Martial Inverse

Four hundred and sixtieth chapters plan deployment

The Nine-Tailed Fox glanced at the Bull Demon King, and suddenly covered his mouth and chuckled.

Feng Hao coughed lightly.

Nine-tailed Fox immediately put away his smile, and stood aside aggrieved.

Jiang Taishen was full of curiosity and admiration for everything in the ashram, all kinds of amazement.

Such a dojo, I am afraid that those god kings who enter the Tao with formations will not be able to do it at all...

Prometheus then galloped over, and when he saw the nine-tailed fox, he was immediately full of hostility.

Nine-tailed Fox originally had people who looked at the dojo leisurely and elegantly, thinking that she would definitely become the jewel in the dojo very soon.

But when she saw Prometheus, she was stunned. She couldn't describe the beauty of Prometheus.

It is a kind of beauty without any charm, but it makes people feel beautiful to the bone, with a perfect face and a natural appearance.

Nine-tailed Fox suddenly felt like crying, it seemed that Feng Hao said she was ugly before, it was not unreasonable...

Especially... when she saw Xia Shilan, Liu Xiaofei and others who were ordinary people, she felt even more struck by lightning.

Can mortals be so beautiful?

Jiang Taishen was also a little dazzled, it really was as beautiful as a cloud, and as strong as a forest.

Feng Hao then arranged the nine-tailed fox to sit down with Yuanshi Tianzun, and Jiang Taishen followed Monkey King.

Sun Wukong didn't want to take Jiang Taishen with him, because it would destroy the two-person world between him and Gusuqin.

But after thinking about it... He and Gu Suqin also seem to need someone who does things, so they don't have to do everything by themselves...


Feng Hao is really considerate.


Feng Hao then flew to the main hall of the main peak and summoned Yuanshi Tianzun, Bull Demon King, Monkey King, Yang Jian, Taoist Zhang Zizai, Yan Qi, Xiao Qiuqiu, Xiao Hei, the Prometheus family, the ancient dragon whale, Qin Huang and others...

Feng Hao looked around at these elites in the dojo,

He told everyone about his trip: "Jiang Taishen and the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox have seen each other before. The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox was originally at the peak of the God Master Realm, but because this monster was too dangerous, its cultivation was sealed, and There are more than seven hundred ancient creatures like it on that land..."

"More than seven hundred?"

Yuanshi Tianzun was stunned for a moment at that time, this number does not sound scary, but these people are all strong in the God Master Realm.

How many Divine Master Realms are there in the entire earth? I can count on both hands.

If all those ancient beings wake up and completely overturn the current structure of the earth, it is not impossible.

It can be said that the situation is very serious.

Everyone is a powerful existence, so they naturally know the key points.

Sun Wukong said: "My old grandson went to take them... If you want to recover, eat my old grandson first and then talk..."

The Bull Demon King agreed: "Old cow, my cow's hooves, I've been hungry and thirsty for a long time..."

Yuanshi Tianzun raised his whisk and said softly: "Everything has pros and cons. If these ancient creatures can be subdued like Jiang Taishen, they will be more able to deal with foreign enemies in the future..."

Feng Hao nodded, and said seriously: "Yuanshi Tianzun is right, so I decided to start moving the dojo into that piece of land, blocking the gate of China, those who obey will prosper, and those who oppose will perish!"

Everyone felt a powerful aura from Feng Hao, and they all fell silent.

Only Feng Hao is qualified to say these words, and it would not be easy for anyone else.

"There is nothing wrong with Fengdi's direction. The dojo guards the gate of the country and can deal with the resuscitated creatures at any time. Both gentle and tough methods are feasible, but..."

Yuanshi Tianzun pondered for a moment, and said, "How do you move this dojo?"

When Feng Hao proposed to move out before, they talked about this issue, and Feng Hao said he had a way.

Now that the time has come, Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Feng Hao expectantly.

How does Fenghao accomplish such a large project...

"This emperor entered the prehistoric world before, and got a chance... With this chance, only the Promi couple and Tianzun need to tell me the formation, and the project can be easily completed..."

Feng Hao has the world of Feng Zhou, and it only needs Prometheus' parents and Yuanshi Tianzun to tell him the core of the formation and apply it to Feng Zhou.

You can let this world stay in the wind for a short time, just like the Lord of the forest, who once moved the continent to his world.

It's just... Lin Zhou is a mature world, and it is by no means comparable to Feng Zhou's current world.

"There is no problem with this... My son-in-law can do whatever he wants, as long as our husband and wife can afford it... But, we must treat my daughter well..."

The Promis smiled.

"Father..." Prometheus' face was rosy once in a while, but his heart was filled with anticipation.


The corners of Feng Hao's mouth twitched slightly, he glanced at Prometheus, and couldn't stand it in his heart.

"However, before that, I need to contact these dojos in China. After all... the establishment of the Dragon Soul Alliance, I have not negotiated with them..."

Feng Hao had originally planned to go to various Daoist temples in China, including foreign practice forces, to go there himself.

However, his journey was delayed because the advance team encountered ancient creatures.

Now it is at the border of China's national gate, and a piece of territory has been emptied, and his dojo will be moved there first.

Afterwards, it was these cultivation forces who went to conquer the territory by themselves... As for how much territory they could conquer, it depended on their own strength.

The Dragon Soul Alliance will not support idlers.

So when Feng Hao came back this time, he thought about going to these dojos to convey many things about the Dragon Soul Alliance.

If they don't want to move, Feng Hao can also clean them up, so as not to notify them late, and the alliance will lose the chain.

Yuanshi Tianzun also knows that the iron must be struck while the iron is hot. Since the Dragon Soul Alliance is being prepared, it must be a matter of urgency.

And Huaxia Dojo now has a large number of outstanding people, and they need to be ventilated. If they don't choose to merge into the Dragon Soul Alliance, how will Feng Hao complete the blueprint in his heart.

Practitioners and ordinary people must have boundaries, and they must work together to fight against aliens.

This is a long-term plan for the human race, so don't neglect it!

"When will Emperor Feng leave, do you need me to go with you?"

Yuanshi Tianzun is very enthusiastic about Fenghao's work, and is eager to see Fenghao achieve his vision.

After all, I don't know how many years ago, he and Feng Hao also had the same origin.

"It would be nice to have me!"

Prometheus stood up at that time.

"We agree..." Mr. and Mrs. Promi immediately agreed.

The corners of the mouths of Bull Demon King, Yan Qi, Yang Jian and the others twitched slightly, they were all thinking, luckily nothing like this happened to them.

How nice it is to be single! Unfettered...

"Do you want to follow me to the Asura Dojo?" Feng Hao looked at Prometheus.

Prometheus froze for a moment, then made an excuse and said, "Hehe, yes, I still have something to do, so I won't go..."

She didn't want to see Promejes. The two were old enemies, and the latter also imprisoned her parents. If they met, they would definitely fight.

But now for Fenghao, she can put the overall situation first...

PS: Are women’s photos that good-looking? You guys, can you be serious? My shrimp is the most serious person...

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