Martial Inverse

Chapter 478: Havoc in Heaven (Part 2)

? "you……"

At the same time, Emperor Haotian felt the great humiliation, and his face turned red.

The true disciple of his dignified ancestor, the Heavenly Emperor, with great merits and good fortune, his cultivation reaches the sky, he can pick the stars from the top, and explore the nether world from the bottom, but now he is defeated by one move.


What a shame!

"how do I?"

Feng Hao looked at Emperor Haotian, just like looking at those ordinary immortals.

In the face of absolute strength, the identity of the Emperor of Heaven is all false.

"Who the hell are you? Why do you want to find my master... You ruined my heavenly court, the three great ancestors of the heavenly emperors, and you will definitely not be reincarnated, and you will be tortured for thousands of years!"

Emperor Haotian was not reconciled.

He is lost!

But Tianting didn't lose, he still had his master, and the three heavenly emperors, Cangtian and Huangtian.

Feng Hao is doomed to die.

Feng Hao couldn't help laughing at that time, and said: "Emperor Haotian, the lord of the heaven, has no memory at all? This emperor said a moment ago that this emperor, Feng Hao, came from the mortal world..."

"Impossible, impossible."

Of course Emperor Haotian remembered this, but... this is definitely not Feng Hao's real identity.

How could a strong man from the mortal world defeat him with one move?

At this moment, all the immortals in the heaven did not dare to move rashly. They looked at Feng Hao, as if they were seeing a demon king, and their bodies trembled.

Even Emperor Haotian was completely defeated, no matter how much they protect the emperor, they are doomed to be useless.

Even, they were worried that Feng Hao would make trouble for them, and they wanted to leave but dared not, so they panicked a lot.

Feng Hao was too lazy to talk nonsense with Emperor Haotian, when he raised it, he said in a deep voice: "I just want to ask you, where are the three great ancestors?"

Emperor Haotian is already crippled,

In the entire heaven, he is probably the last one.

The feeling of falling from the clouds to the bottom of the valley drove him crazy.

Facing Feng Hao's humiliation, he was so angry that he wanted to die.

But he firmly believes that Master Qingdi can reshape his body, and the premise is...

It is to let Master Qingdi kill Feng Hao.

So, Emperor Haotian gritted his teeth with shame, and said, "In the Eastern Ancestral Pavilion of Qingtian Immortal Territory..."


Emperor Haotian was casually thrown by Feng Hao on the ruins of the Immortal Palace.

Afterwards, Feng Hao looked at the heavenly deities who were silent like cicadas, and said, "Who is in charge of the matter of ascension?"


The gazes of all the immortals all fell on a white-haired old immortal.

He is the soaring envoy.

Responsible for recording all the creatures who have ascended to the heavens, regardless of human monsters.

The old immortal held the immortal book in his left hand and the immortal pen in his right. After stepping out of the queue, he bowed to Feng Hao and said, "This old man is the envoy of Feisheng Immortal. I don't know what orders Fengdi has..."

The old fairy felt uneasy.

But he admits that there are no flaws in what he said.

As long as Feng Hao is satisfied, his life will be guaranteed.

He is no better than Emperor Haotian, he was abolished, and Emperor Qing will still be able to reshape the golden body for Emperor Haotian in the future.

But he is just a little Ascension Immortal Envoy, and he can grab a High Immortal to replace him at will.

"Check it out, before this emperor arrived in the heaven, who ascended to the fairy world, and where is she?" Feng Hao said straightly.

"Yes, the old man will check now!"

The old fairy was shocked and breathed a sigh of relief, then he opened the fairy book, with a golden light shining between his brows, and the fairy book started flipping.


Suddenly, Xianji stopped.

The old fairy trembled all over.

Because he discovered... During this period of time, no one ascended, not even Feng Hao.

Feng Hao saw the old immortal trembling, and frowned slightly: "Did you find out?"


