Martial Inverse

Chapter 309: Demon

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Qi Lin panicked to death.

Because he felt in a dilemma right now, when he killed the old man of the Du family just now, the Demon Emperor didn't make a move, so he thought it was reasonable to kill Du Yan.

But who knew, the Demon Emperor would not let him touch Du Yan.

But at this time, the seven second-rank Martial Emperor powerhouses of the Du family saw that the situation was not right, so they made their own decisions and released all the hosts of the more than 100 God-eating Pills that were kept in captivity by the Du family.

However, the hosts of these God Devouring Pills still had an expression of enmity, waiting for the Du family's Martial Emperor powerhouse.

"What are you doing? We are recuperating well, why do you want to drive us away?"

"We can give you money..."

"I don't want to leave, the Du family has treated me with great kindness..."

A group of people were cursing, but when they saw Du Yan, their eyes lit up, and then they fell to their knees.

"Thank you so much Miss Du..."

When Du Yan saw these more than a hundred people, and the savior looked at her, her thoughts were a little complicated for a while.

Feng Hao shook his head slightly. At first he thought so too. He thought that the Du family was really a kind-hearted family, and he wanted to give the Du family a great opportunity.

Who knows that there is a huge conspiracy hidden, the purpose is to get the original power of human life, how is this different from raising pigs?

"Get out the God Devouring Pill from their bodies and let them go..." Feng Hao looked at Qi Lin, the head of the army.


Qi Lin was worried that Feng Hao would kill him, so now when Feng Hao has orders, he behaves very positively.

Want to make up for it.

Although he didn't know what Feng Hao's purpose was to let go of these people, but since it was an order from the Demon Emperor, he could do as he pleased.

Then Qi Lin clasped his hands in front of his chest, a red light appeared in his eyes, and a dark red blood cell appeared in his palm.

Then wisps of blood radiated from the more than one hundred people.

"what happened?"

"I feel life passing by..."

The group of people turned pale from fright at the time, and looked at Du Yan nervously, begging: "Miss Du, save me..."

"What are you arguing about? Can't you see that Ben is saving you?" Qi Lin scolded.

The group of people were jealous at the time and said: "You are killing us... how are you saving people?"

"Hehe, do you know that the purpose of the Du family taking you in is to absorb your life essence..." Qi Lin laughed.

"how is this possible?"

Of course, this group of people couldn't believe it, because they felt that...the guy in the bamboo hat in front of them was absorbing their life essence.

Qi Lin shook his head with a smile and said: "Wrong, do you know that among the elixirs that the Du family gave you, is the God-devouring Pill, which can stimulate your life essence, but the God-devouring Pill is also devouring everything in you , including the physical body... and then the God Devouring Pill transforms into a demon, and then becomes a demon..."


They didn't believe all of this, thinking that Qi Lin was scaring them, how could a pill eat people?

"When we are idiots? Although my cultivation base is not high, I know...there has never been a pill to transform demons in this world..."

A martial arts master sneered.

"Ha ha!"

Qi Lin grinned, looked at the sneering martial artist, and said, "You don't believe it? Then you can experience it for yourself..."

As he said that, Qi Lin sent out a ray of divine thought, which interrupted the absorption of the blood energy of the martial arts expert, and then the martial arts expert suddenly felt cramps in his stomach.

With a wail, he rolled on the ground. Everyone looked at him and found that no one had shot him.

But then, everyone saw that the martial arts expert's abdomen suddenly retracted, and then his chest, legs, and feet...all concentrated towards the abdomen...

And everyone began to see that there was a pill in the belly of the martial arts expert, exuding a gray aura, and at the same time, it swallowed the person's flesh and blood.


The martial arts expert with only one head left is still alive, but the whole person is completely frightened...

When the chin began to be swallowed by the God Devouring Pill, the tragic cry finally fell silent.

In the end...everyone saw only a blood-red pill lying quietly on the ground.

"It's gone?"

"If a person says no, then no..."

This group of people was completely terrified. Seeing a living person disappear in front of them with their own eyes, this kind of visual impact is simply too strong.

Just when everyone was in a panic, they suddenly discovered that...the God Devouring Pill that absorbed the martial arts expert began to change.

One hand, two hands began to appear, and then both feet grew out of the God Devouring Pill, but the skin color was covered with vein-like magic patterns.

It doesn't look like a normal person.


The demon transformed from the God Devouring Pill suddenly roared up to the sky, and then his eyes glowed red, and he directly rushed towards the group of startled people.


"It's really the monster in the legends. It turns out that's how the monster came to be...he's a human being."

It wasn't until this time that everyone knew how the demon came to be, and also discovered...Qi Lin was right.

After that, Feng Hao looked at the monster who had turned into a monster, and with a look, a thunderbolt fell from the sky and struck the monster directly.

In an instant, that monster turned into coke...


When a group of people saw this scene, their calves were trembling at the time. They seemed to have also drank the decoction that Du Yan gave them, saying that it could bring about life and death.

This is not wrong, but the problem is how to bear becoming a monster without self-thinking.

"Du Yan, you bitch!"

"You female cousin, I will kill you!"

Several martial arts masters glared at Du Yan, their red eyes wanting to kill Du Yan.

"A bunch of scum!"

Du Yan's expression was indifferent, and then she stuck out her ten fingers, and the few people who rushed over were pierced by Du Yan's nails at that time, just like kebabs...

Immediately, those people who were about to move did not dare to move...

"Save us...we don't want to become demons..."

This group of people looked at Qi Lin pleadingly, hoping that Qi Lin could continue to rescue them.

But Du Yan looked at it contemptuously and said: "He gave me this God Devouring Pill..."


In an instant, the faces of those who begged were ashamed, they fiddled around, Du Yan and Qi Lin were all in the same group...

Feng Hao looked at all this indifferently, he didn't intervene in this matter, he asked to let these people go, but he didn't want innocent people to become demons.

But Feng Hao can't decide their behavior, as long as the God Devouring Pill is sucked away by Qi Lin, then...their life and death, Feng Hao doesn't want to interfere any more.

Qi Lin glanced at Du Yan, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes. From what happened today, it can be seen that the Du family has long betrayed him...

Then Qi Lin said: "You should be glad that the demon emperor didn't kill you, so go away..."

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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