Martial Inverse

Chapter 450: The Source of the Great Dao

The Lord of Lin Zhou walked out of the void, and every time he took a step forward, the void under his feet would ripple in circles, just like walking on water.

Nie Yuan couldn't feel the aura of the Lord of Lin Zhou, but this kind of method was definitely something that no one could do, so he looked at Feng Hao suspiciously.

Feng Hao chuckled and said: "He is the Lord of Lin Zhou..."


Nie Yuan's legs suddenly softened and he fell to his knees. At this moment, he felt like his heart was going to explode.

Lord of the Forest...

This is the real god in their mind.

"Nie Yuan, the Martial God Sect, pay homage to Master Lin..." Nie Yuan said respectfully.

Lin Yu smiled and waved lightly, Nie Yuan's body stood up uncontrollably.

"Change place?"

Lin Yu, the lord of Lin Zhou, looked at Feng Hao with a smile. At that moment, Feng Hao understood the meaning in Lin Yu's eyes.

"it is good……"

Therefore, Feng Hao directly grabbed Lin Yu's arm, and with a thought, the world around him changed, and the surrounding area was already a vast and boundless plain, without mountains and mountains, which looked extremely desolate.

"Heaven and earth are just born, everything has not yet been born..."

The Lord of Lin Zhou looked at everything around him, closed his eyes and felt it for a while, then opened his eyes, and said with a wry smile: "Your realm height is indeed the peak that I have never reached before..."

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment.

The Lord of Linzhou said softly: "Linzhou is built on its own world, which is equivalent to me moving a world into Linzhou's world. Although I can control this world, it is still impossible to do whatever I want..."

"But you are different. This world is already complete, but there are no living beings for the time being... If the heavens and the earth give birth to living beings, it will be the time when the world will be completed, and if it can become a world, it will be the source of the Dao..."

When the Lord of Lin Zhou said this, he also became a little envious of Feng Hao.

The gap between him and Feng Hao is probably that one is inheritance and the other is self-made.

Often self-made people are more worthy of respect.

Feng Hao heard Lin Yu talk about some things about Lin Zhou before, but he didn't think deeply about what kind of state he will be in after his world is completed.

But he feels... the current state of the Lin Zhou Lord is very similar to when he was in the Great Thousand World.

It is true that he is the Lord of the Great Thousand World, and his cultivation is as good as the sky, but in the final analysis, the Great Thousand World is not the world he created, just like the Lord of the Lin Universe.

But now... because of the core seed of the World Tree, he created a world of his own. It seems that after the completion of this world, it will be the ultimate expression of the Dao.

In fact, whether it is the power of heaven and earth or the power of laws, they all belong to the category of Dao.

But if a martial artist really masters the Dao...maybe he masters everything...

At this moment, Feng Hao suddenly had a feeling that the fog on the road ahead was dispelled, and he suddenly became enlightened.

"Leaving this time, I don't know when we can meet again...but if you need me when the demon emperor comes to your place, just remember to open the door for me..."

The Lord of Lin Zhou looked at Feng Hao with a smile. He didn't want to say this sentence at first, but... the longing for his hometown made him unable to help but say it.

Feng Hao nodded and said: "Okay, but you have to tell me how to open the door..."

The Lord of Lin Zhou smiled and said: "You have integrated a ray of law of Lin Zhou's world. When I get the hang of it, you just open the door..."

Feng Hao thought about it, and probably he could also think of the so-called opening the door, which probably means opening a passage leading to the two worlds.

"Let's go... If you can't let go of people like Martial God Sect, I'll take care of them reluctantly..." The Lord of Lin Zhou smiled.

He knows who is traveling with Lin Yu, and he also knows that these people will not leave for the time being.

"That's a good relationship!" Feng Hao laughed.


Outside the world of Feng Zhou, Nie Yuan stared blankly at the place where Feng Hao and Lin Zhou world disappeared.

There was a storm in my heart.

He originally thought that Feng Hao was strong enough, but he never expected that the relationship between Feng Hao and the Lord of the Lin Zhou World had reached such a point.

Nie Yuan couldn't help but feel that the person in the prophecy not only gave him a new life in the Martial God Sect, but also gave him a new life.

At this moment, there was a sudden weak fluctuation between the heaven and the earth, and then, the figures of Feng Hao and the Lord of Lin Zhou reappeared.

The Lord of Lin Zhou immediately bowed to greet him with a humble attitude.

"Okay, I should go too. In addition, you have cleaned up those remnants of the demon emperor too much. You can leave some for me..."

The Lord of Lin Zhou looked at Lin Yu with a smile, and slowly rose into the air.

"You know they exist, but you want me to do's not moral..."

Feng Hao smiled wryly and shook his head. He actually knew very well that even the Great Xia Renhuang could find the traces of these demon emperor's remnants. As the Lord of Lin Zhou, how could he not know?

"Originally, I wanted to raise it for a while... But since you have your own ideas, just clean it up..."

After the Lord of Lin Zhou finished speaking, his figure completely disappeared into the void, as if he had never appeared before.

After Nie Yuan saw that the Lord of Lin Zhou had left, he still couldn't calm down for a long time. He never imagined that he would meet the master of this world one day.

He could brag about this honor for the rest of his life, but then Nie Yuan realized something was wrong...

He claimed to the outside world that he had spoken to the Lord of Lin Zhou, the key point is who would believe it?

If there is no evidence, it means that this is something unnecessary.

"See you again..."

Feng Hao patted Nie Yuan's shoulder lightly, and then stepped out, but his figure appeared hundreds of meters away, and then disappeared from Nie Yuan's sight.

Nie Yuan stared at Feng Hao's back in a daze, he knew that it was destined to be impossible to forget this godlike person in this life...

After Feng Hao separated from Nie Yuan, he meditated all night in the cave on the main peak.

Using some of the knowledge learned on the earth, see if life can be born in the wind universe...

Because he is the master of the universe, he can completely change the flow of time, so he uses various methods, including the theory of evolution and the theory of creation, to continuously deduce the birth of creatures with civilization characteristics...

Although there were creatures born during this period, the kind of creatures that could not give birth to civilization and only had vital signs were not what Feng Hao thought.

In this regard, Feng Hao can only temporarily give up and wait for a certain opportunity...

Early the next morning, Feng Hao discovered that Yang Jian had gathered outside his cave with the big black dog and five strong men from the dragon group.


When Feng Hao came out of the cave, Yang Jian and the strong men of the dragon group subconsciously spoke.

Because at that moment just now, they felt as if the Emperor of Heaven was in the world...

"Ready to go back?" Feng Hao said seriously.


"May I always follow Fengdi around..."

Yang Jian said seriously to Long Zu and the others.

Now the strong dragon group, after becoming a first-grade mortal saint, all of them are like the sect masters, and their temperament is like a banished fairy.

And Yang Jian, who got the three-pointed and double-edged sword, with the mark between his eyebrows and a big black dog by his side, is exactly the same as the mythical Yang Jian.


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