Martial Inverse

Chapter 467: This King Does Not Participate

Seeing Prometheus voluntarily refusing, Feng Hao knew that she didn't want to see Pu Jie at all.

Pu Jie, that is, China's second dojo, Promejes, the master of the Shura dojo.

A super strong man from the Shura God Clan outside the territory.

A victorious prince who has only lost to Feng Hao in his life.

Feng Hao's original intention was that he didn't want Prometheus to go, and the man went to do business, so why should the woman follow?

The next day, Feng Hao left the ashram and rushed towards the Shura ashram at Yuhuangding on Mount Tai.

For more than half a year, Pu Jie, the master of the Shura dojo, has not only recruited outstanding disciples from the earth, but also brought some elites from his subordinates who were stranded in the starry sky.

The purpose is to ensure the daily operation of the dojo.

To be honest, Pu Jie was very disdainful at first, but after seeing the huge benefits of establishing a dojo, he wanted to run the dojo well.

Because, he knows exactly where the opportunity of the earth is, and if he wants to get this opportunity, living on the earth and understanding the laws of the earth is the best way to get close to the opportunity.

On this day, Pu Jie planned to retreat, because he already knew about the Dragon Soul Alliance that was widely publicized by the outside media.

Just, is it possible?

Wasn't he defeated by Feng Hao once, the majestic Lord of Shura?

Is it because he failed once that he must surrender?


Before, Feng Hao took advantage of his inattention and pulled him into that Feng Zhou world.

But now, after he comprehended the law on the earth, his cultivation base has increased tremendously for the first time.

Therefore, Feng Hao was no longer afraid.

As long as he doesn't enter Feng Zhou, he is confident that he can fight Feng Hao.

Moreover, for more than half a year, I haven't heard any big movement from Feng Hao, just like he disappeared suddenly.

This made Park Jie a lot quieter, and took the opportunity to transfer some technologies far beyond the earth.

It can be said that in terms of hardware facilities, including the number of strong men, his Shura dojo completely crushed Feng Hao's dojo.

But why is the number one dojo in China Feng Hao's dojo?

The reason is simple.


Yes, just relying on the word Fenghao, the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Dojo is the well-deserved No. 1 dojo.

Pu Jie was very dissatisfied, but there was nothing he could do.

Unless he kills everyone on the Internet.

But if he did this, with this kind of karma added to him, he would surely die as well.

It's okay to kill the strong, even 10,000.

But killing such an unarmed mortal will cause divine punishment.

However, just when Pu Jie was about to retreat and realize the integration of the laws of the earth, some disciples from the ashram broke into his palace.

"what happened?"

Pu Jie saw that disciple, this was his confidant, the general Fick who had followed him for many years.

So he calmed down the anger in his heart, and said calmly: "Why are you so flustered, this is not your style, Fick!"

Shura warrior Fick, a super strong man in the God Master Realm, but now, trembling, said in a trembling voice: "Feng...Feng Hao is here!"


Pu Jie was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing: "Isn't Feng Hao here? What's the big deal, is it possible that he can still eat me? Let him in..."

To be honest, Pu Jie is completely worthy now.

He thinks that with his talent and the fact that the Shura Dojo is not what it used to be, he is invincible on his home court.

Warlord Fick swallowed, but still nodded, turned and left the palace.

He was very flustered, because back then when his king was fighting with Feng Hao on the top of the Jade Emperor...

Wang Shi lowered his head and lost completely.

Only half a year has passed now, could it be... the king has absolute certainty?

Suddenly thinking of this, Fick was out of breath, his legs were no longer trembling, and he walked with wind.

"Feng Hao, you came just in time, the king is waiting for you in the palace..."

Fick gained a lot of confidence, and looked at Feng Hao with less respect than before.

To tell the truth, Feng Hao snatched away the Queen Hughes of the Shura Protoss, and they, the Protoss, were very unwilling.

They all want to trample Feng Hao under their feet.

But Feng Hao is too powerful, they can only poke Feng Hao's spine in their hearts.

If I really want to fight, I'm afraid I'll pee my pants in fright.

"It seems that your king is making great progress... lead the way!"

Feng Hao glanced at the general Fick, then followed Fick with his hands behind his back, and began to admire the Shura dojo.

Today's Shura Dojo is not what it used to be, and it has a sense of sight of the Hollywood movie Mars Battlefield.

There are also quite a few flying machines, shuttling through the city of Shura Dojo, it seems like a new world here.

And the palace that Fick took Feng Hao to was similar to the scene in the movie, completely different from the fairy-tale style of his dojo.

Feng Hao and the general Fick floated onto the huge platform of the palace, and then twelve soldiers in silver clothes followed Feng Hao and entered the palace.

At this moment, Pu Jie, the master of Shura Dojo, was sitting on the throne, dressed luxuriously, like the god of all living beings.

"Feng Hao, long time no see. You haven't heard from me in the past six months. This king thought you left the earth... Ha ha!"

Pu Jie looked down at Feng Hao condescendingly.

"What are you doing sitting so high? Are you not afraid of falling?"

Feng Hao smiled lightly and waved his hands. Immediately, the throne under Pu Jie's buttocks fell straight to the ground as if being pulled by something.

Pu Jie was stunned for a moment, and quickly used the laws of the earth he had comprehended to try to forcibly control the momentum of the throne's fall.


But he didn't succeed, as if the law suddenly lost its effect, not only the throne fell to the ground, even he was almost thrown out.


At this scene, the palace suddenly fell into silence, deathly silence.

Warlord Fick and the twelve soldiers looked at Pu Jie, the King of Shura, in bewilderment.

"Now we can have a good chat..."

Feng Hao then walked towards Pu Jie. Pu Jie wanted to control the throne to lift into the air, but when he released the throne, he was suppressed by a huge force, and he couldn't leave the ground except for frantic tremors.

He knew that Feng Hao's strength was still overwhelming him.

There was no way, Pu Jie had no choice but to stand up.

But he is half a head shorter than Feng Hao, so he can only slightly look up at Feng Hao.

This feeling made Park Jie very ashamed.

But there is no way.

"What do you want to talk about? My king's time is precious..." Pu Jie said in a deep voice.

"Within seven days, go to the ancient land by yourself, subdue or suppress an ancient creature, move the dojo there... and join the Dragon Soul Alliance at the same time."

Feng Hao didn't waste any extra nonsense and went straight to the point.

At his position, many words are superfluous, and there is no need to talk nonsense at all.

The answer he wants is also very simple, to do it or not to do it...

And for both answers, he has a solution.


Pu Jie couldn't help but sneered at that time: "Why should I move there? Why should I join your Dragon Soul Alliance? If you want to play, just play with the natives of the earth. I don't want to participate..."

PS: I've been waiting for a long time...

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