Martial Inverse

Chapter 451: Black Vortex

Lin Zhou's world, to ordinary warriors, is like a girl wearing a veil, who can't stop teasing people.

This place is full of temptations, as long as you have enough strength, you can have everything you want.

As members of China's dragon group, they resolutely chose to return to China in the face of various temptations in Lin Zhouzhong.

Because before they joined the dragon group, they had a martial arts dream, and what they always kept in mind was the sentence: "The great chivalrous ones serve the country and the people".

And those foreign powerhouses, under the temptation of cultivation resources and the pleasure of rapid increase in strength... they are reluctant to part with this land that brings them endless hope.

Leaving, for them, is a distant and unattainable thing.

However, regarding the departure of Feng Hao, Yang Jian and the members of the Dragon Group, these foreign powerhouses still gathered at the main peak to send Feng Hao and others a ride.

"Fengdi, go back to Earth, tell my chief that I died in Lin Zhou..."

"Lin Zhou is the world of our dreams, tell the president, and say I'm dead..."

During this period of time, these foreign powerhouses also learned the Chinese language while practicing.

Because Lin Zhou's language is not very different from Huaxia, but they don't know that the Lin Zhou team leader, like them, also comes from the earth.

Feng Hao smiled and said: "As long as you don't go back, they will think you are dead..."

These people chose to stay, and Lin Yu was not unhappy at all. From the very beginning, he only wanted to train Yang Jian and his Xiaotian dog.

Because the energy that was once sealed in Yang Jian's body is very powerful...

Now Yang Jian has only absorbed half of it, and he has become a half-step emperor. Looking at the earth, he can also sweep away all enemies.

"Is there a chance to come again?"

At this moment, Nie Yuan, the suzerain of the Martial God Sect, also appeared on the main peak. The scene yesterday made Nie Yuan admire Feng Hao even more.

So now there is a strong reluctance in my heart.

Feng Hao found something wrong with Nie Yuan's eyes,

He couldn't help but get goosebumps.

"decide as things go……"

Feng Hao took Yang Jian and the members of the dragon group, and slowly lifted into the air, just like ascending to a fairy.

The eye sockets of those foreign powerhouses were slightly red, and they couldn't tell what it was like in their hearts.

It feels like, we agreed to be poor together, but Feng Hao and the others quietly became the richest man...

The Lord of Lin Zhou watched Feng Hao, Yang Jian, the big black dog, and five members of the dragon group leave Lin Zhou on a certain mountain peak of the Martial God Sect.

His eyes then looked through the clouds and stars, and saw the door of time and space in the vast starry sky.

The Starry Sky Ancient Road, an ancient road that will be born as long as there are worlds, links the various worlds in the universe.

Feng Hao also probably knows now that he, Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu came to Earth because they strayed into the ancient road in the starry sky, so they came to Earth by chance.

Now the world of Lin Zhou is connected to the earth, and the shadow and outline of the earth are on the ancient starry sky road.

Feng Hao took Yang Jian and the others directly to the earth through the ancient road in the starry sky.


Earth, China...

It has been more than seven months since Feng Hao led a group of elites selected from various countries to the land of mist.

Seven months is enough time for a lot of things to happen on the earth where the aura is recovering.

As for Huaxia, which is known as an infrastructure madman, in the past seven months, various buildings that can be called world miracles stand on the land of Huaxia.

The buildings of these world miracles were built by practitioners and Chinese engineers.

Located in each dojo, just like the scenes in Xianxia TV, the collision of ancient country and modern civilization has long created a modern Xianxia-like urban scene.

Ordinary people also began to practice, and all schools also sent practitioners to systematically teach China's official cultivation methods.

Today's Huaxia has become an era for all people to practice. Of course...practice also requires a lot of resources.

So even if the whole people practice, not everyone can become the absolute strong that makes people admire.

Those whose families were richer were naturally one step ahead, but no matter what, it was business as usual.

People still have to work to make money, because only money can be exchanged for spiritual resources.

Having the same strength does not mean that you can run wild in the city, and there are also official practitioners who oversee all of this.


After seven months of changes, the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Dojo has long been recognized as the number one dojo in the world.

Under the command of Yuanshi Tianzun and the Prometheus family of the Shura God Clan, they have accepted hundreds of challenges and used their absolute strength to tell all the cultivation forces in the world that the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Dojo is unrivaled!

Yuanshi Tianzun is in the dojo, as if he has returned to the time when he was in the heaven, besides practicing, he is still practicing.

And after continuous improvement during this period of time, the dojo is also closer to the legendary ancient heaven.

All the palaces and pavilions, including the mountain peaks, have been suspended in the air, but outsiders cannot spy on them under the barrier of needlework!

Of course, Prometheus and her parents contributed a lot to transforming the dojo into this appearance.

Because Yuanshi Tianzun originally thought that the ancient formation of the Heavenly Court was already very powerful, but the Shura God Clan is worthy of being a race from a higher plane that can cross the starry sky, and their formation is obviously better.

Then, there was a dojo, a dojo that is not inferior to the heavenly court...

Xiao Qiuqiu and Xiao Hei mingled among the breasts of all the beauties every day, making Liu Xiaofei and Xia Shilan's teeth itchy with anger.

If Xiaoqiuqiu and Xiaohei were not human, they would have killed these two little guys long ago...

It's just...every time they see Xiao Qiuqiu and Xiao Hei, they miss Feng Hao a lot.

At this moment, far away in the center of the Pacific Ocean, a black vortex suddenly appeared in the sky.

After the vortex was formed, black air lingered, and countless beast roars came from it.

At the same time, the watchman satellite built by the alliance of various countries spread the impact over the Pacific Ocean to the command centers of the military bases of various countries in the first place.

The advanced watchman also planned the energy level for the vortex, including the location where the vortex is connected to the universe starry sky.

Among the hundreds of millions of galaxies, people speculated whether there was life in them.

And it wasn't until the birth of the Watcher that people discovered... There are countless living planets in the galaxy.

These vortexes appearing on the earth have appeared frequently since the fourth month Feng Hao left, and most of them are from planets of life in the major galaxies, but...these beings are all beast race.


In the black vortex, a huge animal claw protruded, as if it wanted to tear the sky above the Pacific Ocean.

But at the next moment, a ray of brilliance fell from the nine heavens, like a sword of heaven and earth, directly cutting off that huge and unparalleled beast claw...


The giant beast in the black vortex howled in pain, the vortex trembled violently, and then slowly dissipated...

At this moment, the high-level military officials from various countries were dumbfounded when they saw this scene. This vortex is too capricious...

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