng Hao would kill her, but she really didn't know where the head of the Demon Emperor Army was....

Feng Hao frowned.

Immediately, Du Yan felt as if she had been hit by a heavy hammer, she bowed her body and said with pain on her face, "I...I really don't know."


The old man of the Du family and a group of strong members of the Du family saw that Du Yan, who had become a half-emperor, was still made like this by Feng Hao.

At that time, there was a kind of dead idea.

The Nine Heavens Thunder Punishment just now has made them die, if Feng Hao comes with some other punishment later, it will be difficult to think of death.

"We really don't know where the Legion Commander is..."

The old man of the Du family also gave up completely, and said: "But... today is October 2018 in the Lin Zhou calendar... There are three days left, and he will come to confiscate the God Devouring Pill..."

The old man of the Du family's eyes lit up, as if he had grasped the last straw, and his heart was ecstatic.

If it was the day when the head of the Demon Emperor Army came to confiscate the God Devouring Pill, he would be so frightened that he couldn't sleep.

But now he very much hopes that the leader of the Demon Emperor Army will come now, because... the cultivation of the leader of the Demon Emperor Army is even more unfathomable.

He is also the spokesperson of the Demon Emperor in Lin Zhou.

Of course, the expression on the face of the old man of the Du family is very cowardly. There is no way, if he refuses to admit his cowardice, who knows what will happen next.

Perhaps he was killed by Feng Hao before the head of the Demon Emperor Army came over.

"Oh? Seriously?"

After Feng Hao heard what the old man of the Du family said, he frowned, it was really a coincidence.

"Really, really!"

The old man of the Du family nodded frequently, and almost knelt down to beg Feng Hao to believe him this time.

"Well, I'll stay at your Du's house for these three days, waiting for him to come, and... what are you going to do with these people in the Du's house?" Feng Hao said.

He doesn't intend to leave immediately and flatten Du's house, but chooses to wait for the head of the Demon Emperor Army to come over and meet this character for a while.

At the same time, Feng Hao was also thinking about what kind of expression the leader of the Demon Emperor Army would have if he saw that he was exactly like the Demon Emperor...

It must be very exciting.

The strong members of the Du family breathed a sigh of relief, as did Du Yan and the old man of the Du family. At least for the next three days, they didn't have to worry about death coming.

However, regarding the hosts of the God Devouring Pills that were raised in captivity in the mansion, after Du Yan and the old man of the Du family looked at each other, Du Yan then said: "The fate of these people is basically doomed...death for sure."

"Basically doomed..."

Feng Hao smiled and said: "That means there is still a way..."

After all, these people in Du's family were more than a hundred fresh and innocent lives, so it would be best if they could be saved.

Du Yan froze for a moment, then shook her head and said, "If you can kill the head of the Demon Emperor Army,

Naturally, these people can be saved...even, thousands of such people in the forest can be saved..."


After hearing Du Yan's words, the old man of the Du family was stunned. What's going on?

The lives of myself and others depend on the head of the Demon Emperor Army to save them. Fortunately, Du Yan even instigated Feng Hao to kill the head of the army...

If Feng Hao really killed the army leader, wouldn't they be completely finished?

Du Yan cast a reassuring look at the old man of the Du family, as if everything was under control.

In fact, the old man of the Du family still believed in Du Yan's decision, because since Du Yan showed amazing talent, the decisions he made over the years were also very accurate, which allowed the Du family to enjoy the source of life of these people in peace.

It can be said that their cultivation base is the pile of flesh and blood of those people.

"Ha ha……"

However, after Feng Hao heard Du Yan's words, he couldn't help but shook his head and laughed, and said, "Trying to get rid of me with the hands of your leader of the Demon Emperor Army? Believe it or not, when he sees me... he will immediately kneel down!" Down?"


Du Yan, the old man of the Du family, and the seven second-rank Martial Emperor powerhouses were stunned at the time, and then they gasped...

I don't believe it at all.

How could the leader of the Demon Emperor Legion kneel down to Feng Hao?

In the entire world, apart from the Demon Emperor, who can make the head of the Demon Emperor's army kneel down?

"Arrogant guy..."

Du Yan whispered in her heart, but nodded on the surface: "I believe... we have done some bad things these years, so... we also hope that you can kill the head of the Demon Emperor Army and save these people... ..."

Feng Hao smiled and did not speak, turned around and entered the room.

At the same time, his divine sense has already locked on people like Du Yan and the old man of the Du family. As long as there are any changes or things done by these people, he will be able to know immediately.

This is the self-confidence of the strong.

Du Yan and the old man of the Du family also know Feng Hao's methods, even the thunder can be controlled, and the half-step emperor can't get close...

What else can Feng Hao hide?

So after they saved their lives, they were very conscious, and Du Yan didn't go to the old man of the Du family to discuss the matter.

Because they are being watched right now, it is best not to say anything or do anything...

Of course, it is still necessary to take care of the seriously injured father. Although it is not yet clear who injured the father, the most urgent thing is to first solve the matter of Feng Hao.


Three days passed in a flash, and Feng Hao had to close his eyes and open his eyes, because since the fusion of the law fragments of Lin Zhou World...

He was surprised to find that he seemed to be using the laws of Lin Zhou's world more and more easily.

Feng Hao now seriously doubts Lin Yu's master, Lin Yu, and the law fragments he gave him are very unusual.

At the same time... a mysterious man dressed in black and wearing a bamboo hat came outside the Du's mansion, and knocked on the door of the Du's house.

Feng Hao also noticed the man wearing the bamboo hat for the first time, with a slight arc raised at the corner of his mouth.

He's not an ordinary person, but... he is able to restrain his breath like an ordinary person.

Even a half-step emperor will never feel it.

But after Feng Hao fused Lin Zhou's law fragments, he could clearly perceive that there was nothing wrong...

This is the leader of the Demon Emperor Army who stayed in Lin Zhou's world.

And the old man of the Du family was also jumped up excitedly by the sound of the knock on the house door, and the time to decide the fate of the Du family has come...

Of course, he felt that Feng Hao would surrender at the feet of the leader of the Demon Emperor Army... because the strength of the leader of the Demon Emperor Army cannot be explained in words...

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