Martial Inverse

Chapter 459: War Demon

At the border of the Misty Land, Feng Hao who passed by here also saw many practitioners sneaked into it, and then disappeared into the Misty Land.

In this regard, Feng Hao did not intervene.

Everyone is moving forward, what they will face in the future and what they will gain is their own destiny.

Feng Hao also hopes that those monks who go to the misty land to find opportunities can gain something and go further on the road of practice.

Therefore, when Feng Hao faced this situation, he would not interfere in any way.

Whether it is a blessing or a curse is their own choice.

But as a human being, many times, Feng Hao does not want to see the weak being bullied by the strong. This kind of psychology has not diminished since he became the master of the great thousand.

Most of the time, Feng Hao also thinks, people are doing the sky and looking at this sentence, is it some powerful existence that will secretly bring retribution to those wicked people.

As for those good people, we always have a tolerant heart and give them blessings and rewards.

But many times when good people don't get rewarded, it's probably because the incarnation of God suddenly took a nap...

Or...some good people are just good people in everyone's eyes, and it is also possible...he is a heinous person in his bones?

Are there still not many people wandering around the metropolis wearing hypocritical masks?

Feng Hao flew over the foggy land and saw countless vortexes in the foggy land.

These vortexes are like a well, and the world connected to the Mists will be reflected in it.

There are places of death, there are fairylands... but all of them are places of practice, and even the earth is a place of practice.

It's just that with the recovery of aura, many low-level cultivation methods can't absorb the aura of heaven and earth, which makes the earth have a tendency to move forward to a technological planet.

But now that the earth's aura is recovering, it is obvious that the earth will be like those so-called extraterritorial gods in the future, and it will be able to achieve a world that pays equal attention to technology and practice.

And the Dragon Soul Alliance has such a role.

The white mist covers a very wide area,

There is a vast expanse of whiteness, as if there is no end.

Just like the white clouds in the sky.

Feng Hao's speed on the earth can exceed several times the speed of sound, but it is still not a short distance from the speed of light.

If it is the speed of light, Feng Hao can appear directly from the earth to the moon in a little more than a second.

But Feng Hao's current cultivation level is not enough.

Moreover, even if he could do it, he would definitely not be able to do it, because if he moved at the speed of light, the powerful energy he would inadvertently carry would be enough to destroy a city.

When Feng Hao broke through the fog, he appeared on the inland that emerged from the ground.

This place is a supernatural place without any modern atmosphere, but now in order to build the Dragon Soul Alliance, countless super large projects must be built here.

At this time, Feng Hao didn't want anyone to hear the words of protecting nature.

If this is not done, let alone nature, the earth may disappear from the universe.

And... this land is not a gift of nature now, it is more like the habitat of ancient creatures, but the arrival of the advance team from various countries awakened them from their slumber.

This time, the revived ancient creatures were one person and one beast, and the powerful strength caused Long Bufan, a member of the dragon team who is a first-rank fanatic, to be seriously injured.

Obviously... these two ancient beings are powerful, but their cultivation is about the same as that of the emperor.

But the cultivation of the Great Emperor realm, except for the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Dojo and the Shura Dojo, including some leaders of the ancient Xiuzhen family who have obtained great opportunities after the recovery of spiritual energy, there is probably no one in the whole world who can compete with these two ancient creatures.

In addition, since the land that is about to fall asleep is so vast, it is impossible for the silent ancient creatures to be just these two.

When Feng Hao arrived here, he saw a man and a beast approaching the foggy land.

They seemed to be unfamiliar with all this and did not act recklessly.

That humanoid ancient creature held a long spear, and was followed by a huge tiger-wolf-shaped beast, with red eyes, like a vicious dog from hell.

And not far in front of this man and beast is the place where the advance teams from various countries are temporarily stationed to receive supplies.

Similarly, armies from various countries are also stationed here, as well as various powerful firepower deployments.

At this time, a man and a beast came slowly, and the troops at the temporary station of the advance team had already stepped into the battle formation.

Tanks, armored vehicles, and various military combat vehicles have all been deployed, and they have only one purpose.

Guard this transportation line and protect the people of the motherland behind you.

"Stop! This is the last warning..."

The high-level army once again shouted loudly, and the voice was clearly transmitted into the ears of the ancient creatures through the loudspeaker.


However, with just a flick of the spear in hand, the humanoid ancient creature with a long spear destroyed all the seventy-six armored chariots deployed in front.

The tanks and guns fired a volley, lifted into the sky like a meteor, and then cut through the sky and plummeted down, striking crazily, the sound of thunderstorms filled the sky, and the world was silent for it.

One person and one beast seemed to have no power to resist under the suppression of firepower.

Even the two red dots on the life detector disappeared.

"They're dead!"

As the non-commissioned officer who commanded the inspection reported, the troops stationed here from various countries cheered up and down.

Beep beep beep...

But just over ten seconds later, the red light on the detector grew louder, flashed rapidly, and rushed towards the base.

On the huge screen, a long-haired young man with a long spear was showing, rushing towards him like a god of war.

"The light of rice grains, how dare you show off its brilliance?"

Swinging the spear, a hole was torn in the void, and then the spear stabbed directly at the base.

In an instant, all electronic equipment failed, and the base seemed to have a hurricane of magnitude 13 and 4 blowing out of thin air, a scene of doomsday.

Under this scene, all the thousands of people in the advance team suddenly had despair in their eyes.

In front of such a powerful existence, the opponent's just the energy released by the spear is enough to destroy everything.

But the moment everyone closed their eyes, the whole world suddenly seemed to quiet down.

The hurricane was gone, and the killing intent and feeling of death seemed to have disappeared suddenly.

Then all the electronic equipment was restored, so everyone saw the scene that made their blood boil.


Feng Hao is here!

It was this man who had appeared in the face of major crises countless times and turned the tide by himself.

He is a man of God.


The long-haired young man holding a spear couldn't help but gasp, he just killed a bunch of ants.

Unexpectedly, there would be someone at this moment who could break his fighting spirit.

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