Martial Inverse

Chapter 477: Havoc in Heaven (Part 2)

? Li Tianwang, whom Emperor Haotian was talking about, stood up immediately.

He was wearing armor, wearing a golden-winged black crown on his head, holding an exquisite pagoda in his left hand, and a trident in his right, staring at Feng Hao with a majestic expression.

"Just grab it!"

Li Tianwang scolded, and with a throw of his left hand, the Linglong Pagoda quickly became bigger, emitting auspicious and precious light, suppressing Fenghao and going away.


In an instant, Feng Hao was suppressed by the Linglong Pagoda!

"It's really vulnerable!"

Li Tianwang laughed twice, then faced Emperor Haotian, cupped his hands and said: "Emperor Heaven, the thief has been suppressed!"

Emperor Haotian glanced at Li Tianwang approvingly, and was about to speak his praise when he saw the Linglong Pagoda that was born on that day tremble suddenly.


The Linglong Pagoda exploded directly, and the fragments were like blades, severely injuring several immortal generals in an instant.

At the same time, the powerful force inside the pagoda swept across the fairy palace like a nuclear bomb explosion.



Under such a powerful force, the Immortal Palace exploded into ruins. Except for those powerful Immortal Sects, the other Immortal Clans were seriously injured and fainted.

Although they are immortals, they were once human beings.

It's just a monk who cultivates higher-level aura!

Just live in heaven.

A golden light curtain shrouded Emperor Haotian's body, blocking out all shock waves.

His brows were tightly furrowed, and a frightening light burst out from his eyes.

But Li Tianwang, the master of the Linglong Pagoda, disappeared without a trace. Obviously, he was blown away by the shock wave.

Among the ruins of the entire Immortal Palace, Emperor Haotian was the only one.

Do not……

to be exact,

one left.

Because of the energy tide and dust drifting away, Feng Hao dressed in white stood among the ruins.

Look at Emperor Haotian.

There was a slight smile on his face, just an exquisite pagoda wanted to suppress him?

I'm afraid it's not a joke!

If it wasn't for Feng Hao who wanted to see what was inside the pagoda of Li Tianwang, even if the Linglong Pagoda could get close to him, he would lose...

In fact, there are only some powerful formations inside the Linglong Pagoda, fused together by means.

Has the ability to refine people.

And the energy of heaven and earth contained in it is also extremely terrifying.

But this kind of injury can't hurt Feng Hao's skin.

"Who are you?"

Emperor Haotian finally put away his contempt.

Based on what happened just now, although Feng Hao didn't make a move, he showed a strong side.

Even Emperor Haotian did not dare to underestimate this aspect.

Emperor Haotian thought about death, but he never imagined that such a person as Feng Hao existed.

The disciples of Emperor Cangtian and Emperor Huangtian are not Feng Hao either.

As for Feng Hao, no one knows his origin.

"This emperor, Feng Hao, comes from the mortal world!"

Feng Hao said softly.

Emperor Haotian asked sincerely, so he had no choice but to tell him mercifully.

In case someone suppressed her, she still had a dazed look on her face.

"Mortal? Haha!"

Emperor Haotian laughed suddenly and said: "Do you think I am a pig? How can there be such an existence as you in the mortal world, I'm afraid I can't bear your strength..."

The mortal world is the low-end plane.

Any extraterrestrial meteorite may be destroyed because of this.

Therefore, it is impossible for an existence like Feng Hao to be born.

According to the ancient legends of the heavens, the three ancestors, the heavenly emperors, also moved from the mortal world to the heavens with the immortals.

It's because mortals can't bear their energy.

Now, Feng Hao said that he came from the mortal world, of course Emperor Haotian didn't believe it.

Feng Hao said in a deep voice: "If you think you are a pig, I have nothing to say... I just want to ask you a question, where are the three ancestors?"

"Interesting, if you want to see my master, you have to beat me first before talking..."

Emperor Haotian sneered, and flew towards Feng Hao in a volley.

The golden glow that flashed from his body was enough to destroy the world. The moment he rushed towards Feng Hao, the whole world buzzed.


A sneer twitched at the corner of Feng Hao's mouth: "It doesn't exist, this emperor breaks all spells with one punch..."


The clothes on Feng Hao's upper body burst directly, revealing the bronze-colored hardcover upper body, and the unicorn arm of his right hand was even more red like fire.

It seems that it contains the power to destroy all things.

"The flesh body is the weakest existence, I, destroy your flesh body, destroy your primordial spirit!"

Emperor Haotian ignored Feng Hao directly.

There is a limit to the physical body, but there is no limit to fairy art!


Feng Hao smiled coldly, and the moment his palms were clenched into fists, the entire ruins of Asgard Palace exploded into ruins.

Then he punched the Haotian Emperor who was rushing towards him.


A sneer appeared on the corner of Emperor Haotian's mouth, but within a moment, the smile stopped abruptly.

Because the moment Feng Hao's fist hit, he seemed to have seen ten thousand immortals mourning, ten thousand demons dancing, seeing purgatory, seeing destruction...


All of Emperor Haotian's celestial and Taoist techniques were useless in front of Feng Hao's fist.

In front of Feng Hao's eyes, he even smashed Emperor Haotian out of the blue sky, and blood rained down all the way...

The flesh is almost cracked.


one move!

Emperor Haotian was directly disabled, floating in the cloud nine of the Immortal Palace.

The gravity of the fairyland is much less than that of the earth. Feng Hao thinks that even ordinary people can become superhumans.

Feng Hao didn't know why, after he entered the heaven, he found that his own strength had actually been increased.

It's like... the power of the world in the heavens, he can also control it at will.

Feng Hao guessed that maybe it had something to do with Cheng Cheng Feisheng.

The premise is that Cheng Cheng is the empress of the heavens.

Because he once saved Cheng Cheng's life, Cheng Cheng has his original power in his body.

And Cheng Cheng returned to the heaven, and the power and laws of the world in the heaven may have fused a strand of his origin.

Therefore, in the heavens, Feng Hao was able to use his power more perfectly.

Emperor Haotian, in his opinion, is just a joke.

He is very strong, at least he is an existence in the Supreme Realm.

But before Feng Hao went to Lin Zhou, he was already an existence comparable to the Supreme Realm.

What's more, now...the entire universe, except for the demon emperor who is afraid of Feng Hao...

Emperor Haotian?

Ancestral Emperor?

In fact, it's just a few jokes.

Of course, Feng Hao didn't come to the heaven to show off his might, he came for Cheng Cheng.

Cheng Cheng's return will inevitably be suppressed again by the three ancestors, this is Yuanshi Tianzun's inference.

Feng Hao now thinks it is very possible.

Because the changes in the laws of the heavens will inevitably affect the three ancestors, they will definitely try to find Cheng Cheng.

"We must find her as soon as possible..."

Feng Hao murmured in a low voice, then flew into the sky, and brought down the crippled Emperor Haotian out of the sky.

At this time, all the immortal families who were disrupted by the energy of the Linglong Pagoda and exploded and flew over also flew over.

Just seeing the scene where Emperor Haotian was dragged down by Feng Hao like a dead dog, all the immortals trembled.

A look of horror and disbelief.

The true disciple of the ancestor Tiandi Qingdi lost!

Emperor Haotian, the majestic lord of the heavenly court, just became a crippled body...

All the immortals trembled, their hearts flustered to the extreme.

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