Martial Inverse

Chapter 460 Strong suppression

? Feng Hao is actually a finger, capable of breaking the spear wind of this ancient creature with ease.

After all, this is not the manifestation of the other party's cultivation, it's just the aftermath of the spear skill that a strong man above the emperor dances at will!

The appearance of Feng Hao also made the relevant personnel of the advance team, as well as the soldiers stationed and protected, feel tears in their eyes.

They need heroes, so Fenghao is here!

Feng Hao stood suspended in the air, and the breeze blew his long hair. When he was examining this ancient creature, Zhan Mo Xingzheng, who was holding a spear, was also looking at him.

"Unexpectedly, after recovering, there are still strong people like you on this ancient planet..."

Zhan Mo Xing was also standing in the void, and he didn't think Feng Hao would be his opponent.

As a strong man in ancient times, he knew exactly what the earth looked like, and it was basically impossible for him to produce a monk stronger than him.

At the beginning, a large number of ancient powerhouses chose to sleep here forever, activated the heaven-defying formation, and slept deep underground together with the earth...

The strong who did not choose to sleep forever will definitely become bones on the earth where the aura is dry.

In ancient times, they were famous and invincible powerhouses through the ages, and now that they are revived, they will definitely rule the universe.

So... the Feng Hao standing in the void in front of him, in the eyes of Xing Zheng, is just like a baby boy.

However, it is much stronger than ordinary children.

"This ancient star, how many monks are stronger than you?" War Demon Xingzheng asked.

Feng Hao saw that Zhan Mo Xing was not doing anything, nor did he suppress him immediately, but wanted to know something.

For example... probably how many ancient strong men have revived in this land.

As for the question of Zhan Mo Xingzheng, Feng Hao said softly: "Probably there is no more..."


After Zhan Mo Xingtian heard Feng Hao's words, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Sure enough, as he expected,

During the long time of their silence, this ancient star really hasn't given birth to any powerful beings.

"Too weak, you are too weak... This ancient star's spiritual energy will recover, and it will also be the time when our Supreme returns. At that time... all the creatures on this ancient star will be enslaved by us..."

A murderous intent suddenly appeared in the eyes of Zhan Mo Xingzheng. After learning that Feng Hao belonged to the strongest on the ancient planet of the earth, he found... There is no difficulty at all.


So, the black spear in his hand suddenly trembled, obviously in a state of extreme hunger and thirst.

And the monster beside him also bared its teeth, and the stench of saliva dripped down, corroding the earth into deep pits.

"Death! I am returning to the first battle of the demon punishment, and I will behead you, the number one person on the ancient star, and tell the world..."

Zhan Mo Xingtian swung the black spear in his hand, and attacked Feng Hao with a speed that would destroy the dead. In order to win the first battle and win the beauty, he planned to defeat the enemy with one move.

The dust was rolled up all over the sky, the momentum is huge, the momentum is strong, far surpassing the special effects of Hollywood movies,

Seeing this scene, Feng Hao couldn't help shaking his head with a sigh and said, "Maybe you have misunderstood this emperor's cultivation..."

As soon as the words fell, Zhan Mo Xingzheng had already killed him, and pointed his spear directly at Feng Hao's eyebrows.

Seeing Feng Hao standing in the void without moving, he felt that Feng Hao must have been frightened stupid by his strength.

However, just when Zhan Mo Xingzheng's spear was about to pierce Feng Hao's head, Feng Hao raised his right hand and pointed his index finger directly at the tip of Xingzheng's spear.


With a sound that resounded through the nine heavens, the spear in Zhan Moxingzheng's hand was like glass, shattering one by one...

The smile on Xing Zheng's face also froze suddenly, and then gradually became panicked.

And then, the whole person trembled...

What's the situation?

But at this time, the monster behind Zhan Mo Xingzheng didn't understand the situation, and wanted to follow Feng Hao to tear off a piece of flesh at this juncture, so almost at the moment when Xingzheng's spear broke into joints, it wanted to Stop jumping forward.

But the strong inertia made him unable to stop his body at all, and his head directly hit Feng Hao's fist.

With the fire unicorn tattoo on Feng Hao's right hand flashing red light, the ancient monster turned into a cloud of blood and exploded before it could scream.

Zhan Mo Xingzheng's body suddenly trembled more violently.

The two powerful existences in the God Master Realm were both attacking with all their strength, but they didn't expect that the opponent's body seemed to be frozen in the void, immune to all attacks, and the body never shook in the slightest.

And its partner directly turned into blood mist, and his own magic soldiers became waste products.

Until now... Zhan Mo Xingzheng came to his senses, he knew that he had a big misunderstanding of Feng Hao's cultivation.

The energy leaked by the other party is not strong, but this does not mean that Feng Hao has this level of cultivation.

Feng Hao said that on the entire ancient star earth, there is no one who has surpassed his cultivation level, so it cannot be said that there is no one left on the ancient star.

But Feng Hao's cultivation base is simply outrageous and terrifying...

War Demon Xingzheng knelt down in the void at that moment, tremblingly said: "Let me go..."

The advance team and the army command center who saw this scene through the monitoring equipment were all boiling at that time.

Feng Hao knows if there is one, but the guy who was enough to destroy the world just now is kneeling in front of Feng Hao.

"How many people like you are sleeping in this land?" Feng Hao looked at Zhan Mo Xingzheng indifferently.

War Demon Xing was trembling and said: "Not many, just over seven hundred... They are all invincible existences in our era... Dare I ask, what do you call it? This ancient star's aura is dry, how did you cultivate to this level?" like..."

"More than seven hundred..."

Feng Hao's heart sank suddenly, more than seven hundred people didn't sound like much, but... more than seven hundred existences above the Divine Master Realm, it would be too scary...

Any of them is a transcendent existence that can sweep across countries.

In addition, regarding the question of Zhan Mo Xingzheng, Feng Hao said softly: "You know it's useless, just continue to sleep until you don't need to wake up..."

Feng Hao made a decisive move, the power of law was circulating in the palm of his hand, Zhan Mo Xingzheng saw the death aura, he was so frightened at that time, he wanted to escape in a panic, but found that his body was imprisoned by some kind of law, and he was so frightened that he shit and peeed .

"No, you can't kill me, my master won't let you go..."

In desperation, Zhan Mo Xingzheng couldn't help threatening, but what was waiting for him was Feng Hao's fatal blow.


Zhan Mo Xingzheng's body was similar to that of the monster beast, it turned into a blood mist and scattered in the void.

And when their blood energy returns to heaven and earth, the aura and vitality of this earth seem to be a little bit stronger.



"Dragon Soul...Dragon Soul!"

Feng Hao put the scene of the end of the ancient creatures into everyone's eyes. At this moment, they couldn't be more excited, they could only shout loudly...

At the same time, in the dark underground, pairs of eyes began to open slowly, and the color of the world changed...

Ps: Double Eleven, are you afraid? Of course, if you don’t have a female ticket, just pretend I didn’t say it...By the way, do I need to mail the female ticket to you? By the way, I was very angry about something today. I felt that my IQ was humiliated. When I was writing this episode, my daughter-in-law asked me to say the moon and moon cake three times in a row. Is it the moon or the moon cake? I replied that the moon must not be a moon cake, but she said that I am mentally retarded, huh, woman... Brothers, I seem to be right?

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