Martial Inverse

Chapter 310 Demon Emperor clone

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Qi Lin looks at Lin Yu flatteringly.

Because Feng Hao asked him to let go of these people, he did it truthfully...

Qi Lin sucked out the Soul Eater Pill from those people's bodies, so they no longer have to worry about turning into monsters.

"Demon Emperor?"

But when these people followed Qi Lin's gaze and looked at Feng Hao, their bodies couldn't help shivering.

They heard it very clearly just now, Qi Lin said that the young man in front of him is the demon emperor, this is a dark figure in the legend.


The faces of a group of people were pale with fright, and their bodies trembled crazily.

Then, whoever was the first to run away in fright, the others also left the Du's house in a scrambling manner.

When there were only Du Yan, a few second-rank Martial Emperor powerhouses, and Qi Lin, the head of the Demon Emperor Army, in the Du family's residence...

The corner of Feng Hao's mouth finally curled into a smile.

"By the way, I have something to tell you." Feng Hao looked at Qi Lin.

Qi Lin was shocked all over, and said respectfully: "My lord, please order, my subordinates will definitely go up the mountain of swords and down the pan of oil..."

"Stop, what I want to tell you is... Actually I'm not the demon emperor..." Feng Hao chuckled.


Qi Lin was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly: "Your Majesty, stop joking, the person has already been released..."

Du Yan also looked at Feng Hao in astonishment,

Qi Lin, head of the Demon Emperor's Legion, even believed that Feng Hao was the Demon Emperor, but he himself admitted that he was not the Demon Emperor...

Why didn't you say it earlier.

Just when Feng Hao was about to speak, suddenly, over the Du's house, dark clouds suddenly descended, and a heavy and majestic aura descended...

Then a terrible evil spirit filled the world.

"Demon Emperor?"

Qi Lin saw this scene,

The eyeballs almost popped out, he looked at the vision in the sky, and then at Feng Hao.

The whole person was almost dumbfounded.

When Feng Hao said that he was not the Demon Emperor, Qi Lin certainly didn't believe it, because...he had really seen the appearance of the Demon Emperor before.

And... the aura exuding from Feng Hao's body is exactly the same as that of the Demon Emperor.

But now... what happened to the Jieyun gathered in the sky and the majestic monster energy? That should belong to the demon emperor, right?

Seeing this scene, Feng Hao couldn't help being stunned for a moment, it seems that this is the rhythm of the demon emperor going to the lower realm.

Feng Hao simply didn't explain, presumably when the Demon Emperor came over later, he would definitely give Qi Lin a reasonable explanation.

This powerful evil spirit made Du Yan and the few Martial Emperor powerhouses in the house tremble.

Then, amidst the dark clouds in the nine heavens, a black beam of light pierced directly into the ground from the sky, and a figure slowly fell from the beam of light.


Qi Lin prostrated himself on the ground, and now he truly believed that Feng Hao was not the demon emperor, because... the figure in the beam of light gave him a very familiar aura.

It was like seeing my father.

Afterwards, Qi Lin thought that he had been deceived by Feng Hao, and an uncontrollable anger burst out in his heart.

But...he felt that he was not Feng Hao's opponent either.

So he endured it.

Congratulations to the figure in the black beam of light.

When that black figure came out from the black beam of light, whether it was Du Yan, Feng Hao, or those second-rank Martial Emperor powerhouses, they all felt extremely shocked.

This person seems to be carved out of the same mold as Feng Hao, the only difference is that there is a black mark of magic patterns on the center of the young man's eyebrows.

"Qi Lin, Commander of the Twelfth Army of Lin Zhou Yaoshuai, pay homage to the monarch!" Qi Lin said respectfully.

But the young man in black robe ignored Qi Lin, and then turned into a ball of black monster energy, sweeping towards Fenghao.

The space where he passed was torn apart, Qi Lin was even under the attack of this monster energy, his body was corroded bit by bit...


Qi Lin howled miserably, his eyes full of horror, but soon... the fire of life in his eyes gradually disappeared, and the essence and origin of his life were absorbed by the black-robed youth.

Du Yan and those second-rank Martial Emperor powerhouses realized that the situation was not right, and they also wanted to escape, but wherever the evil spirit went, there was no way for them to survive.

After only taking two steps, he was attacked by the evil spirit, and the essence of life and the source all became tonics for the black-robed youth.

"You and I really come from the same source... Are you interested in cooperating with this emperor?"

In the eyes of the demon emperor, only Feng Hao is alone, and all the life and death around him have nothing to do with him.

Feng Hao said with a smile: "You are too insincere. Since you want to cooperate with me, you should always come with your real self... It's just an avatar with demonic energy, and you are worthy of discussing cooperation with me?"

"A clone is enough!"

The Demon Emperor's avatar said, with a wave of his hand, the demonic energy of heaven and earth covered this space, opening up his domain outside the law...

Afterwards, Feng Hao discovered that the Du family's house had disappeared, surrounded by a purgatory-like scene, with the wailing of living beings inside, and various sounds emerging one after another, disturbing people's minds.

But Feng Hao's heart is as firm as a rock, he is not moved at all, everything is just an illusion, besides...

He thought it was funny that the demon emperor had manifested a clone in Lin Zhou and tried to suppress him?

It's ridiculous.

Feng Hao waved his hand and used the laws of the heaven and earth of Lin Zhou. The laws collided with the embodied demon power. After a brief buzzing, Feng Hao directly defeated the domain condensed by the incarnation of the demon emperor.

All the wailing sounds and the purgatory-like scene disappeared, and a trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Demon Emperor clone.

"You have mastered the laws of Lin Zhou's world..."

The incarnation of the demon emperor did not continue to attack, because after Feng Hao showed his means, he knew that there was no need to continue to attack.

To master the laws of Lin Zhou, at least... In this world, Feng Hao, like Lin Yu, is above life.

Although his demonic aura is not affected by Lin Zhou's laws, in the final analysis this world does not belong to him...

"When will the deity come, and then talk to me about cooperation..."

Feng Hao shot out with his right hand, and the power of heaven and earth turned into a giant hand, directly crushing the demon emperor's incarnation into pieces...

"Interesting... I am looking forward to meeting you more and more..."

When the avatar dissipated, the voice of the demon emperor echoed in this space...

At the same time, the demonic aura scattered from the avatar did not disappear, but turned into twelve demonic dragons, rushing to all directions of the mainland...

Seeing this scene, Feng Hao's expression sank slightly, because the twelve demon dragons were a trouble after all.

He guessed that these monster dragons might merge with the remaining eleven legion commanders and the demon commander, and then...the trouble would be serious.

Although he and Lin Yu can take action to suppress... But without becoming the real master of the universe, there is no way to destroy these monsters with one thought.

Because the demon emperor's demon aura contains his laws, it is not affected by Lin Zhou's laws, and can only be killed with strength...

So if you don't want Lin Zhou to suffer large-scale casualties, finding them is an imminent thing...

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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