The old immortal body trembled, and he knelt down in the tunnel and said, "Report to Emperor Feng, I can't find... I can't find it. In the past thousand years, no one has ascended to the fairy world! The closest one is a little demon fairy named Bai Ling... He worshiped under the sect of Lishan's old mother of the Immortal Sect, and besides the first time... there is no one else!"

Feng Hao thought for a while, and asked: "The power of the law of heaven has attracted you, can you find it?"

"The power of heaven to receive and guide?"

The old fairy was stunned for a moment, and whispered: "Is there such a situation?"

Feng Hao sighed.

He knew that the matter of Cheng Chengfeisheng might not be an ordinary ascension, so it was impossible to find out from the immortal envoy of Feisheng.

Just when Feng Hao was about to go to the Eastern Ancestral Pavilion in the Azure Sky Immortal Realm to look for the Qing Emperor, a weak voice sounded.

"Xiaoxian, Xiaoxian calculated that before Fengdi you, in the Celestial Realm, a vision was born, and it seemed that the power of heaven appeared... Maybe the person Fengdi is looking for is in the Celestial Realm..."

The gray-haired old fairy arched his hands.

"Changtian Immortal Realm? Where is it..."

Feng Hao's eyes lit up, he looked at the old fairy, and immediately knew that this old man was Taibai Jinxing.

He holds a smooth and soft whisk in his hand, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes.

Taibai Jinxing was originally the messenger of Emperor Haotian, but now...for the future of Heavenly Court.

He can only ask for peace and take the initiative to explain everything.

Taibai Jinxing respectfully said: "In the Extreme Northern Immortal Territory..."

"How to go?" Feng Hao said seriously.

Taibai Jinxing continued: "The three great fairylands in the heavens are not connected to each other and are separated by thousands of light years, but... in the fairy pavilions of the three ancestors, there is a great formation of fairylands, which can realize time-space jump..."

"That is to say, Fengdi, you need to go to the Eastern Ancestor Pavilion in the Qingtian Immortal Territory, which is the fairy pavilion where the Qingdi is..."

As soon as Taibai Jinxing finished speaking, he suddenly woke up. If Feng Hao felt that he was luring him to the Qingdi Immortal Pavilion to die, wouldn't he be finished?

So Taibai Jinxing quickly explained: "Emperor Feng, Xiaoxian is not leading you to the Eastern Ancestral Pavilion, but... If you want to go to the Celestial Realm, you have to go here..."

"Ha ha!"

Feng Hao laughed loudly when he heard the words, and said: "Taibai Jinxing, right? Since this emperor dared to make a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, why should he be afraid of the three ancestors? The ancestors gathered together, and this emperor will also suppress them..."


All the immortal families on the ruins were in an uproar at that time.

Crazy tone.

He even said that the three ancestors gathered together, none of them were his opponents.


However, Taibai Jinxing was surprised by Feng Hao's recognition of his identity: "Feng... Emperor Feng, how do you know Xiaoxian?"

Feng Hao chuckled and said: "In the mortal world, you are a household name..."

After saying these words, Feng Hao headed directly towards the east of the Celestial Realm of the Blue Sky.

A group of dazed immortals were left behind.

"Your family, if you don't come to help me, I think I can still save..."

When Emperor Haotian saw Feng Hao had left, he finally dared to speak.

"His Majesty!"

Only then did the immortals rush forward in a hurry... with tears in their eyes, their grief was inexplicable.


The Qingtian Immortal Territory is actually not that big, mainly because the three major immortal realms are far apart.

Feng Hao flew towards the east of the heaven, with white clouds blooming under him, fairy islands everywhere, and cranes flying in groups.

Then, at the end of his eyes, Feng Hao saw fairy palaces standing above the clouds.

The ups and downs of Xiangrui Baoguang in the fairy palace are like dreams and illusions.

The purple air comes from the east, and the Eastern Ancestral Saint Immortal Pavilion...

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