Martial Inverse

Chapter 449 Leave

"The suzerain is back..."

Someone within the Martial God Sect yelled, and then everyone stopped their practice and rushed to the location of the mountain gate.

Nowadays, everyone in the Martial God Sect knows that besides the suzerain Nie Yuan, there is another suzerain Feng Hao who single-handedly beheaded the powerhouses of the eighteen major sects and saved the Wushen Sect.

Therefore, when the news of the suzerain's return came out at the gate of the mountain, everyone felt that... this was the return of the suzerain.

Now, Feng Hao left the Martial God Sect of the Southern Territory, which seemed to be a snap of his fingers, but it had actually been several months.

The Martial God Sect is on the new hill, supplemented by the spiritual power of all the dragon veins in the southern region, and all the disciples have made rapid progress.

Several elders of the inner sect took advantage of this opportunity to transform from a second-rank martial emperor to a first-rank holy king who can control the power of heaven and earth.

Until now, the Martial God Sect has become the well-deserved number one sect in the Southern Region.

Not long after Feng Hao entered the sect, he found countless streaks of light coming from the mountain gate at a very high speed.

There were hundreds of flying boats traveling with him, Feng Hao thought at first that the sect had changed.

It was later discovered that these people were all there to welcome him back to the clan, and Feng Hao couldn't help being stunned by this.

"Welcome the suzerain back to the sect!"

"Welcome the suzerain back to the sect!"

Thousands of people gathered outside the gate of Martial God Sect, all of them knelt on one knee and looked at Feng Hao respectfully.

At this moment, the sound shook the sky, and the entire mountains of the Martial God Sect seemed to vibrate.

The birds and beasts were frightened and scattered.

Later, Feng Hao also saw Yang Jian who brought the big black dog, people from the Dragon Group, and elites selected from all over the world.


As earthlings, they still find it easier to call Feng Hao Fengdi.

In fact, ever since they knew Feng Hao's identity, all of them could not sleep all night, thinking... whether they have offended this big boss.

With a smile on his face, Feng Hao looked at the local disciples of the Martial God Sect, who walked with everyone on the earth, waved his hands and said, "Let's all go away... gather tomorrow morning... we are going to leave Lin Zhou..."


I was stunned at the time when the strong dragon group and the foreign strong were involved.

In all fairness, they feel that it is really suitable for Wushenzong, and their strength is not only improved at the speed of the rocket class.

He has even established a deep friendship with the disciples of the Martial God Sect, and at this time he doesn't really want to return to Earth.

But... the strong man of the dragon group, after a brief resistance, was relieved.

Because they came here with the hope of the country, although they are not considered invincible powerhouses today, they are also considered successful in cultivation, and it is time to defend the motherland.

A great chivalrous man serves the country and the people.

"Of course, if you choose to stay, I won't say anything more, you can choose on your own..."

Feng Hao knows that those foreign powerhouses on earth are now completely obsessed with the world of Lin Zhou.

If you want them to leave, unless you want to go back to defend your home and country.

However, the eyes of the five members of the dragon group made Feng Hao quite satisfied. At least at this time, they still chose their family and country as their main choice.

In fact... After Lin Zhou became a rank one mortal saint, he had already reached his limit.

No matter how much you continue to practice, after going to the earth, the power of heaven and earth is different, and you can't exert the power it should have at all.

Therefore, after Feng Hao returned, he saw that Yang Jian and Xiao Tiangou had both broken through to rank one mortal saint, and he was time to leave!

It doesn't make any sense for them to stay any longer. It's better to return to the earth and keep an eye on the progress of the various races in the universe.

Feng Hao also estimated that around this time, the so-called protoss and demon powerhouses should arrive on Earth one after another.

After hearing Feng Hao's words, the foreign powerhouses also showed smiles on their faces as if they were pardoned.

At this moment, Nie Yuan, the lord of the Martial God Sect, also arrived here. After not seeing him for a while, Nie Yuan's temperament became more dusty than before, and he seemed to have the aura of the master of the Great Sect.

"Congratulations on the return of Emperor Feng!"

Nie Yuan cupped his hands and said, as the suzerain, it is really not easy to show such a posture.

But it also indirectly shows how important Feng Hao's position is in Nie Yuan's heart.

Feng Hao looked at Nie Yuan with a smile, and nodded with a light smile.

In fact, regardless of cultivation level, qualifications, or age, Feng Hao can be called Nie Yuan's ancient ancestor.

So... Feng Hao looked at Nie Yuan, and at this moment he was talking with the mentality of the latter being a junior.

"Let's chat..." Feng Hao said.

Nie Yuan nodded and said, "Okay!"

Afterwards, Feng Hao took Nie Yuan directly, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared directly at the mountain gate.

When their figures reappeared, they were already at the peak of the Martial God Sect Master Peak.


Nie Yuan didn't know what Feng Hao wanted to talk to him about, but he saw that Feng Hao seemed to have something on his mind, but he couldn't help but said: "If you need to use me, just ask... In the end, all of this... all given by you."

While Nie Yuan was in awe, he was even more grateful.

"Just now I told the people who came with me that tomorrow... I plan to leave, and I will take some people away."

When Feng Hao said these words just now, Nie Yuan hadn't rushed over yet, and it was not a trivial matter to take two first-rank ordinary saints and five second-rank martial emperors to leave, so Feng Hao thought it would be better to explain the matter clearly .

After hearing Feng Hao's words, Nie Yuan couldn't help being stunned, and said with a moved expression: "Okay, why did you leave?"

Now Fenghao is the spiritual symbol that will never fall to Wushenzong.

If Feng Hao left and took away two first-rank mortal saints and five second-rank Martial Emperor powerhouses, it would be a big deal for the Martial God Sect.

"You should also know that we come from other worlds..."

Feng Hao said seriously: "Right now, Lin Zhou's world is still in a state of connection with the world I live in, and that world is in danger. Those people who came with me are all selected by various countries. The elites who come to Lin Zhou to practice are fulfilling the responsibility of successfully cultivating and defending their homeland..."

Feng Hao talked a lot this time, including the enemies the earth is currently facing, including the existence of the Demon Emperor, and he also mentioned them to Nie Yuan.

In fact, with Nie Yuan's current cultivation as a half-step emperor, if placed on the earth, it would be considered a very impressive combat power.

So, some things he knew didn't matter...

Nie Yuan quietly listened to Lin Yu's words, his heart was shaken, and his eyes flickered slightly.

"Fengdi, can I go?" Nie Yuan said suddenly.

Feng Hao smiled and said: "The Martial God Sect is your painstaking effort, manage him well, maybe the future Lin Zhou will have to be guarded by you..."

However, just as Feng Hao's words fell, ripples suddenly appeared in the void, and then... a man in a white robe walked out of the void.

"Are you leaving?"

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